Thanks for the feedback and legitimizing my concerns. She tried to minimize them when we had a discussion / minor argument about them a few days ago.
In fairness, you are only hearing my point of view. This is the text she sent me after we had that argument; “Sexual and powerful is taking what I want and need and then using those experiences to turn you on because you have finally embraced your proper role in my sexuality. You job is to sit and watch when I ask you to watch. It’s to eat me when I ask you to eat me. It’s to let me get you off when I want to get you off. It’s to shop for lingerie when I ask you too. It to pack some sex toys in my bag for my trip if I ask you too. And anything else that comes to mind, it’s yours to do, and do well. Which I know you will.”
Since then I have gone further down the rabbit hole and purchased a couple sexy bras and panties for her trip, playing my proper role in this drama to the best of my ability and seeing how this plays out. You can be assured that this will all be over if we ever fall back to sex once every three weeks. So yes, I’m going into this for the wrong reasons. I want this to be a fix for our marriage. Anyone in the same boat? I’m curious how those marriages / relationships ended.