They are groping my giant hotwife through clothes. Surprisingly i am extremely turned on by it.

These small weird women see my big wife's boobs and butt as free real estate. I totally get that this is a boundary that a lot of people have, and I understand why. It’s 100% valid. But, I’m wondering if there are any others like me on the opposite side of the fence. Recently i realized I take no issue with other women doing it. Surprisingly I am extremely turned on by this situation.

My arrogant wife Martha is six foot tall. She is always on high heels . She is a 43 year old fairly "robust" woman; she is not fat or anything like that, she is"big-boned". She has a very large breasts , side hips and big butt. They make her look huge. Yes, she is really big. Plenty of ass and tits to go around. I love her oversized hourglass figure. Something impossible to miss when first seeing her, with her turning lots of heads of both women and men, this woman , my wife , has enormous breasts, huge tits. She has giant boobs. She has gigantic, frigging boobs. Me and my wife are almost the same height. She's maybe a 0.5"-1" taller then me. Makes everything just so convenient. Matched sizes work great for sex, hugging, kissing and play wrestling. On high heels she is taller than him. I love it . My giant wife is very serious, arrogant, and stuck up. She comes from old money. Her parents are extremely rich. She grew up rich.
She is dressing up everywhere (even for grocery shopping ). The whole shebang, satin/leather/shiny pants/skirts, satin/silk blouses, pantyhose, shapewear, high heels, full make up on, be it morning, noon or evening.
Most of her outfits are well-coordinated in terms of color
She loves her style . She is always dressed up to the max, on high heels, full make up on.

I am extremely jealous of any kind of attention she gets. Her looks and body shape get her quite a lot of attention from men.

I don't want her around other guys, so she only attend these all female events.

We moved here in this small town about a month ago. We moved here because is very near our ......'s boarding school. We bought a house. My wife's clothing makes her stick out like a sore thumb in this town. She is always dressed up to the max in satin/silk clothes, on high heels, full make up on. Nine days these small weird ugly women started groping my wife through clothes in her own wine store. I watch on our security cameras (which also records audio) I am extremely turned on by it. ( i am writing a story in details about this on the forum My sexual arousal is increased I am watching my big massive wife getting groped through clothes by these women. . It is as simple as that. In the past nine days i have amazing sex with my massive wife because of this. I want to have sex every single day, multiple times a day because of this situation. I work from home . We are mostly alone in my house . I am not jealous because these gropers are inferior short skinny ugly women. I am extremely turned on by this situation. This is absolutely not what I thought i would ever want, i have always been protective over my wife and i hate it when other guys look at her or try it on. But in this situation i am not jealous because these touchy feely creeps are inferior short skinny ugly women.

Also my wife is a straight woman, she is straight and she is completely 100 percent straight. But the whole situation fuels my arousal. Our sex life is great. Honestly i find these handsy women ugly and repulsive. I don't want to fuck them. They look like short skinny ugly effeminate mousy men. But it turns me on that these ugly short skinny women who are basically everything my giant massive always dressed up arrogant wife is not iare groping her and rubbing her in her own store while she just stands/sits there stiff as a board. He is always talking about it. It makes me to want my big wife in a really intense way. I get rock hard erections. Is behaviour like this normal with many men? I am extremely aroused by this situation. I am about as hard as i ever get when I watch these situations. I just want to understand or figure out what is his kink. .

My wife is becoming a giant groping toy for these short skinny creepy women. Uff, I love that. I seriously would love my giant wife to be touched or groped by these women in public, possibly even more. I am loving it!! I want these women to grope my wife more often. That is a good thing . I want my big stuck up wife to be a target for that type of women. I'm struggling for my life right now with how strongly I'm reacting to these silly experiences. I have no clue why but i just love my wife being groped in public places by these short skinny inferior women and just wanted to post and admit that i love it. I enjoy watching her being used and treated like a giant toy by these women in front of every one. I can’t get enough of it..

It's not like they don't have a barrier of clothes between them and her skin anyway. Personally, unless they're hurting her, I'd never take action against some small women copping a feel. I definitely feel safe with these because they are physically harmless. But i admit to you that if a tall, fat or muscular woman starts groping and rubbing my wife, i will get upset. My wife is a a big woman. She is 6 foot tall and being well endowed well built and curvy always on high heels makes her HUGE! But I love her height and her curvy stature. She looks like a giant standing next to these women gropers.

I am very confused, I know for a fact that if she actually slept with another man, I would divorce her instantly. But I also know that I get very turned on by watching her getting groped by these small ugly women through clothes . She does not know this turns me on . Probably she doesn't want me to find out about these situations with these women gropers, because i am extremely jealous.

So my questions are.. Is anybody going through this same kind of thing? And is there any advice that can be given?
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We all have our fantasy’s yours is not unusual but I really think you want it to go further, and if she is allowing these women to grope her, she wants more, and it’s only a matter of time and she will be doing more. Do you have any pictures of your over sized lady, so we know how big her boobs are and her big ass, does she like to bend over and spread her ass? That would be a sight to see!