What is the hottest thing your wife/gf shared with you about her sexual past?

She sent these pictures to an old fuck buddy of hers one night we were together he sent back a video of him jacking off he kept telling her that he wanted to f*** her again I told her to go spend the weekend with them but she said no but me and her been broke up for 4 months now finally saw each other last night pretty sure she fuck him.


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Her slutty past before we met For us it all started with the basic conversation of “ how many have you slept with “. From that point it was basically uncovered that she can’t stay out of bed with other men and I was turned on. That doesn’t sound like a cool topic for a first date but I couldn’t help but ask and wonder because she was so easy to get in bed.

That discussion all takes place in bed of course. As she is putting out on the first date
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When we first started dating, May told me about being the only woman at a party and being encouraged to strip in front of the men there (including her boyfriend at the time). I thought that was pretty hot, until I was out having beers with a friend of mine. It was soon after May and I started dating but he didn't know that.

He told me how she not only stripped, but also dropped to her knees, or sat in a chair, sucked the cocks of the guys at the party! May was pretty drunk. She started with her boyfriend. When she finished him off, one of the other guys had his cock out, so she sucked him. When that happened, the other guys got their cocks out, some sitting on the couch as she worked on those as some guys played with her tits. He said there about 6 guys there.

But her sucking my cock on our first date, before we even got out of the car to get dinner, might have been a sign. Then again, it felt so good to cum in her mouth!

A visual aid. View attachment 1841243
Good for her
I started dating my wife when she was 18 years old and a freshman at a midwestern university. I was 21 at the time. When we first started dating she and a few of her girlfriends would go to another midwestern university where a few of their high school friends attended. They would stay for the weekend and come back on Sunday. Our relationship eventually moved to beyond dating and became sexual. I'd say we dated for a couple of months before things heated up. I had been very respectful of her because she was young and my perception was that she was a "good girl" and not very experienced sexually. As things progressed and we became sexually active I asked her about the trips out of town with friends. She confessed that on her first visit she met a guy and they basically had sex the entire weekend often 3 or 4 times a day. Initially I was very jealous but I tried to not show it. But I found that when we were having sex I enjoyed asking her about her weekends with this guy. The more detail she told me the more turned on I became. She told me that he had a big penis and how good it felt when he fucked her. She told me that she loved sucking his cock making him cum in her mouth. She told me that she enjoying having him cum in her pussy too. She would spend the night with him in his dorm room and in the morning they would fuck again. I really enjoyed hearing about her sexual exploits and she loved telling me about it. That's how things started and ultimately led to sharing her with other men while I watched.


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