In high school I was on the swimming team and we wore tight fitting nylon/lycra swimsuits. All the other boys seemed to have a large bulge in front accept me. My small penis and balls would get easily compressed by the tight fitting fabric and made me look flat like a girl in front. The girls on the team would always signal to each other using their fingers to indicate a tiny penis. At first I didn't know what that ment but when I found out I felt humiliated but strangely turned on by it. One day I found a pair of pink lacey girls panties stuck to my locker door, some girls took an unused sanatary pad to stick the panties to the door. The next day I wore the panties and the pad to school. I was very excited and I even deliberately bent over to pick up a pen in front of some girls so the back of my pants rode down exposing my panties. I could hear uncontrolable giggling and a female voice say OMG. I was totally turned on and went to the boys room to jerk off. It was a good day. After that I couldn't walk past girls without hearing a giggle or a comment.
@droopy1 @droopy2 are you same family or brothers or what? 😂Didn't mom and dad take exception to this??