Anyone else have this

Yes this is about your wife's pleasure but this is also about your relationship this is how yous are, this is part of your marriage. You can't let her decide it's OK to break rules they are in place for a reason, you do have a say in this.
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Yes this is about your wife's pleasure but this is also about your relationship this is how yous are, this is part of your marriage. You can't let her decide it's OK to break rules they are in place for a reason, you do have a say in this.
But I do want to reiterate that she hasn’t broken any rules really. She asked, we talked, and I allowed. I was just commenting on how fast our original rules changed.
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Recently my wife has been playing and having a great time but I’m kind of taken aback by the speed at which our choices and preferences have changed.

When we first started, the rules were 1) I’m always there during play
2) no solo dates alone
3) no overnights.

Recently, she has really leaned into the first two, and really wants to do the last also. The chance is there for her. I want her to experience this because I know she wants it but I’m not sure I’m really comfortable with it. I feel left behind. It’s not even a lifestyle for us anymore. It’s a lifestyle for her. I’m just here. Not a part of anything.

For those who will say “talk to her”, we have, a lot, about this same thing. Good conversations. She is aware of how I’m feeling.

Any advice, or has anyone else gone through this. Like I said, we have talked a lot about this but I would love to discuss with others as well.
When I first met my wife and we started dating she had a regular guy that she would see for sex once in awhile when he was in town, my wife had been sexually active since 17 and had been with several men before we met when she was 30,

While we were dating there were several times she had sex with other guys and even spent the night with them but always came back to me, we didn't talk much about it because being in the army it was something that happens often when you're on deployment or out in the field training,

When we decided to get married we had a long talk about sex with others and she told that there might be times she'll have sex with other guys, I accepted that and knew it was gonna happen, she also told that in no way it would interfere with our marriage and that our marriage would always come first,

Throughout our military career there were several times she had sex with other guys, after retiring from the army we started working civilian jobs and she continued having sex with other guys mostly when she went on business trips and the occasional ladies night out,

There were also several times I enjoyed watching her with another guy and eventually started sharing her with my best friend, I've never had any bad feelings and she's never given me any reason to question our marriage,

My point is having this type of lifestyle requires a lot of communication and understanding, it's not for everyone a lot of guys fantasize about seeing their wife fucking another guy yes it's hot but actually doing it you have to ask yourself do you want this as part of sexual gratification or do you want this just to see how she acts with someone else or if she'll really do it,

If you're looking to see if she thinks other guys are better than you, or if she'll do some sexual activities she's never done with you this is not the lifestyle for you or her,

I never questioned my wife whether some guy she fucked was better or bigger than me, and she never gave me a reason to, we talked about our experiences and whatever details we wanted to know we would ask each other, the times I've seen her fucking another guy were very exciting for me, seeing her in a totally different personality as she enjoyed another guy inside her and watching her cumming were some of the most exciting experiences we both had,

I think you should really sit down and think about what you really want to get out of this type of lifestyle, the cat's out of the box now and it'll be very hard to put it back and keep it there, you need to talk to your wife and come up with a good understanding, in this type of lifestyle sometimes rules don't really apply or work.