Why is it always the men??

We always want our wives to have a great experience but what is it about that? Is it for our own pleasure and women are happy? I want my wife to experience big fat cocks but I myself am above average so is it selfish and inconsiderate. I know there is a community of hot wives that love big juicy dicks but I am starting to be confused if it is my own selfish desire.
In my view the obsession of a large dick is misguided, my wife took a lover with a hugh dick, even i wondered how she was going to take all that.

It was exciting to watch and he lasted, but she said he was like a piston, no emotional contact at all and it was interesting but only OK.

The second meet became the last, she felt like a cow being bulled, no tactile touching, oral and little kissing just bang, bang and zero emotionally connection.

Now she wouldnt want a man with a micro dick, who would, but one of the best lover she had for years was an average size smaller than me, he would make her orgasm before he had even taken his undies off, the emotional connection was there, he was fantastic at oral and knew how to pleasure a female to completion.

He frequently changed tack with oral, passionate kissing, touch, mental seduction and BDSM and she loved it by the time he was ready to fuck her to conclusion many hours later she was so turned on it was incredible to see, listen or just know he was doing her alone.

She also took a young black lad as a lover and that exploded the myth that they have large dicks, he was in my words as fit as fuck but came with an average dick and little experience, We saw him twice but she didnt like taking the lead then getting little in return. We had hoped they would ...... together in our marital bed and have fun overnight but after a few hours of play he was done and tired so she slept with me.

Its says it all that the following morning we had both been up for a couple of hours as he lay upstairs asleep.

I know we are all different thankfully so i appreciate what floats your boat, but really it must be your wifes boat thats floated and excited, remember without her its a dead Duck.

I have found through these boards and chatting to real men that a lot have the desire to have their wives fucked by another male. However it often fails and doesnt work as the type of man they THINK she wants is actually wrong.

I have spent over 30 years being a facilitator of meets with potencial candidates when the need arises however its her choice who she likes not mine really. Within 30 minutes she knows if she wants him or not. If its a YES to the question on the way home: "would you like to see him again" thats all that needs discussing between us, if he is ok with it, then my role is firm a date and book a hotel for next time.

Or a different more unusual senario:

Few wives i suspect like the gangbang type senario, these are completely different:

These are just simply raw sex and fucking, no emotional connection required, no conversion either.

We have done this too and its so kinky and different: as one example:

On a very rare visit to a club one day, semi ...... and spaced out on weed, (very unusual i will say) she unlocked me and lay on a large round, raised bed, bottomless, legs hanging over the edge. She said she wanted me to fuck her. But soon there was an audience and other candidates.

This was so far away from who she is naturally, I moved to her head and knelt, kissed her and held her hand asking her, she just noded and said if you want to see....,as then anyone wanting her took their turn as her body shook violently as she orgasmed numerous times.

She took the great, bad, good, big and small and some rather ugly men but its what she wanted and enjoyed.

She slept her way home.

It was strange seeing her the following day, up early, smiling, smartly dressed for work as if this hadnt happened that was very kinky too, two totally differents sides to the same person. 100% slut, 100% vanilla and boringly ordinary.

Quite what she said to get a STD test i dont know but she was in the clear thankfully.
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We always want our wives to have a great experience but what is it about that? Is it for our own pleasure and women are happy? I want my wife to experience big fat cocks but I myself am above average so is it selfish and inconsiderate. I know there is a community of hot wives that love big juicy dicks but I am starting to be confused if it is my own selfish desire.
Hey there, buddy I definitely know what you mean. I don’t have a tiny dick or anything like that but honestly, it’s just sex every human on the planet it loves doing it I mean, think of how society labels men that get tons of pussy and then women that get tons of dick I think for people like us I mean, it just makes sense. I mean, if you told me I could get 20 women to fuck me on an evening I would jump at the chance so if I can find a group of guys that’s willing to fuck my wife. Why would I deny of that and I love playing right alongside them sometimes I just enjoy watching I just, don’t think that human beings were meant to be monogamous and we’re not this time. We’re here we might have as much fun as possible.
My wife asked me this, why do I want to see her get fucked by another guy. I told her that the thought of it really arouses me. I told her that I want to see her being pleased and enjoying a nice big cock. She said I'd have to find someone else but I told her that the thought of it with someone else does not arouse me and it would have to be her.
In my view the obsession of a large dick is misguided, my wife took a lover with a hugh dick, even i wondered how she was going to take all that.

It was exciting to watch and he lasted, but she said he was like a piston, no emotional contact at all and it was interesting but only OK.

The second meet became the last, she felt like a cow being bulled, no tactile touching, oral and little kissing just bang, bang and zero emotionally connection.

Now she wouldnt want a man with a micro dick, who would, but one of the best lover she had for years was an average size smaller than me, he would make her orgasm before he had even taken his undies off, the emotional connection was there, he was fantastic at oral and knew how to pleasure a female to completion.

He frequently changed tack with oral, passionate kissing, touch, mental seduction and BDSM and she loved it by the time he was ready to fuck her to conclusion many hours later she was so turned on it was incredible to see, listen or just know he was doing her alone.

She also took a young black lad as a lover and that exploded the myth that they have large dicks, he was in my words as fit as fuck but came with an average dick and little experience, We saw him twice but she didnt like taking the lead then getting little in return. We had hoped they would ...... together in our marital bed and have fun overnight but after a few hours of play he was done and tired so she slept with me.

Its says it all that the following morning we had both been up for a couple of hours as he lay upstairs asleep.

I know we are all different thankfully so i appreciate what floats your boat, but really it must be your wifes boat thats floated and excited, remember without her its a dead Duck.

I have found through these boards and chatting to real men that a lot have the desire to have their wives fucked by another male. However it often fails and doesnt work as the type of man they THINK she wants is actually wrong.
This is all true, men are obsessed with cock size. There is a Goldilocks zone when it comes to size, I want something big enough to feel it, but not so big that I am having my cervix hammered.

The perfect encounter for me, is a guy with an average size, that simply makes the effort to pleasure me as part of the experience. I rarely cum through penetration, unless there has been a lot of stimulation before hand to get me close. While I love to see the enjoyment on the face of the guys I am with, I do expect something in return, if they don’t at least try to make me cum, they don’t get invited back.
It's all about her pleasure for me. I know she'd enjoy having another cock and it'd definitely boost her confidence.
I'd like to see her take someone bigger than me but definitely not huge. I think around the 7 inch mark long and around 6 to 6.5inch of girth. I think the girth is the most important part of it.
My wife has told me with us sex is samey, other men are more exciting because they are new it's nothing todo with dick size or performance, this also helps our own sex life. I have no desire for other women perhaps because I lost my virginity to my wife. The kick for me is seeing her smile and feel sexy as fuck.