People exist on a spectrum in either gender, so there are always exceptions and a lot of promiscuity is driven by psychological factors, more so than even sex drive. Women tend to also see more value and satisfaction in sex with emotional connection than men. Women, especially when younger, will occasionally go out "just looking to get fucked" but you go to a club and that's probably 10% of the women there on a given night, if you're lucky, and 90% of the men haha.
Society would have it that men are driven by sex more than women. In fact, evidence suggests this is true.
- Men are generally rapists, not women.
- Men chat women up more
- Men will take advantage of women sexually more
- Men seek multiple partners and affairs more than women
- Men masturbate more
- Men seek out prostitutes, buy sexual massages and happy endings
- Men are apparently more physical, whereas women look more for emotional attachment#
BUT.... is it that simple? My experience of women suggests that:
- women can enjoy sex much more than men if liberated to do so, with multiple, more intense orgasms
- women can and do chat up men..... more through physical flirting than words, i.e. it's more overtly a sexual come-on
- women are attracted to cocks and balls as much as men are to tits and cunts
- women do/would enjoy sexual massages as much as men if only they were available.
I could go on but my point is that women are driven by sex as much as men but it's expressed differently, due to societal expectations, biological reality (hey get pregnant) and physical reality (they are weaker).
Your thoughts please?
It's called "testosterone" haha... Men have much more of it than women and it's a hormone that contributes to aggressiveness, confidence and risk-taking. It sets up men to be more frequent seekers of sex, gives them the confidence to approach women (how many beautiful women you know who wonder if they're attractive enough for anyone to want to fuck vs. fat ugly men who seem oblivious to their own unattractiveness). Testosterone also helps us men make more irresponsible decisions lol.
At the same time, if you remove other factors like fear of pregnancy, safety risks of getting with unknown men by just looking at how often men vs. women masturbate, even in liberal cultures, and its like 3x more frequent on average for men.
Finally, while people exist on a spectrum and there are always exceptions (a lot of the women here are probably exceptions to to the trend) women generally see more value and satisfaction in sex with emotional attachment, as in a relationship. Men can enjoy that too but are more open to a one-night-stand sort of situation. Sometimes women, especially when they're younger, go out and "just want to get fucked" but on any given night at a nightclub, that's probably only 5-10% of the women there, if even, but like 90% of the men.
Along with more desire for emotional attachement and concern about safety, social-imagine, you also have to consider that when a woman gets with some random, unknown partner, the chances are probably a lot lower that this man is going to know how to or care about pleasuring her. During intercourse, men are typically on control of the motion, unless the woman is riding them, and are pretty good at getting themselves off but not necessarily their partner.
All these factors and more are why there is just less interest and more hesitation for women, in general.
When it comes to cheating, I think both can do it because of boredom / dissatisfaction but I think high sex-drive and impulsivity are much bigger factors for men, while I've observed probably the most common driver for women, outside of the aforementioned factors, is insecurity and the affirmation they get from being wanted sexually. I had a buddy who was afraid to marry this girl he said was "a nympho" but I think the nympho is a lot less likely to cheat, just based on desire for sex, than the woman who feels underappreciated and insecure, then has some man come onto her at work or wherever.