Wife plays with Boss or Coworker

My wife had a on going relationship with a guy I work with and I play golf with him.
My wife had fucked my boss before either one of use knew he would be my boss. We met him in a bar about a year before I got hired at my current place of employment. they kind of where flirting with each other, messing around, dancing, etc. while I was at the table just watching. they left together did their thing and that was that.

My last employer was doing a lot of merging with other companies and getting rid of positions along with outsourcing. I was one of those. I applied at a competitor and went in for the interview, and it was him. when he saw me he had a puzzled look on his face and asked, "I've seen you before. where have we met?" I laughed and said, "yeah we met." I put my hand out to shake his hand then while shaking I said, "You fucked my wife about a year ago." he looked confused then all of a sudden became embarrassed and laughed. he said, "oh yeah...how is she doin?" I said "perfect". he then said, "well this is a little awkward but let's see how everything goes. fun is fun business is business" I explained my reason for seeking employment there, and hopefully our history won't affect his decision. He was very fair, and hired me pretty much on the spot.

my wife said she wasn't really interested in hooking up with him again as he was a selfish lover. So my boss has fucked my wife, but only once. He and I get along became fairly friendly, and it only rarely comes up about my wife.
My wife had two work affairs, both with my blessings and encouragement. The first was with her boss; the second, a co-worker. In both affairs, she only got fucked once a week. I loved the regularity of her office sex romps. One problem with office sex is that it interferes with office work. I remember the time she had to go into the office on Sunday, as she was sure she had messed up on Friday (her sex night). I would normally have resented wasting a good Sunday afternoon this way, but I was keen to see the scene of their sex crimes.

She worked at large metal fabrication firm that had enough success to build a second story atop their old building. She didn't have sex in the plush upper offices, but down below where metal was cut, drilled, sheared, and welded. I had never been down below before. Wow! The workspace below my ex’s office were her lover and co-worker, Frankie, worked was like entering the Morlocks’ realm in HG Wells’s The Time Machine, as it stood in hyper contrast to the luxurious offices upstairs. It was dark with only artificial lighting and hugely cavernous, filled with huge metal shearing, drilling, milling, and bending machines and piles of raw metal sheets and billets.

At its center were the old offices, which had once held the white-collar workers and a lunchroom for the blue-collar workers. The company had done so well that it had built extravagant and handsome set offices on top of the tall, warehouse-like structure, with large windows on all sides. The view was lovely up there, as the offices were effectively at third-story height, the work floor below being so tall. By the way, there was an elevator, but my wife seldom used it; instead, she ran up and down the stairs. The effect on her thighs and ass was splendid: after months of this exercise, she could stop traffic with her legs. And her ass! Her never looked as tasty as it did while she worked there.

In the sharpest contrast, the old vacant offices inside the workplace below were grim, looking abandoned much like those photos of Chernobyl after everyone fled. Ugly carpet and cheap furniture and dust. The owner had moved into his grand office and seemed to have forgotten that these old quarters existed. Frankie’s office was much, much smaller than I imagined and made smaller by housing a dozen computers. Its tiny walls were covered in sports posters and the office was also cold, as it was over air-conditioned, for the computers’ sake.

She removed a brass key from under the writing mat and unlocked and pulled open a desk drawer. Inside, were the panties she given him and a bottle of lube. I asked why they didn’t fuck in another office or in the lunch room in this same structure, which held a sofa, or even the elevator, which was nicely carpeted. Her answer was that all the other rooms had windows that looked out to work floor and that a night watchmen, who was shared between three businesses, randomly walked about the work floor. Too bad. Still, I was glad that I could see where she got fucked by Frankie once a week.

I then asked her why didn’t they fuck upstairs, with its thick carpet, huge wood desks, and soft chairs? She wouldn’t think of it, which was probably wise, as who knew what secret video-surveillance cameras were in use. I couldn’t figure out how they could have sex in his small office that didn’t hold large oak desk or bigger chairs or a sofa. She showed me how. She faced Frankie’s black-leather chair and placed her knees on the chair’s seat, while she bent over and grasping the chair’s short back. I made her remove her jeans and strike the pose again. Lovely, absolutely lovey.

Thus, Frankie must have stood behind her and fucked her while standing, which didn’t make sense, as Frankie would have to be as tall as or taller than me to reach her pussy and I told her so. She pressed a small lever and the chair sank down half a foot. I had her raise the chair again and I fucked her Frankie style. I was just about to cum, when she stopped me and she got off the chair and pulled from a corner a blue yoga mat, about almost an inch thick and made of high-density rubber. She pushed the chair into the desk and laid the mat out. She then removed her T-shirt and bra and lay down on her back with her legs wide open, her socks her only clothing. My God did she look slutty, as if she spent the whole time on her back naked at work. She asked me to lock the door behind me and to fuck her in Frankie’s favorite position.

I assumed she meant missionary position, but I was wrong. Frankie would scrunch down on his knees, with them wide open and pull her onto his cock. I couldn’t do the same, as her pussy couldn’t meet my cock, as my legs were too long. (This position did work for us on a soft bed, where my knees would dig deep into the mattress, but on the thin mat it was impossible.) I fucked her in the missionary position and she told me about the last time Frankie had fucked that way. We had a near simultaneous orgasm, with her cumming first and I shooting off just a second or two behind her. We dressed and left. It was only when we were home that we realized that we had left the unrolled mat on the floor, with a good-sized wet spot in its middle. Early the next day, she rushed into Frankie’s office and put the mat away before he arrived in the afternoon.

I don’t know how long this special arrangement could have lasted, a year or two or more? We moved away about five to six months after they began their sex meetings, so he must have fucked her at least 15 to 20 times. Would boredom set in after a year or so? Could it have gone on for a decade? I have no answers.
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KK is a professional commercial photographer - as such, she doesn’t have a boss in the semantic sense, as she’s an independent contractor. This is the case for many in her industry, including support personnel like grips (specialty electricians / lighting technicians), wardrobe, make-up artists, etc. - she has many colleagues, some she works with frequently, others that are gig-based, one-time associates. There are several regular gigs she has, with contact in editorial staff and publication circles.

One on-again, off-again thing KK has going is with an editor. She has the guy thinking that she’s a cheater, with an unaware husband. KK doesn’t find this guy particularly attractive, nor does she have much respect for him. However, she manipulates him sexually for various favors, like higher per-diem rates, airfare and travel offsets, hotel costs, and certain gigs. KK’s had sex with him numerous times, from hand and blow jobs to full-on fuck sessions in exchange for these favors. Probably the most public thing KK ever did with him was at a work-related party; she snuck off with him in the early part of the evening for a pussy-licking session, then later in the evening she led him on into a slightly coercive situation, a quickie fuck in one of the restrooms.

KK’s had sex with numerous colleagues over the years, mostly on assignment related travel - spontaneous fuck sessions with men she finds attractive, from models/talent to grip and stage-hand staff. For the most part, these are one-night stand encounters, opportunistic. The most memorable occurred on a multi-day shoot, for an outdoor apparel brand. The weather was bad, extending the assignment by several days. Most of the weathered out days KK spent in a cabin, getting fucked senseless by a male model that was part of the shoot.
Thanks for the comments and stories. My exwife worked for a large office and had a long term sexual relationship with one of the supervisors. He was not her supervisor but he had a lot of involvement with her department. They hooked up one night during a out of town conference and from that moment forward she would do anything he asked. They screwed almost daily either in the office or at lunch. He also requested she not wear a bra to work because he loved other guys to see hard nipples under her blouse. They were not discrete about this affair and made no effort to hide it. The job required them to travel monthly and they did not hide the fact they stayed in the same room. Their office had many social events that I would attend with her and I got off knowing that everyone in her office knew I was a cuckold.
In our younger less discrete days Mary thought nothing if fucking her bosses or some coworkers. Started not more than a year or two out of college with blow jobs for her boss in order to give him incentive to visit the stores she was managing so she could review results, ideas etc. Eventually she did fuck him a few times. This all occurred at her workplace.

As she changed jobs over the years she fucked a few other bosses and quite a few coworkers. Mostly not at the workplace. Travelled some with one of her bosses fucked him on trips and even some clients. Did a strip show and got gang banged by her boss and 7 coworkers once.

Eventually changed jobs and decided to keep work and play separate despite the temptations.
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I might as well tell how the office affair with Frankie stated. We were in about the fourth or fifth year of our marriage, when we moved to a new town, a small tourist-packed town, where my new job was. She took an office job in town. Actually, it wasn’t near the town center, being out in the farmlands, at large metal fabrication firm; here she met her new lover. We had moved to a townhouse just blocks from my new job, so I could walk to work and I assumed she would find a nearby job as well, so I was disappointed that she accepted the job 20 minutes away from our place (but her job did pay quite a bit more than the same job would pay in town, which is one of the liabilities of working in a pretty, tourist-filled town). Even worse, her job ate into our Friday night, which had been our extra-special sex night, which was usually filled with much roleplaying and lingerie.

Every Friday at work, she had to remain an extra 30 to 45 minutes after everyone else had left, as she had to wrap up the week and prep the accounting group for the next week. This task involved her traveling downstairs to collect some paperwork left by all the floor supervisors, all of whom had also left for home. Except one fellow, who remained late, as he worked a crazy shift that ran from 1pm to 9pm, running diagnostic tests on the machinery. They always said hello and she described him as being a handsome, young (about 24), married Italian fellow, who bore a very Italian first name, such as Tony or Sal or Frankie, which amazingly enough I cannot remember. Frankie, as I will refer to him, starting chatting up my wife, during her visits below.

About three months had passed with only them only talking a few minutes each Friday. I was entirely opposed to him as fuck-mate, as he was too young and married. He wasn’t yet a father, but I was sure would soon be. In other words, we had no right to bother him or his wife. Besides, we were in one of our no-external-sex-for-her phases then; the fear of sexual disease and one bad encounter we endured prompted us into closing her legs to other men, although she still flashed strange men on the weekends and we continued living a highly sexually charged life. Besides, we didn’t know any suitable men in our new-to-us town. We talked about making the long drive back to where we had lived (about four hours away), so she might have an encounter with one of her regular lovers, but we never did. I was sure that this sexual chapter in our marriage was now closed. I was wrong. I had almost entirely forgotten about Frankie, but he hadn’t forgotten my wife.

One night she told me that she was sure that Frankie was coming on to her. I hoped she was wrong, but everything she told me said otherwise, which reignited our fantasy life, with me devising many lurid tales for her. I tried to emphasize that he was only good fantasy material, not a potential lover for her. But within in a few weeks, things began to blur and get confused. In fact, I became convinced that she would eventually end up offering herself to him, while she seemed to have flipped sides, as she was sure she would never do such a thing. Nonetheless, she loved the fantasies I created about the two of them. But I thought him too young and the idea just too silly. Nonetheless, she made point to make a good impression on him each Friday night.

Because I had changed my mind, I wanted her to change into sexier clothing before going downstairs, but she refused—at first that is. Soon, it was obvious that Frankie was quite sexually interested in her by all his bold compliments and little touchings and accidental brushing against her, whenever she was near enough. She told me how he openly stared at her cleavage now and whenever she turned, she would see him eyeing her ass and legs. So, she succumbed to my wishes and switched from her flat shoes to heels and unbuttoned her blouse an extra button or two, before walking through the main door below.

All I had to do was wait and continue making Frankie’s cock part of our nightly fantasy time, while he grew bolder at work. Each succeeding Friday brought more good news, as he was becoming cheekier and she was getting more comfortable with his sexual innuendo. Soon, she came home with tales of Frankie’s unfulfilling sex life at home, which encouraged me but confused me as well, how was it possible for a 24 year old man and a 22 year old woman without kids to have anything other than a great sex life?

Everything seemed to be falling into place and all I had to do was wait.

Well, one Friday night she walks in our home pissed off at Frankie. Why? He had recklessly and foolishly overplayed his hand; he told her that he loved her. Big mistake, as she took his declaration of love as a huge insult by delivering such a lame line, as it seemed to imply that he thought of her as being a dumb bimbo, the sort of line he might give to 18 year-old girl, not a 26 year-old woman who was two years older than him. Well, no more Frankie talk in our bedroom—for about two weeks.

We were fucking in our living room on a warm Sunday morning, doggy style and I said, as I pounded her wonderfully white and round ass from behind, “Poor, poor Frankie, if only he wasn’t such an idiot, he just might have been lucky enough to see your beautiful ass from this position.” Her reaction was excellent and instant, as I could feel her relax her torso, dropping her head lower, pushing her rump onto my cock, and I soon felt her further moisten around my cock. I went on to say, “He could’ve felt what I am feeling right now; hell, this could be his cock that’s inside you right now; these could be his balls, and not mine, slapping against your clit.”

She loved it—Frankie had returned to our fantasy life. I asked her the question, “If this was Frankie’s cock, what would he want to do with it to you?” She told me and I did it to her.

I did my best to undo the damage that Frankie’s declaration of love had done the following nights by translating his “I love you” into “I love seeing you walk in the door, looking so sexy, so lovely in your skirts and dresses. I love staring at your shapely legs and round ass, when you walk out the door. I love imagining how lovely you must be naked, how red and curly you pubic hair must be, how fantastic it would be to touch your nipples with my tongue and cup your breasts with my hands, how thrilling it would be to taste you in between your legs, to rub my cock over your face and hair and breasts and belly and thighs. At night, while fucking my wife, I love to imagine that it your pussy that I am pushing my cock into, that is you making the sighs and moans, that is your vagina that seems to be kissing my cock, that is your wetness I feel, that is your pussy lips that stretch around my cock, that is your pussy that I am filling with my sperm.”

After a few nights of such talk, she had forgiven Frankie and she was eager to give herself to him. All that remained was how, as we already knew where and when. I had forced myself to have next to zero expectations, as 80% to 95% of time, nothing happens; then you feel let down. Much better to assume nothing will happen and then be pleasantly surprised when that rare something does happen. I was in the kitchen, making a fancy meal, when she arrived home. As she walked through the kitchen door, I instantly asked how it had gone, but she did not answer me; instead, she grabbed my hand led me to the dining room, where she told me that I should sit down first.

My mind was in meltdown mode. The last time a woman had told me to sit down first, I was told that her ex-boyfriend had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and would die within a month or two, so she was leaving me to care for him. (He ended up living six months more and I had moved onto another woman by time he died.) Inside my head I was screaming questions to myself, such as “Had I gotten it all wrong? Had they been lovers all along? Had she actually been pissed at him for refusing to say that he loved her? Was she leaving me for her Italian lover?”

I sat and she stood closely before me, then she pulled up her skirt, revealing her naked pubic mound. My fingers instantly went in between her thighs and felt moist folds of skin, but not sloppy wetness. I must have looked a complete moron, for she said in an exasperated tone, “No, he didn’t fuck me. You are supposed to ask where my panties are.”

Before I got a chance to ask, she pressed my fingers tightly against her pussy, closing her eyes tightly shut, her mouth falling open, her teeth biting down on her bottom lip. Just as suddenly, she opened her eyes and returned to normal, removing my hand from her crotch. I asked her where her panties were and I was told that they were in his desk at work. I was greatly relieved, but I wanted know why she hadn’t worn her best pantyhose, which was our plan. She refused to tell me anything more, as she knew we would end up fucking and she was hungry.

There's more to tell...
My wife is still a bit shy about sharing her past, but one night she opened up. It wasn't just one story; it was a cascade. Turns out that when she was in her 30's and working in a professional office one of the partners took a liking to her, and she to him. Started with them playing in the office with pretty tame petting and the occasional fast pussy feel and cock rub. But as things went on they took more and more office chances. They finally decided to stay late one night. Those were the days when pantyhose was the norm, but she never wore undies. Anyway, he got the pantyhose down enough to play with her clit. She unzipped him to play with his cock. Things got heated and she gobbled him deep throat and he shot. She swallowed it all, even though she is not a cream queen because 'they didn't want to leave a mess". I was getting pretty turned on, but I just thought I would ask the question "was that it". Then she really got sheepish and said "no". Turns out they were afraid of getting caught in the office, so they started going to "lunch" at his place whenever they had a chance. For the next year she sucked him off at least once a week. I said I wanted the story of every one of them. She says she didn't keep a record and laughed. But she was also really hot by now thinking of all the sperm she swallowed - oh yeah, she always swallowed. Would not do it for me, but did it for him. I loved it.

My wife sucked her bosses’ cock because she liked to suck his cock. I asked her if she was always giving a blowjob. Affirmative. She wasn’t keeping count but said it had to be at least a 100. I loved it! She then told me lots of 69. So boss was licking my wife’s clit for over a year. My regret is I didn’t know and didn’t get to watch. I’m lucky that I’m not jealous. I love the stories.

I told her to get out her vibrator and put it on her clit while I talked about all the cock she had and how she loved to feel his cock spasm in her mouth. She had a massive orgasm and squirted a stream. I know a swollen clit has no guilt so I asked if she would suck him off while I watched, assuming we can find him. She said yes. But we moved away years ago so it may not be possible. Here's hoping.
For my wife and I, playing with a co-worker and/or the boss was the way to go. She knew these men well, as they all worked for the same company and she had a chance to be involved in training situations involving travel with a co-worker she found very attractive and sexy. It's a big company, and is involved in statewide operations and national operations. We had some deep discussions about the need to preserve our marriage and how we'd protect it if she were to play. You also have to discuss contraception and whether or not your wife will use it. If not, what is the plan?

Traveling with a lover puts the wife and lover in close contact on a frequent basis and as could be expected, feelings did develop and they were having frequent sex. When my wife returned home Friday each week, we'd debrief and have awesome sex. All weekend long. This wasn't a threat to our marriage, but did impact the coworker's relationship with his wife. Although his wife knew he was having regular sex with my wife, she was good with it and we even discussed it (all four of us) after dinner at a company event. She was just afraid my wife would get PG, how would we handle it and so on, but that never happened as the newness of the relationship wore off and we were more careful. Later, the lover's wife was a bit uncomfortable with the amount of time her husband was spending with my wife and we all decided to cool it for a while. It was also at that time that their work assignments changed and it wasn't possible for them to travel together any more. We finally broke it off by mutual agreement after about 3 1/2 years. Cordially. They got together a couple more times but that was about it.

Later, my wife was promoted into a position that made it opportune for her to travel with her boss. Having a relationship with a married boss isn't for everyone, and it wouldn't work for most people, I'd think. The division office was in the same city we live in, and the company maintained a hotel room at a well known hotel for visiting executives - that is where my wife and her boss most often had sex. Because of that hotel room, my wife still came home every night. The boss's wife had health issues and didn't have sex with him any more. She told him to find a girlfriend for sex, - just don't rub it in her face. So, he did.

My wife was ready for his advances. It wasn't a secret at her work, and it was somewhat embarrassing when I had to go to company dinners with her. It wasn't much of a problem at home, as our early teen girls (two of them) understood her job involved night work and travel. Most of the sex between them was in the company hotel room after work, and my wife was home every night. He was only in our marital bed a couple of times with her when the girls were with their bio dad for the weekend or a week during the summer. They did travel together, however, but we knew about those trips in advance and could plan for them. When out of state traveling, her boss would always get her her own hotel room even though she slept with him in his room. It's much better for the wife to take some phone calls in her own room and to be in her own room if people are visiting the boss in his room. Have to be careful!

There's never enough time for anything these days, and so what I'd pass along to cuck4life is that assuming your relationship with your wife is strong, and you both want your wife to enjoy other men, assume you'll have much less of your wife's time and she'll be gone at times when you'd really like to have her home. Your sex life with your wife will probably improve as both you and her will be horny as hell when she returns, but you won't always be able to take advantage of that if your kids are home. You may have to wait or not be able to enjoy your wife at all! 🙂 You will have to play a broader role in your household as far as getting things done. And your wife may be frustrated and cranky because her lover has family events and issues he needs to deal with so isn't available to your wife. How did the end of the relationship come about? We were lucky in that the relationship ended when the boss was transferred to a national position far from where we lived. There was no tearful breakup. My wife visited him a couple of weekends, but the relationship was over for all intents and purposes and we all knew it.

Hope this helps!
Lynn had affairs with two of her married bosses but that was a long time before I knew her. By the time I met her she was in a fairly senior position and had to be much more careful about fucking work colleagues
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I might as well tell how the office affair with Frankie stated. We were in about the fourth or fifth year of our marriage, when we moved to a new town, a small tourist-packed town, where my new job was. She took an office job in town. Actually, it wasn’t near the town center, being out in the farmlands, at large metal fabrication firm; here she met her new lover. We had moved to a townhouse just blocks from my new job, so I could walk to work and I assumed she would find a nearby job as well, so I was disappointed that she accepted the job 20 minutes away from our place (but her job did pay quite a bit more than the same job would pay in town, which is one of the liabilities of working in a pretty, tourist-filled town). Even worse, her job ate into our Friday night, which had been our extra-special sex night, which was usually filled with much roleplaying and lingerie.

Every Friday at work, she had to remain an extra 30 to 45 minutes after everyone else had left, as she had to wrap up the week and prep the accounting group for the next week. This task involved her traveling downstairs to collect some paperwork left by all the floor supervisors, all of whom had also left for home. Except one fellow, who remained late, as he worked a crazy shift that ran from 1pm to 9pm, running diagnostic tests on the machinery. They always said hello and she described him as being a handsome, young (about 24), married Italian fellow, who bore a very Italian first name, such as Tony or Sal or Frankie, which amazingly enough I cannot remember. Frankie, as I will refer to him, starting chatting up my wife, during her visits below.
Before I got a chance to ask, she pressed my fingers tightly against her pussy, closing her eyes tightly shut, her mouth falling open, her teeth biting down on her bottom lip. Just as suddenly, she opened her eyes and returned to normal, removing my hand from her crotch. I asked her where her panties were and I was told that they were in his desk at work. I was greatly relieved, but I wanted know why she hadn’t worn her best pantyhose, which was our plan. She refused to tell me anything more, as she knew we would end up fucking and she was hungry.

There's more to tell...

I promised that there would be more to the story of my wife's second office affair. Here it is.

Friday, 3:30pm. I am leaving work early, claiming that I must beat the tourist traffic heading to my scenic and charming town. That is true, but it is not the real reason, a reason I cannot tell anyone at work, which is that I don't want to be driving while my wife is being fucked by another man. About 45 minutes later, I enter my empty house and shower. It's now 4:30 and my wife is still at her desk at work. Some of her fellow employees begin to leave. I begin to prep the dinner that I will make soon. 5:05, she is alone in the large office. She heads to the restroom with her high heels. She removes her bra, panties, nylons, and comfortable shoes. She brushes her teeth, reapplies her makeup and perfume, and then steps into her heels, before adjusting her blouse and skirt. She is ready to meet her lover, Tony.

Normally, she takes the stairs down to the main floor, but not on Friday night, so she descends in the elevator. Hurriedly, she scoops up all the documents and forms left by the floor supervisors. This is part of her job, the weekly roundup. She is allotted half an hour, but she hopes to be fucked before the time runs out.

I look at the clock and see that reads 5:15pm, which means she has just walked into Tony's small office. He will ask her to turn around a few times, so he can take in her pale beauty and braless brazenness. Their lips should be meeting just about now, his hands roaming over her backside, their tongues touching. He will begin removing her clothes, as he tells her how much he has longed for her body, how once a week simply isn't enough for him, as he needs her daily. 5:20pm, she stands naked before him, save for her heels; and, once again, she slowly turns around for him. 5:30pm, his erect cock is released from his pants. He never strips entirely, as the security guard might return and Tony must be able to dress quickly, while she hides in the closet. 5:38 to 5:40, he has come close to orgasm in her mouth and begs her to stop.

She sits in his computer chair an pulls her legs up high, so he can more easily lick her labia and clit. 5:45, she begs him to fuck her. 5:46, his cock pushes through her red pubic hair and pussy lips into her vagina. She might be lying on her back on the floor or still seated in the chair or standing with her ass facing him; no matter the position, his cock will slide in and out of her.

I look at the clock as if it were a security video screen, showing the two of them fucking. His cock is in her. No condom. His naked cock is luxuriating in her warm wetness. She is 20 miles away from me, with another man's cock inside her body, enjoying her sexual hunger and willing availability. Every Friday night, he knows my wife. He knows what her naked breasts look like and how they feel in his grasping hands. He knows how sensitive her pink nipples are and how sweet her pink and hairless anus is and how round her ass cheeks are and what her pussy looks like and smells and taste like. He knows what my cock knows: how tight her pussy is and how pleased she is to have it filled with hard cock. They will fuck until he shoots inside her, which always happens before 6:05pm, as then is when the security guard will enter the building.

At 6:20, she will leave work.

It's 6:45 and she is home. We kiss, deep and passionate, no talking, just kissing. My nostrils strive to discern some evidence of their lovemaking. I have pleaded with her not to chew gum afterwards, as I long to smell his cock on her breath. Her habit is too well established, as I smell only mint. I ask if she had a good time. She nods. I then ask the same question I always ask, even though the answer never changes, How many times did Tony cum? Once, always only once.

We eat dinner and I admire her braless outfit, without her high heels. We do not mention the sex she just had, as we learned early on that to do so always results in us fucking and our diner getting cold.

It's 8:00pm, the music softly plays in the living room, the lights dimmed, I sit on the sofa, while she stands in front of me in her outfit, complete with heels. She strips for me, while describing her encounter with Tony. When she is completely naked, she removes my pants and licks my cock like a popsicle, while I ask her questions. She only half answers, pausing her narrative to suck my cock, lick my balls. She tells me that she will tell me the rest of the story in our bed.

Both of us naked, I gently lick her lovingly unfaithful pussy, as she recounts her romp with Tony. She doesn't know it, but I try to time her orgasm to occur just as she tells me about Tony's orgasm, a simultaneous orgasm of sorts. I sometimes succeed. Once she has recovered enough to speak, she begs me to fuck her. My cock has been waiting for this moment all week, waiting for that delicious moment when my cock encounters her just-used pussy, extra warm, extra wet, and somewhat loose, not her usual tightness. My cock happily slides into Tony's natural-made lube. No other feeling comes close to experiencing her pre-fucked, pre-stretched, pre-moistened pussy.

We talk about the event with Tony, lamenting that it is only a once-a-week occurrence, agreeing that once a day would be so much better. She knows that I will not cum, as she has told me that he came while they fucked standing, and I always reenact the position he lost his load in her. I am getting close, so we head downstairs. She stands on the first step of the stairs, while I stand behind her on the first floor, my cock inside her, her hands gripping the handrail. I look down at her paper-white ass smashing against my pelvis, sending ripples across her cheeks. I smell her sex and the scent that Tony imparted two hours earlier. I fuck savagely; I explode in her, as if my cock were trying to blow away all of Tony's semen. An orgasm so intense that nears being painful. I collapse on the floor, panting, while she gently licks my cock clean.

We dress and head out for desert. Afterwards, home again and in bed, naked, we fuck again. This time I cum first and I finger her to her second orgasm that day. She often instantly falls asleep now, so I fondle my still hard cock and imagine the sex she had that night with Tony. Then my thoughts turn to Tony, who is probably fucking his young wife, while remembering the fucking he gave my wife earlier. Friday night, a taste of heaven.
In our younger less discrete days Mary thought nothing if fucking her bosses or some coworkers. Started not more than a year or two out of college with blow jobs for her boss in order to give him incentive to visit the stores she was managing so she could review results, ideas etc. Eventually she did fuck him a few times. This all occurred at her workplace.

As she changed jobs over the years she fucked a few other bosses and quite a few coworkers. Mostly not at the workplace. Travelled some with one of her bosses fucked him on trips and even some clients. Did a strip show and got gang banged by her boss and 7 coworkers once.

Eventually changed jobs and decided to keep work and play separate despite the temptations.
Up date to this. In the fall she sucked off the shuttle driver her company uses for special deliveries, sometimes running people to abd from the airport or to and from auto shop if their car needs to be serviced. She is quite sure he has had a few of her female coworkers and the wives of some of the big wigs.

In a more recent developments she has been in assignment to one if the retail properties they own locally. I noticed an increased sex drive (not that we were slacking) and even noticed she was dressing work appropriate but in outfits I knew she felt she looked her best in. Also started noticing he undergarments she wore....hmmm....something was up. But I like to give her some space knowing she will tell me when she is ready. Knowing she also knows I notice things and am anticipating her telling me, so she lets the anticipation build.

Then a few Saturdays ago she suddenly had to work on a Saturday, going through on if the file storage and supply rooms. The head of maintenance was going to be there with one or two of his crew to help.

I noticed her bra and panties...red ones she never wore to work. Her best jeans that she felt showed off her ass and a tight t shirt where the red if her bra slightly showed through.

She caught me staring, smiled and asked in I remembered Tom S from _________(the name of a swing club we belonged to years ago). Yeah I sort of did, we never played with him and his wife (Shame to she was fucking hot, but mostly she was into other women and in fact had left him for another woman a few years ago).

Anyways seems after her first week there , they finally talked alone and of course finally one got brave enough to ask the other (she asked him) if he was indeed The same guy from the club.

Now I say we never swapped with him and his wife, but he was a judge in a blow job contest (quality not quantity or quickness) held at one of the parties ....Mary finished 2nd of 4 who were entered. Losing by one point. So Mary had his cock in her mouth before.

Well it did not take but a day or two for flirting to start. Then he brought up the contest and asked if she was still as talented.....well only one way to answer that.

Do for the next few weeks she would once or thrice a week have lunch with him which was mostly them making out, some finger banging and blow jobs. He pressed for more, she was enjoying the dirtiness of just sucking him off and making him wait for more.

The Saturday with the other members if the crew leaving at noon. The ones still at work would be busy around the property she intended to finally fuck him.

She thought they might hit a nearby hotel. Instead they fucked in his office in the maintenance garage, the store room they were cleaning up, and the back of his SUV.

So not only was she back to playing with someone at work, she was sucking and fucking at work.

She has continued to suck him off once or twice a week. Letting him return the favor also. Also they both "stayed late" a few times to fuck before leaving work. Including on her desk last Wednesday.

Next Friday he is finally coming over for dinner and a MFM that if things go well will last well into Saturday
One job I worked at I worked shift work. My wife would bring me food out when I was on the 6 to 6 night shift. One night she brought me out food about 1030 and my boss who only is in days happen to come out for something. He didn’t mind here brining food out so it wasn’t a big deal. He went to his office, said he had a little work to do. The only way out of our shop out front was through the lunch room or through his office. I guess he stopped her while she was going through her office and convince her there would be layoff since it was slowing down. He told her since I was the last shift boss in they would likely reduce my team and usually the biggest salary goes first, which would be me.

he convinced her she maybe able to help my situation though, if she knew what he meant. So I guess that night he convinced her to let him play and suck on her tits and that he enjoyed getting blow jobs and my wife gives great head. So that night he left marks on her 36 DDDs and she sucked his cock, but he wanted to cum on her tits, so she let him.

He told her she needed to return the next day so the could talk further and see what they could work out as it wasn’t 100% his decision it would mean the sales manager and the owner having to make those tough decisions. He told her to look hot the next day for the meeting that it would go a long way.

The next day she showed up in a low open shirt and her tight spandex pants. Although she is a bigger woman she looks amazing when her cleavage is showing and wearing tight pants.

They started in on the meeting and my boss right off the hop said, last night she let me play with her tits and she sucked my cock. My wife said she turned very dark red, she could feel the blood rush to her face in embarrassment. The sales manager who was also my bosses brother asked her what she was going to do today to keep her husbands job. She didn’t know what to say or do, at that point the owner, who was a cousin to the other two said, you might as well get your tits out on the table sweetheart and we can go from there.
My wife removed her blouse and laid it over the back of the chair, then reached around her back to undo her bra, she said at that point the sales manager stopped her, walked in front of her and ripped her bra open and both her big tots sprang out, exposing both tit and her semi erect nipples. All 3 men commented on how much she was enjoying it.

It was then my boss told her she would suck and stroke each of them until they came on her tits and that she would go home with their dried cum on her tits. She was now to be their whore and if she said anything to me I would lose my job immediately.

She was told to crawl over to the owner and do him first. She did as she was tol and started sucking and stroking his cock. She said he wasn’t big and it was easy to take his cock all the way to his balls. She was keen on sucking him because he had a lot to pubic hair and she hates hair. He was about to cum on her tits when my boss noticed her nipple at full mass and said look how hard this sluts nipples are, she is loving this.

Next was the sales manages, she said he had a long cock and not much hair so she was ok with it but struggled to get him in her mouth. She said he grabbed the back of her head and forced his cock down her throat, she said she gagged quite a bit, but she was told if she pukes she will have to not only clean my bosses office floor, but the rest of the floors upfront. She said he fucked her throat that felt like forever, then suddenly pulled it out and he jerked himself off onto her tits. She said he had a pretty big load and made her suck the last bit of cum out of his cock.

The last one was my boss and she had an idea what to expect from him. She crawled over to him, she got under his desk to get that done. Once under his desk she reached up to undo his zipper, but he told her he wanted her to beg for it, to beg his to let her suck his cock. She was ashamed and embarrassed. She had to drying load of cum on her chest and now she was to beg to suck his cock. So she started begging him, please let me suck your cock, I need your cock in my mouth, I want to taste your cock again. Then he asked what she was going to do with his load of cum, she said she was going to jerk it off on her tots with the other two loads. He said no I think I want you to swallow my load, I think it need to be in your gut, I think you’ll like it. So with that she pulled out his cock and started sucking, he had reached down and was playing with her hard nipples and it didn’t take long before he grabbed her by the hair and came in her mouth.

She got up from under his desk, her pants dusty from crawling around the floor. Her tits covered in mostly dry cum, held up by her ripped open bra, with a little cum drying at the side of her mouth.

The owner commented what a nice whore we have, you look like a used prostitute. Now go home to that useless thing of a husband you have, covered in our cum and let him enjoy your tits.

My boss asked why her nipples were so hard during the session they did, she replied that it was cold in the office and her nipples get hard easily in the cold. My boss called her a lying whore, that she enjoyed putting out for them. She admiralty denied it, so he told her to slide her tights down and stuck his fingers in her soaking wet pussy and said see you loved being our slut. We will do more next time your called in for a meeting.