In our household my wife is in complete charge. She was when we were dating all the way back to HS. She is a natural born dom with a sadistic streak so dominating and humiliating someone gives her a sexual charge she can't get from straight sex alone. That's where I enter the picture. I'm a masochist who enjoys pain,domination and humiliation. We are perfect for each other. When we started to date she told me she would make the rules and I was to obey. This really appealed to me and when she discovered how tiny I was she told me she would fuck other guys and I would remain chaste and simply be the object of her teasing and humiliation. Today our marriage has evolved from that. The consensus is that since I'm not capable of satisifying my wife due to my lack of manhood I need to make myself usefull by other means. Therefore I do all the housework all the time. A typical midweek evening when her bull is not around would be me preparing her bath when she gets home from work and laying out her evening wear and taking her day clothes away to be cleaned. I'll serve her a glass of wine, prepare her dinner and wash up the dishes and the bathroom afterward. She might put on a movie and if my work is done I'll be allowed to watch the movie with her sitting on the floor at her feet. I'm not allowed to make out with her or kiss her on the mouth but I can fondle and lick her feet with permission.As far as recreational activities she always does that with her bull while I stay home. They go out to romantic dinners and go clubbing etc. They also take their vacations together and have been on cruises and such while I stay home with special projects I must complete before they get back. They go to the beach near by and sometimes take me, I have to watch them frolic and play in the waves while sit on the beach. My wife and I have many conversations but I'm always reminded that I'm in the subordinate position. We do love each other in spite of our unusual sexual relationship. It's just that I'm not considered a man and as such I'm not given the marital priveleges to my wife. She decides who she sleeps with. I'm basically her servant but consider myself lucky to be a part of her life.
Recently, I was asked to visit a husband at his house to view on his iPad X-rated photos and videos of his wife, with the hope that I would become her bull. I liked what I saw, as she was attractive and slender, with small breasts and a round butt, a pleasing combination. In her mid-forties, tattoo-free skin, her naked body easily engorging my penis and lust, I was quite smitten with her. I asked if this was his idea alone or did she also desire opening her legs to another man.
He assured me that she was onboard with the arrangement, which he sought to prove buy playing a video of the two fucking and talking about another man fucking her. She seemed truly enthusiastic, but pillow talk should never be confused with real talk. He was adamant: she wanted cock, especially mine once she saw how it dwarfed his. Did I sign up? No. I told him that I refused to be party to his debasement and degradation.
His relish for ...... leaked out early on, with his glee that thought of wearing a cage and being denied sex. He relished the thought of sliding deep into sissy-humiliation, which was only made more severe by my growing anger with him. I proclaimed many potential sexual situations, truly outrageous and degrading to him, to break him free from the sissy sway, but he only grew more desirous of disgrace.
Sadly, tragically, some were born to fail. Whether the cause was genetic of just bad luck, they lose at the game of life. They deserve our sympathy and help. But what about those who choose failure as a lifestyle choice? Your first thought might be that such people do not exist or, if they do, it is due others forsing failure on them. If you do think that, you are either a nice person, possibly too nice, or naïve or, most likely, both. The failure option exists and it is compelling. How so?
Success is transitory, not self-sustaining. You made a fortune playing the stock market last year, but next week you might be broke. Your last book or movie or song was a hit, but your next may flop. Your last erection was hard enough to break an egg on, but your next might prove soft-boiled at best. Ask any athlete or gambler or politician or seducer and you will be told that continuous winning is supremely difficult. In contrast, being a looser is not fleeting, but permeant. One failure can birth several new failures. Indeed, even your dying establishes and verifies your loosing status. Choosing failure grants you a reprieve from striving.
You are now exempt from go-getting and, more importantly, self-criticism. You can only fall short of expectations and high-standards if you have them to begin with, which the looser-by-choice has altogether renounced. In days past, bleak wayward days, such a self-chosen looser was disdained and denounced. Not today, not when a claim to victimhood is the highest societal value, as your claims to victimhood are also your claims to merit. As a permeant looser and professional victim you can morally condemn anyone who hasn't failed as hard as you have. In short, choosing failure is seductive.
The sissy cuckold husband embraces his failure as a husband, as a man, as a ferocious contender in game of life, much in the same way a drowning man clutches at a life preserver. How can he be expected to satisfy his wife with his tiny penis-hyphen-clit or, outrageously enough, expect sexual satisfaction form her? Better never to try than to risk embarrassment. Montaigne put it well, "it is a malady confined to man, and not to another creature, to hate and despise ourselves."