What size dick turn you on most . What smallest you will do ? What biggest you want ???
My wife loved my 6 n half fat dick until 4 yrs ago . She fucked a guy with 10 inch nice girth. Now 4 and half years later she still fucks him once a week and he has made her not really feel me now. She won't let me fuck her unless he fucks his pussy first. She tells me she can't feel me and it's his pussy , she won't e her stop fucking him. I am just cum eating bitch. He. I make her cum 4 to 6 times after he fucks her with my tongue while eating all cum
Hubby has a pretty large cock. I will do whatever he tells me to. I admit. I kinda like small dicks. For us it is more for the actual act of sex. Large small etc. but it’s kinda turn on for me making a small dick cum and hubbys 8” reclaim me