Fantasy life? Not sure what you are asking.
Guys galore get on these forums and ask what you ask. They want direction on ‘my fantasy of watching my wife with another guy.’
Why do guys DO this? WHY!?
The thing is, jluvsp553, this is the LAST way to approach this!
What we SHOULD be doing is figuring out not YOUR fantasy, but HER fantasy!
Let me try to explain how this goes…
If your wife loves deep, intellectual conversations, your goal is for her to meet and begin conversations with someone well versed in philosophy and literature, and who you coached to seduce her.
If your wife loves romantic dance, you arrange for her to take some dance classes where she just ‘happens’ to meet her seducer, a man YOU coached for this!
If your wife loves art and often paints, you ‘buy’ her time with a handsome model who [guess what!] you coached to seduce her!
If your wife enjoys fitness, you find and coach a well-in-shape guy who just ‘happens’ to end up at her gym.
If she would enjoy a weekend getaway to a cabin, you invite a ‘friend’ whom you have coached to seduce your wife.
If she has a passion for cooking, or some competitive game she loves, or gourmet foods, or meeting people or whatever — you plan her seduction NOT around YOUR fantasy — but HER FANTASY!
Guys approach this from the standpoint of getting … brace yourself … an ‘agreement in principle.’
For the love of all that’s unholy, people — what are we THINKing?!?!
An agreement in principle? That sounds like contractual language?! This is supposed to be about ROMANCE.
It’s about SEDUCTION!
Why do we always go for ‘agreement on principle’ when we’d really like her to get laid?
If I have no idea what her fantasy is, how on earth will I be able to coach the guy who I hope is able to seduce her?
What does she enjoy the most? What is her favorite place? What is her favorite activity? What is her all-time favourite romantic movie? What activities does she enjoy most? What kind of cuisine does she most enjoy? What is her idea of the perfect evening?
If you have all that to the guy who is to seduce her, how much an advantage would that be?
If you added her sexual proclivities, erogenous zones, arousal patterns, sexual activities and positions, how much an advantage would that be?
If you added anything about her past history, how much an advantage would that be?
If you added all these together and coached thoroughly the guy who is going to give your wife’s seduction all he’s got, how much an advantage would that be?
Yet there we are … if ONLY I could get an agreement on principle — because that sounds so romantic and sexy …😮
We assume women think like men. Man likes hot woman … Woman likes hot man.
NOPE! Woman like romance.
I know I’m hitting this rather hard; but I’m mindful that it isn’t just you. Others are reading this also. This is for THEM.
I hope this admittedly lengthy reply has something you can use, and I wish you all the best.
Edit: syntax