I don’t agree that the risk of Covid outdoors is very low in this kind of encounter, sure when you are passing in the street it has been determined to be a lot lower but anything that involves intimate contact is high risk regardless… so right now it’s masks, hand-jobs and limited face-to-face contact. And that’s if I do anything more or anything again… I’m going through the inevitable guilt trip phase at the moment concerned where things might lead to despite the deep down excitement I’m still feeling when I recall itThat's very exciting. I can understand why you're feeling both nervous and excited. Of course he's going to tell other guys in the group Hun - that's the point of the group isn't it? The risk of covid outdoors in apparently very low so I wouldn't worry too much.
But how are you going to react when the next guy wants more than a wank and wants you to suck him or wants to bend you over and use your pussy? It's bound to happen once word gets out. Lynn xx
And yes you were right Lynn, he obviously told the other guys in the group all about it last night because this morning I’ve woken up to 40+ Telegram messages from men looking to meet (actually just nine different men sending multiple messages)