CNC Roleplay (consent no consent)


Hi any women into cnc consent no consent roleplay?
Have you experienced it or curious?
Male mixrace in London UK here. Have done this with success and loved it
Get in touch
Am only curious what CNC means before embarking on it. How does it work?
Cnc is where the female consents not to consent for sex. So an extreme kind of rough roleplay. Ideal for women who wish to feel helpless scared with no control over what happens to them sexually. During the rough sex session if she says no actually means yes. Some women like to resist and want to feel overpowered then fucked. Begging to spared left alone or even in tears will not stop the man from using her like a sex toy.Its used in ...... roleplay scnearios a lot.
Safeguards are there such as a safe word and safe gesture
When these are invoked the play stops