Wife Got Pregnant

Calling someone a "complete moron" is a judgement not just an opinion. And is particularly rich when made judging people's alternative lifestyle choices on a site dedicated to encouraging alternative lifestyles.
Ok first of all most of the stuff on here is pure fantasy, but if it makes you feel better, I will rescind my opinion, and still strongly disagree.
For my wife and I, we talked about doing this prior to finding anyone, and then our next door neighbor came along. He instantly saw my wife and we could tell he liked her. After a while, we spoke to him about it, since I cant have kids, and he agreed to help us. He got my wife pregnant after a few tries, and we had a beautiful girl. A few years after, he got her pregnant again, this time with a boy. I’ve been helping my wife raise them as if they were my own, and our little girl already even started school.
My wife and I decided to take our cuckold fantasy to the next level. So when our bull said he was open to getting my wife pregnant we were more than excited. Just took the pregnancy test today and sure enough...she's pregnant! This was our ultimate fantasy and I can't believe it actually happened.
Why would you want to raise someone else's kid?
Everyone comes at this from different perspectives. Back about ten years ago one of my wife's girlfriends wanted to get pregnant and was afraid because on her husband's side of the family three was a recessive gene that caused birth defects and they were told pregnancy had a 50/50 shot of passing that gene. To add to this, she had some fertility issues and they did not want to go the IVF route.

After months of conversations, I agreed to try to get her pregnant. We actually went as far as having a legal document drawn up so that in the future they cannot claim I have any financial or visitation rights. I know this sounds cruel, but it was to protect all of us involved. It took seven tries before the lady became pregnant. She and I would have sex together, in private without my wife or her husband present at her request. We worked for optimal times where she was most fertile. The sex was a lot of fun.

Today, we remain close friends and they are wonderful parents to a nine-year-old ...... who is the center of their life. Her husband is the ......'s father and the ...... could not ask for a better mom or dad. There are a lot of ramifications in getting a lady, who is not your wife pregnant. For us, we took a lot of time and put a lot of thought into our decision.

We hope this works out well for you, and wish you the best of luck and happiness if this is what you truly desire.
Did the sex between you stop when she became pregnant?
There are may reasons including it's both a human and maternal instinct. Love is Love. Many people adopt even if they don't have a fertility issue, some use surrogates, some have known or unknow sperm donor. Personally I'd rather it would be with someone I knew and who would know his ...... and the ...... could meet and understand vital information like inherited heath markers. For sure I would rather do it the natural way through sex with someone I knew and chose.
Why would you want to raise someone else's kid?
Many men marry women with children to become step fathers and find it a fulfilling experience. Many couples adopt children to make a family. Couples artificial insemination regularly.

What is the big deal with natural insemination by another man?

Heck, there are even women that use surrogates to bear their husband's children and love them the same.
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There are may reasons including it's both a human and maternal instinct. Love is Love. Many people adopt even if they don't have a fertility issue, some use surrogates, some have known or unknow sperm donor. Personally I'd rather it would be with someone I knew and who would know his ...... and the ...... could meet and understand vital information like inherited heath markers. For sure I would rather do it the natural way through sex with someone I knew and chose.
Also, you might love your hubby but not be turned on sexually by him or feel his genes are the best to make you pregnant
First wife lost her Birth Control. Doctors appointment was a few weeks out. Rubbers we’re going to be worn by her coworker after 2 years of raw fucking and during my wife as a cum dump.

The first time he wore one and my wife wasn’t enjoying it so I pulled it off him and told him just to pull out which he did the first couple times that night.

The third round after the two of us tag teamed for a bit she got on top and was riding him and I stood over him and feed her my cock. I’m hearing him mumble he’s close, I’m about to cum and start unloading down her throat holding her head as I do so. She starts shaking her head, “I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum, too late.” He starts grunting my wife goes into orgasm as she tools off him. He got two good ropes in her before she rolled off him, his cock still throbbing finishing on her thigh.

We had a talk and decided right there if she was to become PG we’ll keep it. Couple days later my wife calls, “we’re going for some files offsite and he going to fuck your slut”

1/2 later another call. I hear them fucking and then I hear him “I’m close where do you want it “ then my wife grunting and moaning telling him “ I’m me if I’m not PG already then I will be” that’s not what I wanted to hear and being at work and around customers I just couldn’t yell over the phone for him not to cum in her. He fucked her again after work and another call
“ you really want my baby “ he says as there fucking in his suv. “ im fucking cumming don’t stop, he starts grunting I’m going to cum” they hang up. That goes on 3-3 times a week at work not to mention the weekends when we’re dumping 4-6 loads into her slutty pussy.

She gets home we have angry sex as I dump my load into sloppy hole she tells me “ there’s a slim chance it might be ours but I’m pretty sure it’s his” We fucked again in the middle the night. Two months later she’s late, PG test came back positive.

Reality crept in and I did not want to raise his baby. I kept that to myself as we still tag teamed her. She had a miscarriage at 4 months I think it was and what a relief.

Hey but to each his own and if it’s something you want more power to you and good luck.
First wife lost her Birth Control. Doctors appointment was a few weeks out. Rubbers we’re going to be worn by her coworker after 2 years of raw fucking and during my wife as a cum dump.

The first time he wore one and my wife wasn’t enjoying it so I pulled it off him and told him just to pull out which he did the first couple times that night.

The third round after the two of us tag teamed for a bit she got on top and was riding him and I stood over him and feed her my cock. I’m hearing him mumble he’s close, I’m about to cum and start unloading down her throat holding her head as I do so. She starts shaking her head, “I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum, too late.” He starts grunting my wife goes into orgasm as she tools off him. He got two good ropes in her before she rolled off him, his cock still throbbing finishing on her thigh.

We had a talk and decided right there if she was to become PG we’ll keep it. Couple days later my wife calls, “we’re going for some files offsite and he going to fuck your slut”

1/2 later another call. I hear them fucking and then I hear him “I’m close where do you want it “ then my wife grunting and moaning telling him “ I’m me if I’m not PG already then I will be” that’s not what I wanted to hear and being at work and around customers I just couldn’t yell over the phone for him not to cum in her. He fucked her again after work and another call
“ you really want my baby “ he says as there fucking in his suv. “ im fucking cumming don’t stop, he starts grunting I’m going to cum” they hang up. That goes on 3-3 times a week at work not to mention the weekends when we’re dumping 4-6 loads into her slutty pussy.

She gets home we have angry sex as I dump my load into sloppy hole she tells me “ there’s a slim chance it might be ours but I’m pretty sure it’s his” We fucked again in the middle the night. Two months later she’s late, PG test came back positive.

Reality crept in and I did not want to raise his baby. I kept that to myself as we still tag teamed her. She had a miscarriage at 4 months I think it was and what a relief.

Hey but to each his own and if it’s something you want more power to you and good luck.
You pulled the condom off him. Are you Bi?, are you touching his penis often?
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How would you make sure your lover (I just think the term is much nicer than "bull") is the father and not your husband?
My husband has been on "condom only" intercourse with me since November 2012. We both agree that if I get pregnant again, it will NOT be by him, so we take this precaution to be certain. We don;t have intercourse that oftern anyway, as I don;t enjoy sex wiht condoms, but the few times a year we do, wemake SURE there is no chance of a pregnancy.

J (the wife)