She may have a medical condition that is effecting her libido which could possibly be corrected through medication or a physical health program. Whatever is causing the decreased desire, physical or mental, she needs to address it. Hopefully she will ask herself, and this isn't a threat but just the reality of the limited options available to mutually solve this problem, how jealous will she be if you divorce because then you will be ...... with other women and she could be ...... with other men or not have a partner in her life at all. Sounds like extra partners to me, just not together or in a way she would probably want.
Haha, well, there is definitely a condition effecting her libido and its 3 kids, plus anxiety over some parent health issues. A few years ago when we had an infant and 3yo sex frequency hit an all-time low, understandably, but it's gotten better. Stress is a huge factor and I hope that will continue to ease up as kids get older. With the youngest in school 3 days a week, she now at least goes to the gym regularly, which has helped a lot with mood and body-confidence.
That said, we had kids late; I'm 45, she's 40 and I feel like I need to "make hay while the sun shines." Sometimes I feel sort of unreasonable as I have friends who go months without sex, while for me I start to go nuts if it its been much longer than a week. We probably average 2-3 times per month now but it used to be like 5 times per week before kids. I also don't really like to push her for sex - her wanting it is a big part of the turn-on for me.
She does get horny still but it usually requires an evening out with me or her girlfriends. On a couple occasions she has come home and said things like "get your clothes off - I need to have sex now!" Those episodes make me wonder if it's just getting away from kids and being able to unwind... or if its being out, having men hit on her (which she sometimes tells me about) to stimulate some sexual excitement.
A couple weeks ago, after a few drinks, I got her to reveal more of her activities in the months we broke up prior to getting married. This was like 10 years ago but over time she keeps slowly admitting to more and given how she is, I always knew there was more. That night we went home and she was very horny, her pussy was sloppy wet and she ended up cumming as I had her admit and then repeat to me how her pussy was wet from telling me how she fucked other men. She was insatiable and after I came in her, she got me hard again and rode me to another orgasm... it was extremely hot. I love it when she gets like that and I guess I am looking for ways to make that happen more than once or twice per year. I don't expect or even want every time to be like that, some chill romantic sex is good sometimes. I just miss seeing her like that, which used to happen a lot back in the day, and would love to see a bit more of it.
As far as the risks go, it may be cliché, but there are always risks in life. Better to take some risks by living than to not and be dead. The risks of the lifestyle can be mitigated sufficiently to the point of comparative irrelevance, especially as you get older. The risks are more impactful for younger couples too than say an older guy like me, but with good forethought, areas of concern such as; relationship issues, health, safety and life goals priorities can be minimized to levels we accept all the time for many other activities. These risks just can't be ignored as if they somehow don't exist, which was one of the main points of my previous post.
I don't have enough background on your specifics to know what all the roadblocks are for your wife. However, the benefits to both of you, but especially her, will go far beyond just sexual if she chooses to find a way to reach common ground with you. Based on my personal experience and observations, being part of a sharing relationship, if done with thoughtful care, creates a much closer, more loving, and accepting dynamic in a relationship. I can't recommend it highly enough to couples who have healthy attitudes on cooperation and want their partners to be happy. I wish you good luck.
Yeah, I fully agree - there are distinct risks but there is also risk in not doing it, as you say, since I feel like it leaves me unsatisfied and more open to temptations. Plus, yeah, taking some risks to live.
We've finally had a more sincere talk about it precipitated by the night of "my pussy is wet from telling you I fucked other men." She initially said she was ...... and didn't remember - then when I recounted the events for her, she sheepishly said "that's very naughty" and "maybe I do remember some of it." After there was no way to deny that it really did turn her on a lot. However, she said she was afraid of crossing a line that you can't uncross and things getting out of control. Since she loved me and wanted to be good for me but "it was hard for a girl like her to be good." If I'm being honest, it is also a fear I have, as she is the type who, once into something, will often get obsessive about it and I do not like to feel left out or secondary.
She also is hung up on it being "not a normal thing to do" and potentially unhealthy. She gets weirded out by any talk of it that is too direct. I do not think she would ever agree to find a man online for a meeting, go to a swingers club or anything as deliberate and planned as that. So I think we are progressing and it may happen in a few years but the first time probably needs to be some perfect situation where it can occur naturally. She does often get talkative with men when we are out at bars. She is not shy. So I think if we were out and met someone that she liked and we had a hotel or whatever... Hard to make that happen though at this point. The other way I see it working for her is she meets a guy at a bar without me and sometimes happens... but I'm not sure I would like that. It would no doubt turn me on but I think I would not like a scenario that felt kind of like soft-cheating.
I want to have a shared experience, ideally an MFM type scenario or at least something more controlled, like she goes up to a hotel room while I wait at the bar. I am not looking to be a stay-at-home cuck watching kids while she dates other dudes. So there is some difficulty in trying to work out how things might progress, since she seems to enjoy the idea but I think feels anxious, guilty, and weird talking objectively about it.