Lucky stiff pictured was electrician we hired to do improvements. One day he mentioned how lucky l was to have such a hot wife. His use of that terminology prompted me to answer, " Yes, l love showing her off.....,And she loves showing off. If she ever offers herself up to you, take it. You will not regret." This was met with an expressionless poker-face. A week or so later wife let something slip, indicating the electrician got in. I heard her slip out the back door one night. Gave her fifteen minute head start, then followed. Hoping to get a look thru his blinds at them going at it. Or at least hear some moans. When l arrived l heard giggles. When l got near window his dog sounded alarm. Her new Beau flew out the door. No shirt, no shoes, only pants fastened by one button. Fly unzipped. 3/4 hard penis extending forth. "What are you doing?" he asks....I say trying to get a look at you two going at it. He invites me to look inside. My wife under covers on the floor. Her clothes piled up across the room as well. Her bidding me go home. I leave and let them finish. At home later l ask her if she'd be interested in 3 day weekend with Beau in exchange for 1 "Session" recorded. They both discuss for a few days. The pictures are captured stills of the recording. Enjoy!