Old secrets

fucking the boss was just business. Not serious. I always expected my wife to enjoy colleauges on conferences and tell me about it afterwards. No point resitrcting her natural tendancie
Absolutely, it didn't make any difference to me she told me she stopped it when we got engaged,
He was in his sixties at the time and she only worked there until we got married,
I like to think he fucked her up until she left ,
We now use the story of her old lover in the bedroom to fuel our fantasies and it increases our love making,

I might as well get something out of his time with her,lol
if it had happened after you were engaged, would try at have bothered you ?
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Hi guys, just a little secret my wife shared years after we got married,

We were playing games in the bedroom one night things were getting were heated and we were asking each other questions,

I asked my wife who was the oldest guy she had sex with and without thinking she replied her old boss,
As soon as she said it she went stiff when she realised what she had just said,

She was still working for him when we met and when I asked her to marry me,and she had never mentioned it to me until that time six years after she had married me,

She tried to backtrack but it was to late,

Have any of you guys found out years after you married your wife that while you were going out with your wife that she was fucking her boss a couple of times a week and you never knew anything about it,?
have experienced something similar - but it did bother me that my wife fucked someone else while wearing her engagement ring and then another after we were marrired. makes my dick twitch to write this
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have experienced something similar - but it did bother me that my wife fucked someone else while wearing her engagement ring and then another after we were marrired. makes my dick twitch to write this
As I say she might have fucked someone else but she still come home to you,
You say it bothered you but you dick twitched when you think about it, does that mean you liked the fact that someone else had his dick in her besides you,
Lots of guys find that thinking about their wife getting dick turns them on ,you are not alone, 👍
have experienced something similar - but it did bother me that my wife fucked someone else while wearing her engagement ring and then another after we were marrired. makes my dick twitch to write this
My wife worked as a secretary since she was a late teenager and had sex with most of her longer term bosses (3). Once she started being intimate with them they they became very generous. They had a good thing going with a married woman that was always "available", who wasn't looking to break up their marriage and they wanted to keep her happy so she wouldn't leave for another job. She was smart enough to never try to take advantage of her special position. Win/win for both.
I’m a pretty good guy, made her laugh, and made her cum a ton. lol I was the first to ever give her an orgasm from oral and she was 33 lol plus we just connect and get on great.
You are always on to a winner when you can make a woman orgasm ,33 and never orgasmed from oral you must have blown her mind,
It also helps when you can make her laugh I always thought laughter was underrate a good sense of humour can go a long way,
So then you guys got together I would love to hear that story ,did her husband find out you were porking his wife or was it just she divorced him and married you,
I'm sure there was a lot more to ot than that,?👍