Opinions needed -- wife playing alone

So what happened ?? Please update us !
We’ve been extremely busy with work and family life. We did get a chance for a date night last week, but it was a bust. Guy was big talk in the bar and then my wife got him to the car, he lasted under a minute. Seriously, my wife didn’t even get a condom on him. Was blowing and stroking him first and he came. Disappointing. I told my wife she’s just too hot. 😊
Hi, would really like some feedback. My wife was out a couple months ago visiting one of their satellite offices and was approached/propositioned that night in her hotel bar. They chatted, had drinks at the bar, and exchanged business cards. She said the guy tried to pick her up, asked her back to his room, but she told him no -- adamantly, that she was happily married. She said he was attractive, but she'd never do that to me without my knowledge.

Since we've taken the plunge into this new lifestyle, she brought him up last night. Evidently he reached out to her on Facebook a couple weeks ago. He lives a little over an hour away from us. They're both going to be in the same town on business early next week. She said she's absolutely not asking to play with him, but she is curious, and if it would be a turn on for me, she's open to it.

SO...I'm considering agreeing to letting my wife play without me. She has said she absolutely will not do it unless I'm okay with it. I think the only way I could be okay with it is if they'll film it or take pictures. Otherwise, it's like I didn't even get to see it/participate/nothing. We're really not into that kind of play.

Has anyone ever been in this same kind of situation? Advice? Suggestions?

Just trying to figure out which way to go here. The idea does turn me on I have to say! 😊
Having her play alone can be very intense. Waiting for her return can bring on mixed emotions from highly erotic to pangs of jealousy. Photo pics sent during their play date can help but reclaiming her after is amazing. My wife will be meeting a bull for sex this afternoon while I am working. She will send pics and gopro everything for me. It should be hot! Best wishes to you and your hotwife.
My wife travels a lot in her business. She has opportunities frequently. So far though, she has only stepped out two times with my encouragement. She set up her cell phone and I watched her get fucked both times. It was hot as hell. We also had a FWB guy that we had a 3 year fling with. It was mostly MFM get togethers, but occasionally she would go alone to his house and I would listen on the phone, and they would video it for my later viewing. A couple of times she spent the night and I would pick her up at a restaurant for breakfast the next morning. Then there was one time when I was in the hospital for a couple of days and we lived over an hour away , but he lived mid way between our home and the hospital, so I told her she should just stay with him to save some driving time. They called me when they went to bed and I listened to them fucking. It was awkward, because the nurse came in to check on me while I was on the phone listening. Actually it was hot as hell! Anyway, different strokes for different folks, but I would encourage your wife to go have fun and include you in it however it works , either listening, watching on face time or just having her tell you details later. It's all about fun.
Do you still share your wife?? Does she cum to coastal S.C.??
Hi, would really like some feedback. My wife was out a couple months ago visiting one of their satellite offices and was approached/propositioned that night in her hotel bar. They chatted, had drinks at the bar, and exchanged business cards. She said the guy tried to pick her up, asked her back to his room, but she told him no -- adamantly, that she was happily married. She said he was attractive, but she'd never do that to me without my knowledge.

Since we've taken the plunge into this new lifestyle, she brought him up last night. Evidently he reached out to her on Facebook a couple weeks ago. He lives a little over an hour away from us. They're both going to be in the same town on business early next week. She said she's absolutely not asking to play with him, but she is curious, and if it would be a turn on for me, she's open to it.

SO...I'm considering agreeing to letting my wife play without me. She has said she absolutely will not do it unless I'm okay with it. I think the only way I could be okay with it is if they'll film it or take pictures. Otherwise, it's like I didn't even get to see it/participate/nothing. We're really not into that kind of play.

Has anyone ever been in this same kind of situation? Advice? Suggestions?

Just trying to figure out which way to go here. The idea does turn me on I have to say! 😊
I say go for the cuckhold aspect amazing
Hi, would really like some feedback. My wife was out a couple months ago visiting one of their satellite offices and was approached/propositioned that night in her hotel bar. They chatted, had drinks at the bar, and exchanged business cards. She said the guy tried to pick her up, asked her back to his room, but she told him no -- adamantly, that she was happily married. She said he was attractive, but she'd never do that to me without my knowledge.

Since we've taken the plunge into this new lifestyle, she brought him up last night. Evidently he reached out to her on Facebook a couple weeks ago. He lives a little over an hour away from us. They're both going to be in the same town on business early next week. She said she's absolutely not asking to play with him, but she is curious, and if it would be a turn on for me, she's open to it.

SO...I'm considering agreeing to letting my wife play without me. She has said she absolutely will not do it unless I'm okay with it. I think the only way I could be okay with it is if they'll film it or take pictures. Otherwise, it's like I didn't even get to see it/participate/nothing. We're really not into that kind of play.

Has anyone ever been in this same kind of situation? Advice? Suggestions?

Just trying to figure out which way to go here. The idea does turn me on I have to say! 😊
Let her fuck him, have her take pics or video. Have him cum deep in her and put on panties after so she can show you what he did, then reclaim her 😉
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We've gone back and forth on the her playing alone thing. Times we decided we should only play together never lasted long. In fact years later she admitted that some of the no alone breaks were just her not telling me.

It seems after college when we were supposedly in a together only phase, she had Wednesdays off (she worked retail) and it was not uncommon for friends we were doing MFMs with to show up.

Yeah I really did not mind abd I was okay with her having a secret it two
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I'd encourage her to play - that's assuming she's not already done it, or isn't planning on fucking him, whether or not you do... my experience is that she's either going to fuck this guy, or she already has and the "flirting" with the idea is just a backwards way to admit it.
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Hi, would really like some feedback. My wife was out a couple months ago visiting one of their satellite offices and was approached/propositioned that night in her hotel bar. They chatted, had drinks at the bar, and exchanged business cards. She said the guy tried to pick her up, asked her back to his room, but she told him no -- adamantly, that she was happily married. She said he was attractive, but she'd never do that to me without my knowledge.

Since we've taken the plunge into this new lifestyle, she brought him up last night. Evidently he reached out to her on Facebook a couple weeks ago. He lives a little over an hour away from us. They're both going to be in the same town on business early next week. She said she's absolutely not asking to play with him, but she is curious, and if it would be a turn on for me, she's open to it.

SO...I'm considering agreeing to letting my wife play without me. She has said she absolutely will not do it unless I'm okay with it. I think the only way I could be okay with it is if they'll film it or take pictures. Otherwise, it's like I didn't even get to see it/participate/nothing. We're really not into that kind of play.

Has anyone ever been in this same kind of situation? Advice? Suggestions?

Just trying to figure out which way to go here. The idea does turn me on I have to say! 😊
Get her to call you and put the phone next to the bed, your imagination will fill in the blanks and you'll get to hear it all. Pictures if possible of creampie are hot too. As long as you are not jealous and going to flip out about it later.
The first time my wife went alone I asked for a pic or two. They took a couple of pics and laid the phone on the bed beside them. She accidentally ass phoned me while fucking. I had a good laugh.
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At first we met guys as a straight couple ,then with work and ...... constraints I encouraged her to meet on her own but always with pics or vids . Then I set her up with a single dating profile and her suitors increased teh fold .
Now I hardly get any imagery as she prefers to tell me when she returns as she edges me.to a ruined orgasm .
Simply give her your permission once, and then let it go! Let her play alone because that's what we actually crave as a wife. Dating, getting picked up, being pleased by another man and pleasing another man, without our husbands present. That way we don't have to worry about what you are thinking or how you will react, we can just let go. Certainly enforce your rules regarding pics and videos. That is a pretty hard rule for Mr HW and me. Eventually her sex with other men will become "normalized" and she will feel encouraged and confident allowing you to be present and participate. I don't recommend starting off with MFM. It's just too tough and if your husband doesn't respond well then it could be a disaster. Also, I've found that when my husband meets guys who turn me on he often doesn't really like them. That becomes a problem too. I want a guy and he throws in the towel on the initial meet up. It's a bit frustrating for me. That said, I pretty much always offer him the chance to come along and meet a new guy with me. I'm really pretty relieved when he declines though. But, I really enjoy MFM threesomes and so does Mr HW, so it's a double edged sword I suppose.

Just let your wife play and enjoy herself.

Mrs Hotwife

Oh, BTW NEVER get angry with her or question her relentlessly about what she has done. That will DESTROY this lifestyle forever for both of you. My husband really was a rock when it came to that. He NEVER gave me any grief at all when he caught me fucking other guys. He knew he could not do so because he had encouraged it for so long and he enjoyed it in many ways. There are those brief moments of "humiliation" or "embarrassment" when he finds out at times. They pass though, and he either just forgets them and lets them go or eventually enjoys it, because he knows I ENJOYED it.
Terrific advice!
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I would not be cool with her doing it without me. We enjoy mfm, watching then taking a turn is why it's fun for us.
I've had "offers" from women, I never have stepped out on my wife.
I know she gets offers, 99% sure she's never cheated.
We both really enjoy our mfm fun, same guy pretty regularly, all 3 of us have fun.