Quite frankly a stupid attitude. Yo could call me an old hand at this, having been with all sorts of men over the years. In terms of physical cock size there is a Goldilocks size. Sure there are some very small and very big examples, but the majority ore pretty average size and that works best for me.
The worst experiences I have had have been with young men with large cocks, they typically think they are gods gift and pound you like they are trying to demolish your pelvis. Beyond a certain size it becomes extremely unpleasant having a cock banging against your cervix, when combined with a poor attitude and lack of effort to give me pleasure, these are the worst experiences.
It is difficult to feel much from excessively small, especially when coupled with a fat belly that feels like you are being mounted by a giant slug. This extreme situation may result in some women seeking pleasure from a better endowed man, but this is the exception.
So many men have no idea what makes for a pleasurable experience for a woman. If you think what you see see in porn is a good example, think again! Give me an average sized cock attached to an attentive guy, that makes the effort to ensure I am having a good time over a comically large one used to bang my cervix into my throat any day.