Wives how u talk to cuckold

I love my queen telling me his dick is soooo much bigger and fucks soo good and she loves his dick. She told me I can't fuck her anymore unless he fucked her that night first!! Bc he told her he would not fuck her again if my cum was in her !! She told me I am just her small dick cum eating bitch now !!!
And she tell me this every time we have sex ,, also just wants me eating pussy now. She laughs when I put my dick in her ,says she can't feel my dick bc his Big dick stretched her and her pussy is only for big dicks now. You wanted this cuck so now bitch you getting what you asked for !!!
I love it ,, she makes me cum in my pants now and never has to touch me just by saying all this and more too me. We can be in public she tells me this stuff and says by the way he called me to go tonight .. I can't wait to feel his big beautiful fat long cock , and I cum in public . Big wet spot in my pants ...
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