Some advice from a bull

Hope everyone is doing well 🙂

I come from what an uncommon background outside this community, maybe even uncommon within the community.

My parents made and raised me to be a bull. They have friends in the community too. I have been with a few couples, and chatted with more.
In my experience there's a range of couples that get into this, in fact is increasing, and I'd like to share some assorted thoughts. Maybe it matches others experiences too.

There's 2 points that I think must be first overcome to start helping her become a hotwife:

For Him: She always comes first. You know this but you have to live it too. Us men are all here for women, just in different ways. Live this out, you are her man in many ways, except in the ways you want to bring someone else in for. Lean out of the ways for the latter, and lean in on the former.

For Her: Do not pressure too much, nor too hard. She chose you to be her man. Helping her become a hotwife involves not just ensuring you remain her man, but involves some work in reframing what "being her man" means to her.

If neither of the above can be overcome, then do not push too hard. Enjoy what you have.

I can share more experience if you'd all like, find it useful so far.
Love the “made and raised” for this concept, and recommended it to a guy years ago, whose wife bore her bull’s ....... Father was her boss, and all involved gave their consent freely.

The lad’s middle name is his biological father’s first name. No one in the either [cuckold or his wife] has that name. And they refused circumcision, another connection to his biological father. Even then, his genitals were significantly larger noted than his half brother’s, [and yes, his wife did tease him about that].

Unfortunately, I lost contact with the guy. But I had asked for a rundown of his plans for raising him. He got back to me [sadly, that was his last e-mail before something happened to his account].

That mail was an interesting blend of a few things I said PLUS his own reactions to his cuckolding, and to his response after a few months when she was able to convince her boss to let her husband watch them together.

This went better than very well. She made her man strip. Then her boss disrobed. Hubby said, “it made me feel silly and submissive.” Once he started using it on her, he knew there was no going back. What he saw and heard helped him accept these dynamics very quickly, and solidified the relationship.

His last e-mail said his younger ‘......’ would know from a young age how he differs from others [especially his half-brother] and what it means later; many girls will be intrigued, and some guys will need only a little encouragement to feel very timid and be convinced to step aside as girlfriends and later their wives learn how and why this matters.

He also wrote that this is the natural order of things, and that this is what Nature INTENDS to happen.

The lad’s biological father was on cloud -9 when his kid was born—and given his name. She was very much into this relationship [obviously 😄]. But the most interesting thing is that the guy actually discussed this stuff with his wife without my mentioning it. He said that she agreed to teach him about women — their feelings, social life, inner life.

I was for that last communication; but I rue the day that I lost that contact.

Anyway, would like to hear about your rearing and how it went.

Take care!
Hope it helps lay the ground work. Base expectations. Not every couple should be in this lifestyle and that’s more than fine.

If people are interested I can expand on how to help make hotwives.
My wife has know of my Fantasy for the past 10 years In the past 4 years we have started going to a local nude beach. We know openings tease each other about me sharing her and role play it while in bed. My problem is that ee live in the country. Need to travel everywhere we go. She's said if it were to happen, she wants it to happen naturally. So, how can I help this along?
Hope everyone is doing well 🙂

I come from what an uncommon background outside this community, maybe even uncommon within the community.

My parents made and raised me to be a bull. They have friends in the community too. I have been with a few couples, and chatted with more.
In my experience there's a range of couples that get into this, in fact is increasing, and I'd like to share some assorted thoughts. Maybe it matches others experiences too.

There's 2 points that I think must be first overcome to start helping her become a hotwife:

For Him: She always comes first. You know this but you have to live it too. Us men are all here for women, just in different ways. Live this out, you are her man in many ways, except in the ways you want to bring someone else in for. Lean out of the ways for the latter, and lean in on the former.

For Her: Do not pressure too much, nor too hard. She chose you to be her man. Helping her become a hotwife involves not just ensuring you remain her man, but involves some work in reframing what "being her man" means to her.

If neither of the above can be overcome, then do not push too hard. Enjoy what you have.

I can share more experience if you'd all like, find it useful so far.

You appear to be a man of wisdom. Everything you said rings true. However, you can expand on those principles to enlighten and teach men.

The principle of reframing what "being her man" means to her. It applies to the bigger picture whatever roles you decide to take. Men need to help their women establish what is involved in being his woman.

The man needs to be the Head of the Household. It means you keep her and the children safe. You can fill in all the little pieces in between. But, men need to step up and be the provider.

Then he needs to give her perspective and what that means. Times like they are in America, when a group of armed Transnational Criminal gang members kick in your door. The wife needs to know you're ready to give your life to protect her and the children. Let her know that.
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My wife has know of my Fantasy for the past 10 years In the past 4 years we have started going to a local nude beach. We know openings tease each other about me sharing her and role play it while in bed. My problem is that ee live in the country. Need to travel everywhere we go. She's said if it were to happen, she wants it to happen naturally. So, how can I help this along?
So again, do not push it if she doesn’t want it. It’s her choice in the end and simply be happy she is choosing you.

A lot of couples start off in this lifestyle as swingers. Both of you involved and exploring sexually. You can focus on her exploring, and you exploring. Over time you will eventually find that one guy, the one she legitimately finds hot and hung. If you do a threesome with him she will find herself unable to do anything but focus more on him than you. That’s when you can start to encourage it more.

To get to swinging you can share porn together. But it has to be porn that appeals to women. You can encourage her to be an object of desire that no one can resist. Get her sexy outfits and dresses. You can get a penis sleeve that is large but not impossibly so as well.
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