Wife is cheating on me. Here’s the texts I found part 3


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She decided to send some really raunchy pics to a group of Ty’s friends. Not sure what compelled her to do this. He doesn’t even talk to her very nicely but she still goes through with it.


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I'm not going to make light of your situation. Luckily you've only been married for three months. But if you think you can accept and enjoy your situation, you should try and get her to come clean. Try and do it soon. Don't waste your time. And I am certainly not advocating for blowing her off. Just because she goes to church, don't expect conventional behavior. People who think Jesus forgives all are capable of all kinds of things. If you can figure out a way of letting her know you might be OK with the situation, do it. I wouldn't ever expect her to quit cheating, but you might be able to convince her to be open about it. You have to decide if that's a life you'd want to live.
I’m still with her. She’s still seeing Ty whenever she can. By seeing I mean fucking. I never did confront her and feel like it’s way to late to say anything. I can always tell the nights she’s been with him. It kills me with jealousy but drives me crazy at the same time. Now that I know she lies, I wonder how I ever missed it.
I’m sorry that it has to happen behind your back like that. I think it’s kinda hot. She has a group of guys at her mercy begging to see her pics. That’s a huge turn on for me.
He talks to her the way she likes it. not everyone can pull it off but it works for a lot of guys.

So, looks like you married Ty's slut. You pretty much have to decide if youre cool with it or not.
My hunch is, youre into it, because youre posting it on a cuck site instead of going beast mode on them at home.
and you know, when hes done with her and moved on, at least one of those 4 guys hes sharing her pics with is going to take his spot in her warm pussy.

she does have an awesome body...i'm dripping precum thinking about some time inside her too 🙂

its unfortunate that shes been doing it since before you got married, and hasn't been honest about it. i suspect it turns her on that she thinks shes doing it behind your back. she seems to want permission to be a "bad girl". I could see her going back into her shell if she knew you knew.

if it does actually bother you, I hope you aren't rich, divorces are expensive. you could end up supporting her while he continues to plow her with his horse cock and degrade her to her his friends while deep inside she loves every minute of it.
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Most things can go at least two ways as a matter of choice. You can go off on them and ruin your marriage or you can tell her it turns you on and make it part of your play and sex. A strange dick doesn't ruin a pussy and it can give you some great pleasure if you take the right approach. Have you fantasized about her fucking other men. Probably since it is not new to her. Have you fantasized about sloppy seconds? Got your opportunity. You can make this hot for both of you or bad for both or you. Sex is fun and marriage is emotional. She obviously wants you or she would have married him. I think you have something hot and just need to realize it. You have to let her make it hot instead of hiding it. The only possible loser would be if she only does it because she thinks cheating it the turn on. Hopefully she just needs more dick and that can be way hot for both of you if you let it.
Thanks for all the input. I still don’t know what to make of it. I still haven’t even told her I know. She’ll probably think I’m a little bitch when I tell her how long I’ve known. And I don’t know what I want to happen when I do tell her
Everyone is dishonest to a point. Don't get me wrong, I am not making excuses for her action but you also need to realize the you were expecting somewhat of a miracle that didn't come true. She probably meant it when she said she would stop and didn't have the will power to do it. Work with her. In my book, there are much worse things a woman could do. Ask yourself if you are better off and happier with her or without her. If you are turned on by her actions and happier with her, then talk it over and find some common ground. Her stopping is probably off the table. How about if you participate? How about if you watch? How about if she comes home horny and hot and tells you all about it and gives you sloppy seconds? Ask yourself what would make you happy short of her stopping. You don't buy a new car because you had a flat tire. You fix it.
I guess I had some thoughts on dishonesty and didn't explain. It's like the Lincoln add where she asks, "Does this dress make my butt look big." It's like when I was in Iraq and seeing fucking tracers go by and the wife would ask how it was going. Fine dear. Just another day. Some ...... you just don't say and where is the line?
This gets me angry and super horny at the same time, that guy is fit, wow!. She's not being loyal at all! You should tell her your feeling! But please post more of their convos. hehe