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  1. zekethegeek

    Comment by 'zekethegeek' in media 'best homemade ever.mp4'

    America, Fuck Yeah!!! Lol The look on her face was the same as my wife had her first time.
  2. zekethegeek

    CNC Roleplay (consent no consent)

    Thank you for that. That now makes a lot of sense. :)
  3. zekethegeek

    Hi and welcome. I see you just joined.

    Hi and welcome. I see you just joined.
  4. zekethegeek

    Thanks for the follow. :)

    Thanks for the follow. :)
  5. zekethegeek

    CNC Roleplay (consent no consent)

    Am only curious what CNC means before embarking on it. How does it work?
  6. zekethegeek

    How many of your wife’s have been with a younger guy and what was the age difference?

    12 year difference between my wife and her younger lover.
  7. zekethegeek

    Does Your Wife's Lover Know?

    We talked about how this is something we should do with her next steady lover.
  8. zekethegeek

    How many of you had guilt feeling after cumming in beginning of lifestyle

    I don't know about guilty feeling, but facing regret when the reality of the situation occurs and you watch your wife taken by another man such as in my case. You spend all these years trying to convince your wife, then when it happens, there is this "oh ......" moment, then you rethink things...
  9. zekethegeek

    New Apartment

    Thanks so much. Really great for her for sure. She is there with him tonight and playing alone just the two of them before he goes on a little vacation later this week.
  10. zekethegeek

    New Apartment

    She has a good thing right now with the one person. It is just hook ups for the two of them. No bigger commitment then that. He also prefers it that way so takes away bigger chance of std. Although she is craving a little bit of meeting new people. But, has not made that leap yet.
  11. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    When my wife began seeing her lover last July, one of the things we discussed and agreed we should do is never have a lover over to our house. We want to maintain boundaries between our vanilla married life and that which is not so vanilla about us. Instead she would meet him at hotels. For a...
  12. zekethegeek

    New Apartment

    When my wife began seeing her lover last July, one of the things we discussed and agreed we should do is never have a lover over to our house. We want to maintain boundaries between our vanilla married life and that which is not so vanilla about us. Instead she would meet him at hotels. For a...
  13. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    It was my hope that Olivia would write more about her own experiences. She does have her own account here. But, it is not something she has taken up doing yet. We are staying connected in lots of other ways that have nothing to do with sex. I would say it has strengthened other aspects of...
  14. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    I'm not sure where to go from here on this story. There are more stories to tell which I should probably share each in a different thread. When I do, I will keep them short and not drawn out like this one. Let me know where you want me to go from here or what else you'd like to know from this...
  15. zekethegeek

    Who's the Boss in your relationship? Top 10 reasons.

    It is 1-most of 4 in our relationship between me and the Mrs.
  16. zekethegeek

    She’s officially a Hotwife!!

    Took over ten years to convince my wife but finally happened last July. Good luck.
  17. zekethegeek

    Social Life with Boyfriend

    Interesting question. In my wife's case, once or twice a week (usually only once) my wife will go out with her boyfriend. They will go out for either drinks, and/or dinner, or even coffee maybe. Then they go to a hotel where she takes along a go-bag with everything she needs for an overnight...
  18. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Continuing from post #168. I did get let back into the room. They made my bed on the floor at the foot of the bed they were in. So, I had sheets and a blanket from one of the queen sized beds. They did let me have a pillow. Lights were out after everyone including myself got ready for bed...
  19. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Not that I need it, but I understand it comes with the territory si I accept it.