Simply give her your permission once, and then let it go! Let her play alone because that's what we actually crave as a wife. Dating, getting picked up, being pleased by another man and pleasing another man, without our husbands present. That way we don't have to worry about what you are thinking or how you will react, we can just let go. Certainly enforce your rules regarding pics and videos. That is a pretty hard rule for Mr HW and me. Eventually her sex with other men will become "normalized" and she will feel encouraged and confident allowing you to be present and participate. I don't recommend starting off with MFM. It's just too tough and if your husband doesn't respond well then it could be a disaster. Also, I've found that when my husband meets guys who turn me on he often doesn't really like them. That becomes a problem too. I want a guy and he throws in the towel on the initial meet up. It's a bit frustrating for me. That said, I pretty much always offer him the chance to come along and meet a new guy with me. I'm really pretty relieved when he declines though. But, I really enjoy MFM threesomes and so does Mr HW, so it's a double edged sword I suppose.
Just let your wife play and enjoy herself.
Mrs Hotwife
Oh, BTW NEVER get angry with her or question her relentlessly about what she has done. That will DESTROY this lifestyle forever for both of you. My husband really was a rock when it came to that. He NEVER gave me any grief at all when he caught me fucking other guys. He knew he could not do so because he had encouraged it for so long and he enjoyed it in many ways. There are those brief moments of "humiliation" or "embarrassment" when he finds out at times. They pass though, and he either just forgets them and lets them go or eventually enjoys it, because he knows I ENJOYED it.