Hello, I just discovered this site and am excited to discuss our lifestyle with others like us. I was turned on to this lifestyle by my boyfriend (now husband) 3 years ago and have never looked back. I could never go back to a normal life. I do as I please, enjoy lovers as I please, while my husband does as he is told. At first we were doing the common cuckold activities in which he would watch me with my lovers and lick me clean afterwards. However, over the last couple of years I have transformed our relationship into a very strict Female Led Relationship, markedly limiting his privileges and access to me. I found this to be a necessary and natural transformation of our relationship because, frankly, cuckold husbands are absolutely pathetic excuses for men, and the respectable men I date don't want a pathetic cuck husband around. They think it is ridiculous to have a husband around watching and they cannot understand a man who would want his wife to fuck other men. It inhibits the affection and lovemaking I have with my date. Also, now that I enjoy relationships with respectable men, real men, I have lost all respect for my husband and think he is absolutely pathetic. And although my husband loves and worships me, it is one-sided because I no longer love him. How can I love a pathetic cuck like him when I have respectable men hitting on me every day and can choose the best to date and make love to. The only reason I keep my husband is because he works to provide me with a luxurious lifestyle and takes care of the household chores and is a good domestic servant. As long as he continues to serve me well, I will let him stay, but his privileges with me are markedly restricted, and I do everything to emphasize his lowly status and place in our relationship. He has a small humble bare bedroom next to the garage, while I ...... in the luxurious master bedroom suite with lovers of my choosing. He never gets to see me make love to my boyfriends, and I don't even let him see me naked anymore. I am always dressed when he is present, or I will slip a robe on, or cover myself with the sheet if I am naked in bed. He, on the other hand, is always kept completely naked at all times in the home in my presence. I find that me being dressed with him being naked reminds him of his inferiority and my superiority over him. He also must kneel and grovel before me in my presence, constantly showing his respect for my superiority as well as his gratitude that I am letting him stay in my life and not discarding him. He addresses me as "Ma'am" and on the rare occasion he is present when I am with one of my lovers, he must address them as "Sir," while we call him "cuck" or "slave." When I give him an order, I expect him to say "yes, Ma'am" and I want to see him scurrying desperately to obey, not walking casually. His sex is limited to masturbation under my supervision, and I only grant it if he has served me well, and has done all his chores to my satisfaction. The only physical contact he is allowed with me is licking the bottom of my shoe, or occasionally kissing the bottom of my bare foot, which I let him do as he masturbates in worship of me, while I remain dressed or have my robe on. He is no longer allowed to lick my pussy, but I will occasionally reward him by feeding him my lovers cum from a used condom, or let my lovers' cum drip out of my pussy onto the floor for him to lick off the floor as he masturbates, reminding him that that is the closest he will ever get to his wife's pussy again. I love this lifestyle and so does my pathetic cuck husband. It just amazes me that cucks like my husband exist. I wonder if you guys know how pathetic you are and what most women and real men think about you. I don't understand it, but I will use it to enhance my lifestyle. Are there other women out there with a similar relationship to mine?