Shrinking his caged cock


Do any other hot wives enjoy making hubby’s cock smaller by keeping him in chastity

My hubby is getting smaller, keeping him permanently locked and never allowed to get erect

I apply preparation H to his cock 3 times a week as well

He is currently in a 2 inch cage which used to be tight it’s now getting loose so a smaller will be ordered soon
Do any other hot wives enjoy making hubby’s cock smaller by keeping him in chastity

My hubby is getting smaller, keeping him permanently locked and never allowed to get erect

I apply preparation H to his cock 3 times a week as well

He is currently in a 2 inch cage which used to be tight it’s now getting loose so a smaller will be ordered soon
Do you go out fucking, my insides would itch !???
Do any other hot wives enjoy making hubby’s cock smaller by keeping him in chastity

My hubby is getting smaller, keeping him permanently locked and never allowed to get erect

I apply preparation H to his cock 3 times a week as well

He is currently in a 2 inch cage which used to be tight it’s now getting loose so a smaller will be ordered soon
What is preparation H.
Do any other hot wives enjoy making hubby’s cock smaller by keeping him in chastity

My hubby is getting smaller, keeping him permanently locked and never allowed to get erect

I apply preparation H to his cock 3 times a week as well

He is currently in a 2 inch cage which used to be tight it’s now getting loose so a smaller will be ordered soon
Wow, you are an incredible woman! ❤️ Your husband is a lucky man!!!
Do any other hot wives enjoy making hubby’s cock smaller by keeping him in chastity

My hubby is getting smaller, keeping him permanently locked and never allowed to get erect

I apply preparation H to his cock 3 times a week as well

He is currently in a 2 inch cage which used to be tight it’s now getting loose so a smaller will be ordered soon
I've been caged 24/7 for the past 12 years and my Wife delights in putting me in smaller cages. The continuous caging coupled with the natural ageing process has resulted in a significantly shrunken cock. My current cage is my 7th. one and is a micro cage of .85 inch. When She releases me (weekly) for hygiene, she slathers my cock with Aspercreme, though it is hardly necessary since it really doesn't get erect anymore.
Do any other hot wives enjoy making hubby’s cock smaller by keeping him in chastity

My hubby is getting smaller, keeping him permanently locked and never allowed to get erect

I apply preparation H to his cock 3 times a week as well

He is currently in a 2 inch cage which used to be tight it’s now getting loose so a smaller will be ordered soon
Thanks for sharing. This seems like something i would enjoy as a cage and shrinage would allow me to focus soley on partners pleasure. Can you share more why its appealing to you?
I’m shrinking hubby’s cock and keeping him permanently locked in chastity as he does not require his cock anymore, I get my pleasure from other men
I am feminising him which is making him a much better husband, he does all the cleaning and cooking and everything around the house
He is only allowed to sit on the toilet never stand
My wife has had other men for the last 40 years about 15 years ago my dick started to shrink I was on meds for hypertension, nothing to much but she said it wasn't big enough for her so all it got was hand use, later on I developed and an enlarged prostrate and a large hydrocele on my right testicle, that made sex impossible so she went out fucking more than ever, I developed cancer and lost a kidney the chemotherapy that followed finished it off, I don't need a cage or creams it has just disappeared into its own little recess and you have to dig it out to see it at all , if you can get it hard it will stay up for all of 30 seconds and only measures between 1 and 1/2 and 2 inches, add to that I can't cum in any way shape or form so as you can see it very much redundant, she doesn't care she gets to fuck whomever takes her fancy.
I’m shrinking hubby’s cock and keeping him permanently locked in chastity as he does not require his cock anymore, I get my pleasure from other men
I am feminising him which is making him a much better husband, he does all the cleaning and cooking and everything around the house
He is only allowed to sit on the toilet never stand
Sounds like a great relationship. I assume you decided he doesnt need his cock. One day i hope to fid someone lke you.
We are both very sorry about your health and hope that you are well now
She sounds like a gorgeous hot wife having others for 40 years
Has she feminised you in any way, like I have with Dave, I call him Davina a lot of the time
It's been a fantastic marriage and I find I don't really need a cock now so I don't miss it much at all and Maggie is just glad it's gone and she can get on with what she really wants.
I'm just curious how do you gauge that your husband is "into it" and satisfied with continuing? On one hand, I think I would enjoy handing over my sexuality to my wife. On the other hand, I'm not sure how I would deal with my value to her and my own insecurity. I would be totally reliant on her being sensitive to my needs for a truly satisfying sexuality too (whatever that may look like). I realize that many men want to be submissive and I understand because I "think" about it myself but I still want some kind of sex that excites me. How do you deal with that and feel confident?
It’s something we talked about a long time ago, he is a complete submissive and enjoys being dominated, it was one of his complete fantasies
Being controlled and having to ask permission to do anything, he has to ask my permission to go to the toilet
He gets his sexual satisfaction from giving me pleasure or watching me get pleasure from others
It’s something we talked about a long time ago, he is a complete submissive and enjoys being dominated, it was one of his complete fantasies
Being controlled and having to ask permission to do anything, he has to ask my permission to go to the toilet
He gets his sexual satisfaction from giving me pleasure or watching me get pleasure from others
Same here I love to see her go out and get the cock she needs, I could sense my cock was not enough for her so I encouraged her to go out and find the cock she needed, it's just so good to see her as a well satisfied happy woman.
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A small cage and Avodart (prostate medicine) makes miracles. It shrink penis and balls. Bull insisted that the husband was wearing a cage. It was very bad at him at night. Avodart helped him to solve erection and ...... as a baby. After a year, his penis is for half smaller, in soft condition. There is no more erection and jerk. The husband doesn't have to wear a cage anymore.