How has your year of being separated/divorced been? Do you feel more at peace and relieved of the conflict, or do you find yourself missing the sexually motivated partner you once had? I'll bet there are thousands of men that have had your experience and they would rather erase it from their minds than discuss it. I'm glad you've chosen to continue to post. I have a lot to learn and people with your experience have very important information to share. Far more important because it's not just about the "hot-wifing", it's about the after effects.long story short, we were married 10 years. We had a great sex life. I could get it anytime if I wanted it. As the years progressed, she told me about past sexual partners and stuff: threesomes, she was fucking since her sophomore year. Some really kinky ....... It started to turn me on and we started to get into the hotwife stuff. As far as I know she started to see bulls (with my approval) and we always fucked after. I found out she had been fucking the whole time. And we had arguments and stuff. I should have known when doing laundry. She always had massive, I mean massive, white stains in her panties. She always said it was just discharge and girl stuff but ultimately admitted it was cum. Lol that’s the short version.
Obviously you're still here so it's my guess you'd like to have some of that magic back but without all the drama in your next partner. It had to be strange for you to look back in time to when you first married and how your wife changed in your eyes over those ten years (or she may have been the way she was from the start and just covered it up, you never know). It must feel impossible for your mind to process it.
Now that you've had this experience, have you decided what you'll do differently, or specifically look for with your future relations?