What'll make WifeWantsToPlay more enjoyable?

It would require someone to create a process where individuals would be vetted to insure they are real persons and who they claim to be, Hotwife or Bull or Cuck. Then giving them a certified title of their profile. The thread exclusive to certified hotwives would have to be monitored to keep non certified posters off.
Very labor intensive for sure.
I feel it would be best if I interviewed each couple personally.
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I seem to be alone in this opinion but there are certain members here who like to call names and discourage others from posting. I thought this was an inclusive place for people to share experiences and opinions, yet so many times I see certain members "calling out" others or referring to other members in a derogatory fashion.
When I see something here that I don't agree with or find distasteful, I move on without feeling the need to add anything that would only be confrontational. I would hope others would be mature enough to do the same.
Help to ban assholes

WWTP rules

2. Any manifestation of rudeness or disrespect to any member of this community is prohibited.

Please help to ban some so called members who post only insulting comments, the same stupid remarks, make other members not interested in this forum which is becoming more and more unpleasant, when in fact we are here for pleasure and interesting experiences. You can see who they are with a simple search but I'll just list some of the more aggressive ones: https://www.wifewantstoplay.com/members/hammerher.73659/
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Although this is my favourite part of the site, i think you should remove media page and legate it only in posts. Eventually, you get points for participation and those points you can use to view media (pics and vids).
That would remove all people not participating and reward those with good posts.
Although this is my favourite part of the site, i think you should remove media page and legate it only in posts. Eventually, you get points for participation and those points you can use to view media (pics and vids).
That would remove all people not participating and reward those with good posts.
Not all that come to this site are ready to jump in and be active. For some it’s only a fantasy they aren’t ready to take to the next level.
Thank you for doing what you do. I think you have a difficult job. Fakers and calling out fake/fantasy posts is the most undesirable thing about this site. It gets in the way of "real" discussions. Handling that is a whole different task and I appreciate your effort to give this site as much integrity as is possible given the circumstances. Thank you again! My need to read and share my thoughts and questions makes sifting through the real and fake posts still worth it.