Shaved body or not , on your husband that is .

She is. Even though I'm incapable of satisifying any woman and I'm a failure as a man and a husband she gets off fucking guys in front of me. She enjoys showing me what I'm missing and will never have. In some perverted way this is how I can please her. She tells me that it enhances her experiences with real men when she looks at how pathetic I am and compares me with her lovers. So in a way, I'm helping out. She taught me a long time ago how to enjoy negative attention from women because that is all I will ever get. Now I'm in ecstacy kissing her feet while she cains my ass and denies me sex.
I aplogize if my sarcasm didnt come through
She is. You just dont understand
I dont understand for certain.

I do get the kink of the wife with another man, but degrading someone and making them feel like a piece of ...... is just off the charts unimaginable. If that gets you off then more power to you, but do not try to pass this person that you married off as some kind of God-send.

Sounds like she married someone that is very weak, she knows it, and is taking full advantage of it. Again - that works for you and you think this is good. To me it sounds like a hostage situation where the hostage is in full Stockholm Syndrome effect.
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I dont understand for certain.

I do get the kink of the wife with another man, but degrading someone and making them feel like a piece of ...... is just off the charts unimaginable. If that gets you off then more power to you, but do not try to pass this person that you married off as some kind of God-send.

Sounds like she married someone that is very weak, she knows it, and is taking full advantage of it. Again - that works for you and you think this is good. To me it sounds like a hostage situation where the hostage is in full Stockhold Syndrome effect.
It's dificult for many to understand. Ours is an admittedly strange and rare relationship which started when we were very young. My wife is very dominant by nature and has a marked sadistic componant to her personality. She enjoys wielding her power and athority over me and it turns her on sexually. In her defense I am a very submissive masochist who gets off on certian types of physical pain, humiliation,and a need to be obedient. The only way I can relate to women is in this manner. It may have come from an abusive early childhood. As you might imagine very few women want a weak effiminate sissy as a partner. Added to that, I have a micro penis,(< 3.0 inches) so I'm virtually incapable of performing coitus. So as I grew into puberty I knew I was different and could never get a girl. My future wife who was my next door neighbor when we were kids would tease me and humiliate me saying I was a sissy etc. Oddly at some point I went from hating that treatment to enjoying it. It was at least attention from a girl. Much better than being ignored. No body wants to be left out and I simply adapted to the fact that I was a wimp but at least she was interested in me.It wasn't in the normal way but it was better than nothing. She was a very good looking girl,way out of my league, but needed me to satisify her kinks. So a relationship developed albeit an odd one.She had boyfriends but always kept me in her wings in order to enjoy her other side. So as we got older and started to think about marriage,she knew she could have the best of both worlds, an obedient hubby she could exercise her dominant needs on and have real men on the side for sex without commitement. I had a beautiful wife whose treatment of me I loved and lived for. And even though our relationship sounds abusive it is not. We care for each other on an emotional and moral level. We keep it medically safe and never go beyond certian boundries even though those boundries are way out there for some folks. We know couples who fight like cats and dogs some where real ...... abounds. Our marriage is non toxic and my wife and I love one another.
It's dificult for many to understand. Ours is an admittedly strange and rare relationship which started when we were very young. My wife is very dominant by nature and has a marked sadistic componant to her personality. She enjoys wielding her power and athority over me and it turns her on sexually. In her defense I am a very submissive masochist who gets off on certian types of physical pain, humiliation,and a need to be obedient. The only way I can relate to women is in this manner. It may have come from an abusive early childhood. As you might imagine very few women want a weak effiminate sissy as a partner. Added to that, I have a micro penis,(< 3.0 inches) so I'm virtually incapable of performing coitus. So as I grew into puberty I knew I was different and could never get a girl. My future wife who was my next door neighbor when we were kids would tease me and humiliate me saying I was a sissy etc. Oddly at some point I went from hating that treatment to enjoying it. It was at least attention from a girl. Much better than being ignored. No body wants to be left out and I simply adapted to the fact that I was a wimp but at least she was interested in me.It wasn't in the normal way but it was better than nothing. She was a very good looking girl,way out of my league, but needed me to satisify her kinks. So a relationship developed albeit an odd one.She had boyfriends but always kept me in her wings in order to enjoy her other side. So as we got older and started to think about marriage,she knew she could have the best of both worlds, an obedient hubby she could exercise her dominant needs on and have real men on the side for sex without commitement. I had a beautiful wife whose treatment of me I loved and lived for. And even though our relationship sounds abusive it is not. We care for each other on an emotional and moral level. We keep it medically safe and never go beyond certian boundries even though those boundries are way out there for some folks. We know couples who fight like cats and dogs some where real ...... abounds. Our marriage is non toxic and my wife and I love one another.
Look - I understand some of the kink that is promoted on this website. I admit a lot of it is foreign to me and I can fathom it.

If this is your thing and your place in life and you are ok with it - that is fine - knock yourself out.

You say its a good marriage - again if it works for you but to me sounds (at least the way you frame it up) it is completely one sided. Of course you dont fight you seemingly just go along with what the boss says. I always thought a good marriage was a partnership - she doesnt have a partner, and neither do you - she has her bitch and you have your master. Not trying to be a douche but you explained it that way.

There are a lot of contradictions in your explanation - for instance you care about each other on an emotional and moral level. Your explanation of your lifestyle doesnt sound like either one.

Again I am not trying to be a douche bag here - It sounds like only a person that has very cruel side would intentionally treat some one that they "love", and care about on an "emotional/moral" level in the way she treats you.

Question for you - if you just upped and left for whatever reason ................would she miss the man, the financial ticket, and/or her whipping boy?

The way you explained it - it sounds like she can do without the man because (according to you) you are not her man. I do not know the financial situation but if are the bread winner her and paying for this treatment.............again its your life.

Fighting with the wife is actually a good thing sometimes. Not physical of course.
Look - I understand some of the kink that is promoted on this website. I admit a lot of it is foreign to me and I can fathom it.

If this is your thing and your place in life and you are ok with it - that is fine - knock yourself out.

You say its a good marriage - again if it works for you but to me sounds (at least the way you frame it up) it is completely one sided. Of course you dont fight you seemingly just go along with what the boss says. I always thought a good marriage was a partnership - she doesnt have a partner, and neither do you - she has her bitch and you have your master. Not trying to be a douche but you explained it that way.

There are a lot of contradictions in your explanation - for instance you care about each other on an emotional and moral level. Your explanation of your lifestyle doesnt sound like either one.

Again I am not trying to be a douche bag here - It sounds like only a person that has very cruel side would intentionally treat some one that they "love", and care about on an "emotional/moral" level in the way she treats you.

Question for you - if you just upped and left for whatever reason ................would she miss the man, the financial ticket, and/or her whipping boy?

The way you explained it - it sounds like she can do without the man because (according to you) you are not her man. I do not know the financial situation but if are the bread winner her and paying for this treatment.............again its your life.

Fighting with the wife is actually a good thing sometimes. Not physical of course.
By emotional/moral I mean a genuine caring for well being. Example: when there is a death in the family she gives me all the love and support any loving spouse would extend.When I took an intrest in cosmetology she set up and paid for the course. True she benefitted from the skills I learned but gave me that gift knowing that it also brings me some joy to practice a hobby of sorts. Once there was a fire and a family member of mine lost everything. She came to the rescue and actually bought them a new house (she is very sucessful as a real estate broker) and gave me most of the credit even though I dont earn an income. I did leave once for a very short time and we both were distraught over it. I wented to porve I was a man and could make it on my own but she took me back when I failed. She needs me to. She isn't a monster just very dom and I'm sub so we fit.
By emotional/moral I mean a genuine caring for well being. Example: when there is a death in the family she gives me all the love and support any loving spouse would extend.When I took an intrest in cosmetology she set up and paid for the course. True she benefitted from the skills I learned but gave me that gift knowing that it also brings me some joy to practice a hobby of sorts. Once there was a fire and a family member of mine lost everything. She came to the rescue and actually bought them a new house (she is very sucessful as a real estate broker) and gave me most of the credit even though I dont earn an income. I did leave once for a very short time and we both were distraught over it. I wented to porve I was a man and could make it on my own but she took me back when I failed. She needs me to. She isn't a monster just very dom and I'm sub so we fit.
Again - whatever makes your boat float.
Thinking on the terms of those husbands that are feminized and caged and all the wearing of women's panties and maybe even those in a FLR ,

Why don't you completely shave all your body hair as I'm seeing pictures of men and very hairy at that, like chest and legs full of hair but only crotch shaved for the cage .

If your going to wear women's panties and shave your junk why stop there?
Continue and shave those legs cause wearing stockings with hairy legs man or woman is so wrong and can't possibly turn anyone on .
Nothing says yuck and cringes than hairy legs in stockings and a hairy chest to go with it .

You are being feminized by your wife ,, so complete the job and shave that whole body , and women ....
How are you failing in your So called FLR ?
How can you allow this to continue???
Make him shave the whole body everything must go .

Then make him post pictures of how smooth he is now .
And make him wear stockings and tight fitting panties for the pictures.

Seems some if not all of you So called FLR women are Failures and only pretending .

He must show Proof of being in a FLR and 99.999 % of these men can't be different than any other man outside of this lifestyle and makes it known as a fake - wannabe - look over - pretender.
Call it what you want, but any man not shaved bare bald is just a man getting his kinks off on this website.

Show proof of you being FLR , prove it otherwise you are NO
I would do the same. Although I'd probably just cage it because it wouldn't be a great deal of use to me!
My wife wanted to feminize me she shaved a lot of hair off me my legs my pubes she put make up on me bought me a pair of giant high heel shoes , I got dressed and fixed up in my women’s clothes in the bed room then i came out alldressed for the first time she had me stand in front of the full length mirror but we couldn’t stop laughing I looked like Herman Munster in drag , so we used it for a Halloween costume party lol she dressed as a man me as a 6 “3’ woman I looked so funny everyone had the same reaction we did it was a riot everyone just couldn’t stop laughing especially those big ass high heels lol
My wife hates hair on penis, male's pubic area and armpits. So I have permanently (laser + electrolysis) hairless penis, testicles, pubic area as well as buttocks, anus, peri-anal and armpits. She likes a little hair on chest and legs though.

I am straight and not a sissy at all. Quite often we visit nudist beaches around the globe and noticed that many males are hairless these days. It is probably more males completely hairless down than females on some nudist resorts.

By the way, my wife is free to be hairy or smooth, so she sometimes goes full bush or waxes. We could see quite a few couples on nude beach where male is completely hairless but his lady is with full bush or slighlty hairy/with some haircut.
My wife hates hair on penis, male's pubic area and armpits. So I have permanently (laser + electrolysis) hairless penis, testicles, pubic area as well as buttocks, anus, peri-anal and armpits. She likes a little hair on chest and legs though.

I am straight and not a sissy at all. Quite often we visit nudist beaches around the globe and noticed that many males are hairless these days. It is probably more males completely hairless down than females on some nudist resorts.

By the way, my wife is free to be hairy or smooth, so she sometimes goes full bush or waxes. We could see quite a few couples on nude beach where male is completely hairless but his lady is with full bush or slighlty hairy/with some haircut.
Same here my wife has me hairless cock balls and ass
Take a good close look at my legs in hold up stockings - do they look hairy ??- no they’re not because I am a full cd ( straight ) and us gurls would never dream of having hairy legs - I shave my armpits and vary my pubic tuft / landing strip etc as the mood takes me 03725452-569B-4B15-8853-D795671E6F86.jpeg


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Thinking on the terms of those husbands that are feminized and caged and all the wearing of women's panties and maybe even those in a FLR ,

Why don't you completely shave all your body hair as I'm seeing pictures of men and very hairy at that, like chest and legs full of hair but only crotch shaved for the cage .

If your going to wear women's panties and shave your junk why stop there?
Continue and shave those legs cause wearing stockings with hairy legs man or woman is so wrong and can't possibly turn anyone on .
Nothing says yuck and cringes than hairy legs in stockings and a hairy chest to go with it .

You are being feminized by your wife ,, so complete the job and shave that whole body , and women ....
How are you failing in your So called FLR ?
How can you allow this to continue???
Make him shave the whole body everything must go .

Then make him post pictures of how smooth he is now .
And make him wear stockings and tight fitting panties for the pictures.

Seems some if not all of you So called FLR women are Failures and only pretending .

He must show Proof of being in a FLR and 99.999 % of these men can't be different than any other man outside of this lifestyle and makes it known as a fake - wannabe - look over - pretender.
Call it what you want, but any man not shaved bare bald is just a man getting his kinks off on this website.

Show proof of you being FLR , prove it otherwise you are NOT
I am not feminised but my wife is the boss in the bedroom. I have shaved my groin and balls for years however my wife has a full light brown bush. I should know because I fo down on it often...many times with her friends cum running out of it.


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