Mid 50s couple here. Not swingers at all. No sexy fun with others ever.
Long boring story on how we started. Bbq, hot tub, drinking. Several couples, one gal and 2 single guys. Early evening, cleaning up, 3 in the hot tub, one couple and the gal. Wife, me one cpl and one guy cleaning up. Cpl leaves. It's me, wife, last cpl, the single girl and a guy. ......, hot tub, girls get topless. Happened a few times befor, no big deal. Other cpl and the girl leaving, wife puts on my button shirt, unbuttoned and walks everyone to the door. So me, wife and the guy. Another drink in the kitchen befor returning to hot tub. Wife asks him what he thought of her gal friend, he says she's OK, blah, blah. Wife comments about the girls nice tits, wife comments about stuff like that all the time. We're sipping Jack, wife's shirt unbuttoned, easy to see her tits. Wife is ......, ties the shirt tails together, that leaves her tits in plain view. Not really sure how it all went down but he's feeling her tits, they kiss for a sec, she looks at me, she says let's get naked and back into the hot tub. Done that befor so all is good. 10 min later he says he has to go. We're all naked in the kitchen, they hug goodbye, kiss again. Happened quick, not sure how, he fucked her over the back of the couch. Took maybe one minute. She looks at me like what just happened???? He splits. She starts crying, apologized over and over. We go to bed. Next day more crying, apologizing. We both were an emotional mess.
Like 3 months later, another bbq, same people plus 2 other cpls. Him, me and wife chat in the kitchen, apologize...all good but awkward as hell.
That night just about exact repeat of first time. He leaves right after. Wife crying. She takes a shower, we go to bed not saying anything. 15 minutes later she's fucking me like crazy. Next morning crying, apologies and we don't say much else.
Cpl of months....another bbq, late, us 3 in the kitchen, swim suits but she's topless. Same deal, they do the deed, he leaves, 2 min later were fucking like crazy.
Just kina progressed to him visiting more and more often. We're pretty comfy with it now, been over 4 years off and on. I'd say over a hundred times with him.
We take turns doing her, we all have a good time, wife enjoys more than she'll ever admit.
She has a lot of guilt about the whole deal as do I but it's crazy sexy and exotic. It's improved our sex like I can't explain.
Guilt ?....hell yes.