Encourages wife to be slut - gets mad when wife becomes slut... 🤔
It would be one thing if he had previously communicated his discomfort with things or set some boundaries and you ignored them but if so, you haven't mentioned that and from what we've heard so far, it sounds like he was fully into it, until he just suddenly lost his .......
My guess is somewhere along the lines it started to feel like less of an exciting, mutual sexual adventure, to more of him feeling too left out / secondary to your bulls, and then resentment crept in. He probably has been feeling a bit of resentment for a while but didn't want to upset things and bit his tongue until it finally went too far for him and it all came out. Maybe it happened that way because he felt like he could not voice his feelings without you potentially getting upset / felt like you would not be receptive to his complaints. Also possible he was holding out, hoping you would recognize him and reign things in on your own - which is a mistake I've made in the past (not in a wife-sharing situation but other aspects of relationships). I eventually realized though, the best way to get what you need from someone is to just tell them instead of hoping they'll read your mind.
Whatever the case, I'm not defending his current actions - just trying to provide some insight into what might have been going on in his head. The way he's handling it now though is pretty immature. I'm not sure what the best course of action is. If you do want to preserve the marriage, I'd probably cut off seeing bulls for the time being and just go about your regular life while just avoiding engaging with husband until he chills out. Then at some point, you can maybe have a more constructive conversation about what you want the future to be. If he keeps throwing the slut thing in your face, I'd just keep telling him, that's his fault for promoting it and you don't need any of that (assuming that's true for you).
If you're done with him / don't want to give up the lifestyle you have, then maybe divorce is the only option. It will likely be messy though and he will attempt to make it all our to be your fault / slut shame you to family. At least, that's what happened to a friend of mine... She was always a bit of a slut in HS and we would occasionally fuck while she was dating the guy she eventually married, who apparently found out and got off on it. He encouraged her to get into hotwifing, took her to sex clubs, encouraged her to go out on dates with guys. Eventually she sort of fell for a dude and started seeing him a lot, then husband finally got jealous or whatever and filed for divorce, slut shamed her, told her family etc. It was pretty ugly. Following the diverse, she dated the "bull" she'd be seeing for a while but, knowing her past, he got all controlling and jealous and eventually they ended up splitting.
Sorry you have to go through this - definitely a shitty situation. Hope it works out somehow.