A question for all those that enjoy wearing female clothing.

Are you free to walk around openly infront of your gf/wife in womens underwear?

  • Yes she has no problem with what i wear we go out together with me wearing these items

    Votes: 48 29.1%
  • Yes she allocates me what i wear, to her its normal.

    Votes: 26 15.8%
  • Yes she buys me items and likes me to wear them regardless of where we are going

    Votes: 34 20.6%
  • No its my hidden secret

    Votes: 75 45.5%
  • No however I wear womens underwear with her present but she doesnt know

    Votes: 14 8.5%

  • Total voters
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I love autum fashons. All the new leather clothing comes out and I love leather, It's so sexy. I have a leather fetish. When she said: "you want to share me?" I would have replied " Well you said you don't consider me a man and I want you to have fulfillment and the freedom of being with other guys. I will give you support and love and anything else you ask of me just allow me to be myself and express my feminine side. You can have the best of both worlds." I had a girlfriend once who was only luke warm about my crossdressing but at least with me, when I am dressed I'm also submissive. So I started acting as her servant and showing her that she had a lot to gain. She liked that I did all her chores and she loved all the foot rubs and personal attention I gave her. She noticed that when I was in the clothes I enjoyed, that my personality changed to a loving submissive boyfriend who would never give her a problem. She was without a masculine guy and a virile counterpart but that's where cuckolding comes in. She could go out on dates with guys while I stayed home waiting for her return.
Ah that is interesting as I don’t feel submissive when dressed and Also I feel my wife is actually quite masculine in some respects too . I just love womens stuff and all that goes with it really lol . My personality does become a bit softer when dressed but think it’s the mind thing at work there - if I had replied to the you want to share me it would only have fired the fire for yet another tirade of how disgusting etc that I am and I’ve suggested and said things comparing her past fucking escapades and also leaving her to think about it perhaps in a positive light and sometimes there is a glimmer now and then but the pillar box Victorian viewpoint always comes out on top - so I keep trying - never pushing though
We were clothes shopping at a well known store in the UK, Marks and Spencers, she looked at ladies jeans me mens, then going over to her she held up a pair of jeans and said. what do you think of these?? well they were jeans, but expensive ones so i suggested she try them one, she replied i was not thinking about them for me..............

So it was we stood at the queue for the changing room she with those jeans, me with a pair of mens i didnt want anyway, as we reached the assistant she asked if we could both try them on together, she agreed.

It was already a strange feeling for me as i was in mens jeans but wearing suspenders, i found it even strangers as my wife, yep my wife watched as i pulled up a pair of womens tight jeans, she looked at my ass and said; yes they are lovely, such a pert bottom i like them.

So we/she bought me two pairs.

I have never worn a skirt or leggings, she would not allow it and as a tomboy prefers jeans herself anyway,

Womens jeans are more flexable, comfortable and lighter to wear and tighter than mens, they shape the ass miles better than mens and are tighter all round. The downside is the pockets are crap and wearing a cage it bulges as they arent designed for a frontage and i am sure people think i am gay wearing these but i am not.

She has never been a makeup person so no its not something she is ever likely to want me to do either. I am fine with this.

It hasnt escaped my attention though that aged 16 she used to wear tight jeans and occasionally suspenders underneath for my pleasure, straps which were visable, the first pair of jeans she bought me are very simular to those she wore at 16, style, colour, tightness and pattern on the pockets and she likes me wearing suspenders under them as i first enjoyed when she was 16. Is this a message?

She has since bought me numerous pairs, i dont wear mens unless i have to, ( i own one pair) she says the straps are not that visable, strangely exactly as i used to say to her, but i knew differently then and suspect she knows yes they are visable and gets a kink out of me wearing female jeans, as i do too.

Wearing womens jeans is now the norm for me, wearing suspenders underneath remains a treat.

Bizarrely if i ask her to wear suspenders under her jeans now, she normally choses mens jeans to wear, so i am in womens and she in mens. No wonder i am confused.
Ha ha know mand s well thsts where we look at bras etc and river island and next ha ha . Yes that is weird that your wearing the same stuff she used to and has you now wearing it . I think even the suspenders under jeans is really Tom boyish too , if she has you caged does she fuck other men then or just a bit of play between you two ? . I would imagine you wouldn’t have to look to hard to see the suspender clips with tight jeans on especially sitting down etc , I’ve worn them with a tight ish skirt and I was aware of them . Good on you both for enjoying your little thing
Yes I think there may be a certain amount of role reversal at play here but no never submissive and no - funny thing is I love being a guy more and consider myself only part time lol
When I was younger and still experimenting, I would go back and forth in my feelings and desires. I would get the urge to go out all dressed up and made up. I could pass but some folks would read me once in a while. So going out was both thrilling and terrifing. There was nothing as wonderful as letting that girl inside of me get out and enjoy freedom but she was also very timid and afraid of being cought.I would spend the day going to stores and such like other women do but there was always pressure and an underlying sense of risk. I was sometimes afraid of gay bashing so I avoided men whenever I could. I also had a constant need to make sure my makeup and outfits were reasonable and passable. It was a lot of work but paid high dividends in the liberations it brought. But as the day wore on I became ready to go back to a masculine mode like as if the cross dressing was something I had to get out of my system and then get back to "normal". I used to carry zip lock bags of soapy wash clothes and rinsing ones and makeup remover. Also a set of sweats and a tee shirt to change back into. I would find a remote place to park for privacy and "de-feminize" After I was completly back I noticed how this burden was lifted from me. I felt strong and confident about being in public and everything was so easy and simple unlike the timid feelings I had when dressed. Washing my face of the makeup felt so refreshing and was kind of symbolic of the new freedom from the rigors of presenting as a female. That was a lot of work but gave a special reward, but conversly changing back also had it's perks. So I had this duality of gender, masculine and feminine, which kind competed.
When I was younger and still experimenting, I would go back and forth in my feelings and desires. I would get the urge to go out all dressed up and made up. I could pass but some folks would read me once in a while. So going out was both thrilling and terrifing. There was nothing as wonderful as letting that girl inside of me get out and enjoy freedom but she was also very timid and afraid of being cought.I would spend the day going to stores and such like other women do but there was always pressure and an underlying sense of risk. I was sometimes afraid of gay bashing so I avoided men whenever I could. I also had a constant need to make sure my makeup and outfits were reasonable and passable. It was a lot of work but paid high dividends in the liberations it brought. But as the day wore on I became ready to go back to a masculine mode like as if the cross dressing was something I had to get out of my system and then get back to "normal". I used to carry zip lock bags of soapy wash clothes and rinsing ones and makeup remover. Also a set of sweats and a tee shirt to change back into. I would find a remote place to park for privacy and "de-feminize" After I was completly back I noticed how this burden was lifted from me. I felt strong and confident about being in public and everything was so easy and simple unlike the timid feelings I had when dressed. Washing my face of the makeup felt so refreshing and was kind of symbolic of the new freedom from the rigors of presenting as a female. That was a lot of work but gave a special reward, but conversly changing back also had it's perks. So I had this duality of gender, masculine and feminine, which kind competed.
Yes 100% agree with every word and feeling there - have experienced all of that also - I have always looked upon it like an actor playing a role so to speak and originally started in between partners and probably boredom - was just so exciting and as you say dangerous With every part of putting together what was ultimately the femme me - my wife named me Sharon as she said I actually looked like one of her friends from school named that . But all of that was already in place before I met her . I had to hurry into the car with head down and really loose jogging bottoms and top on with blouse and mini on under it and change again when near home - again head down and quick but not rush in with full make up on praying one of my neighbours didn’t see or god forbid meet me during this - absolutely terrifying but satisfying being a woman for a short period . Nowadays with the ( sort of ) acceptance of trans etc it’s probably less so and sort of wonder sometimes where does all of that leave us common or garden crossdressers ?
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Yes 100% agree with every word and feeling there - have experienced all of that also - I have always looked upon it like an actor playing a role so to speak and originally started in between partners and probably boredom - was just so exciting and as you say dangerous With every part of putting together what was ultimately the femme me - my wife named me Sharon as she said I actually looked like one of her friends from school named that . But all of that was already in place before I met her . I had to hurry into the car with head down and really loose jogging bottoms and top on with blouse and mini on under it and change again when near home - again head down and quick but not rush in with full make up on praying one of my neighbours didn’t see or god forbid meet me during this - absolutely terrifying but satisfying being a woman for a short period . Nowadays with the ( sort of ) acceptance of trans etc it’s probably less so and sort of wonder sometimes where does all of that leave us common or garden crossdressers ?
I think it gives us a bit more freedom as society becomes more accepting but at the same time takes the edge off the excitement and thrill. I can relate to what you said about both getting away from the house and then getting back. When leaving I could wear gym clothes over my skirt and blouse but the makeup was a problem. Sunglasses helped and the trick then was to get into the car and out on the road ASAP. Of course I always went to a distant town lowering the chances of meeting up with anyone I knew. Getting back home was difficult because unlike leaving where I could wait till the coast was clear and listen for sounds of movement in my building Comming back I had no way of knowing who was where and I had to walk right past a friends door to get to my own. That's why I started to bring a makeup removal kit with me and sweats to change into. Did you ever purge?
I think it gives us a bit more freedom as society becomes more accepting but at the same time takes the edge off the excitement and thrill. I can relate to what you said about both getting away from the house and then getting back. When leaving I could wear gym clothes over my skirt and blouse but the makeup was a problem. Sunglasses helped and the trick then was to get into the car and out on the road ASAP. Of course I always went to a distant town lowering the chances of meeting up with anyone I knew. Getting back home was difficult because unlike leaving where I could wait till the coast was clear and listen for sounds of movement in my building Comming back I had no way of knowing who was where and I had to walk right past a friends door to get to my own. That's why I started to bring a makeup removal kit with me and sweats to change into. Did you ever purge?
Yes I have done several times , think it’s only natural to do that don’t you think ? . I have always said to my wife and also inwardly to myself I can and will stop dressing when I feel the time is right though . I’ll never let it take over my life being a man either - I suppose being straight helps in that respect possibly
Yes I have done several times , think it’s only natural to do that don’t you think ? . I have always said to my wife and also inwardly to myself I can and will stop dressing when I feel the time is right though . I’ll never let it take over my life being a man either - I suppose being straight helps in that respect possibly
I used to purge and get rid of all my makeup and clothes and deny my feminine side ever existed but in time the urge to cross dress would return. If I fought it and resisted it got stronger. It was like a ...... addiction. I always gave in and started buying clothes again first wearing in private,then going out in public on shopping trips as we spoke about earlier. My urge to crossdress and be a girl almost reached the point where I sometimes considered comming out to my friends and family. I actually got counciling with a doctor specialing in sex reassignment and joined a support group consisting of pre and post op transexuals. Thru the counciling I discovered that I was not a transexual only transgendered. I am hetero too and It was much harder finding a girl who was down with my crossdressing. Much easier to find a guy who was gay or bi,but I wasn't gay so that wasn't an option. When I would meet a new girlfriend I had a choice, confide in her and tell her about my fem side or keep it secret from her and only crossdress behind her back. Neither of these options ever worked out accept for once. luckly fate was in my favor and the girl for me was right in front of me all along.
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Yes I have done several times , think it’s only natural to do that don’t you think ? . I have always said to my wife and also inwardly to myself I can and will stop dressing when I feel the time is right though . I’ll never let it take over my life being a man either - I suppose being straight helps in that respect possibly
I like dressing when I hook up with my side lover, I call myself a part time sissy, usually when I get the need and the urge to suck cock every two months or so. I love cock as much as I do eating her wet,smelly,cum filled pussy. Pretty sure I'm bi. 😁
I like dressing when I hook up with my side lover, I call myself a part time sissy, usually when I get the need and the urge to suck cock every two months or so. I love cock as much as I do eating her wet,smelly,cum filled pussy. Pretty sure I'm bi. 😁
Dressing up gives me the urge to suck cock rather than the other way around. For me when I go into female mode and dress up it makes me feel fem and sucking then augments this. I could never suck if I was dressed like a guy. Sucking is an extention of my cross dressing.
Dressing up gives me the urge to suck cock rather than the other way around. For me when I go into female mode and dress up it makes me feel fem and sucking then augments this. I could never suck if I was dressed like a guy. Sucking is an extention of my cross dressing.
Interesting, my experience was just the opposite, once I started sucking his big cock I became more fem and started dressing for him.
I have never had the desire to interact in any way with a man when dressed up I just love the whole girly thing lol
I greatly prefer the company of women. Whenever friends would gather the guys would usually get around the tv for sports or hangout in the workshop/garage and talk about cars or other guy things. The women would congregate in the kitchen and talk about shopping and clothes and other womans topics.I always sat with the ladies and tried to fit in.