What'll make WifeWantsToPlay more enjoyable?

I agree on adding a location. I've been poking about for about 9 months now and the one thing I've seen the most of is a "Hi I/we are looking for..... And no location. Then it becomes "Where are you?" a million times. The converse of that is that we as users need to take the responsibility to look at a person's profile to see that information. For the record, I am looking to meet a hotwife. I took the trouble to fill out my profile. When I respond to a "We're looking" post, I usually have to ask where someone is located and/or I will get the same question despite having filled that info out in my profile. So I think adding location and moving it to the front is beneficial. I see no real harm in having it say North Texas or just Texas under my name. It's too generic to be an identifier but specific enough to let someone from the UK know that I'm probably not a good candidate to become their Bull. If they aren't looking for a Bull then it doesn't actually cause a problem either. It's just extra info they can ignore
That is already a feature but most people don't seem to bother filling it in!
That is already a feature but most people don't seem to bother filling it in!
So, for whoever replied, I haven't found a location area either. But hell, I don't see many of the pix that others comment on.
Its GREAT site, perhaps the best. But like so many, it trys to do too much at 1 time.
So, maybe I missed the learning/training module?
But keep it up, guys, its a really good site.
Thank you!
Hello everybody!
I'm the new moderator.
Trying to figure out how to make this place better for everyone who loves the lifestyle.
What would you like to see here? What would you remove / add?
Any thoughts, thanks.

I would think a geographical map with icons showing where people are located. That would help the chat function. Regional Meat and Greets would be nice too, but that's waaaaay down the road
I do think though that this site works best as a discussion forum for likeminded people to share their experiences and thoughts about the lifestyle rather than as a hook up site. There are other national/regional sites that fulfil that purpose much better, whereas this is the best lifestyle discussion site that we've come across.
I guess one site can't hope to be able to do everything so maybe it should stick to what it does best?
how to give access to ur media to only who follows you (and importantly interact with you).
I know like you can put some constraint by following the user back and then you can activate some filter but I am asking like there should be some filter where if I accept a follower then this follower can see my posts and media otherwise not.

I found that there are many kind an interactive people here and sometimes you get some snobs who would just write anything and spoil your fun
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No problem for me either. However, there was some lame guy who posted about having his wife's bull talking to (hitting on?) his teenage
14 & 16yo daughters. Can't help but react to that.
It borders on ...... I can't imagine the potential downsides therein.
Not only borders on ...... but since in many places it involves people who would be considered under the age of consent and therefore illegal such topics can get websites shut down.
Hello everybody!
I'm the new moderator.
Trying to figure out how to make this place better for everyone who loves the lifestyle.
What would you like to see here? What would you remove / add?
Any thoughts, thanks.

It would be great to have a quick and easy way to locate our content from different threads. Something like we click on the notification that we've posted a certain number of responses on each thread (as it is now) but it will give us a hyperlink or the post number information of where our content resides. That would be great for helping us recall what pics we've already posted on a particular thread, etc.
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