respect for sluts

We will chime in with a second to that motion. Mrs Ntcuck wonders out loud who decided that a slut and a whore are such a bad thing. It is wonderful that females can express their sexual desires as much as the men.
I agree. Men have always done it but that makes them studs. I love sluts
Great. I think those panties stuffed in your pussy were a dead giveaway. Just wish you lived near me. My area seems totally devoid of sluts. Or at least I can't find them.
My wife says she is my personal slut and loves to please me by fucking me & other men at the same time. She says when she fucks multiple men all she gets out of it is multiple orgasms and lustful anticipation of the next event! 😉
"...........all she gets out of it is............."

Sorry but that statement seems to minimize her enjoyment as if there was more to be had but missing.
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