Needing help/advice with morality issue....

Hi, we are a married couple who have been talking about a fantasy we both share of which my wife either has sex with another man and I watch or join making it a 3some. I really want to see her with a BBC, a whole other fantasy of mine!!! We are not sure if this will transpire or not, as the last hurdle is one of morality. We both have Christian beliefs, however I'm in no way as religious as she is nor her fathers side of the family. My wife is reluctant as she just feels that it is immoral for her to have sex with anyone other than me as she is my wife, and feels it is immoral for me to desire sharing her with another man. I just don't know how to say what I feel which is we are both adults, married, and therefore we should be able to discuss and do whatever we both agree to, not matter what others may think. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure what the whole "morals" are. I feel each person has their own set of morals. Is this wrong? Are morals based more in religious beliefs or teachings? Is there a Christian moral code? I feel our personal married life is only our business, not others, unless we choose to invite them into it. I guess what we are looking for is advice or insight on what others have done, if they had to overcome a morality issue on either partners part. My wife is in no way a prude, however she has only been sexual with 4 men, 2 high school boyfriends, her first husband, and now me. We want to thank you in advance for any input or advice.
Well early in the journey, when I was trying to convince my wife to have sex with other men like you say, we too used to talk and fantasise about it, and my wife who is religious but not overtly and Hindu not Christian, used to bring this up that it, then once on a visit to India we were at the Khajuraho temples, where they have multiple statues of all kinds of Kamasutra sex positions. So I said to her that even gods do it...that wore down her resistance to a degree, finally six months later she gave in, saying just once for your sake...But she enjoyed it and never stopped.
Hi, we are a married couple who have been talking about a fantasy we both share of which my wife either has sex with another man and I watch or join making it a 3some. I really want to see her with a BBC, a whole other fantasy of mine!!! We are not sure if this will transpire or not, as the last hurdle is one of morality. We both have Christian beliefs, however I'm in no way as religious as she is nor her fathers side of the family. My wife is reluctant as she just feels that it is immoral for her to have sex with anyone other than me as she is my wife, and feels it is immoral for me to desire sharing her with another man. I just don't know how to say what I feel which is we are both adults, married, and therefore we should be able to discuss and do whatever we both agree to, not matter what others may think. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure what the whole "morals" are. I feel each person has their own set of morals. Is this wrong? Are morals based more in religious beliefs or teachings? Is there a Christian moral code? I feel our personal married life is only our business, not others, unless we choose to invite them into it. I guess what we are looking for is advice or insight on what others have done, if they had to overcome a morality issue on either partners part. My wife is in no way a prude, however she has only been sexual with 4 men, 2 high school boyfriends, her first husband, and now me. We want to thank you in advance for any input or advice.
I was Christian, no longer am, wife is. The way she sees it is if I am there or allows it she is NOT cheating she is submitting to the "husband". We once had a well known Christian advice person tell us what happens in our bedroom that includes both of us with full permission from both partners is allowable. She has had no issues since, but has had a lot of BBC lol
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Well early in the journey, when I was trying to convince my wife to have sex with other men like you say, we too used to talk and fantasise about it, and my wife who is religious but not overtly and Hindu not Christian, used to bring this up that it, then once on a visit to India we were at the Khajuraho temples, where they have multiple statues of all kinds of Kamasutra sex positions. So I said to her that even gods do it...that wore down her resistance to a degree, finally six months later she gave in, saying just once for your sake...But she enjoyed it and never stopped.
A good way to begin.
Hi, we are a married couple who have been talking about a fantasy we both share of which my wife either has sex with another man and I watch or join making it a 3some. I really want to see her with a BBC, a whole other fantasy of mine!!! We are not sure if this will transpire or not, as the last hurdle is one of morality. We both have Christian beliefs, however I'm in no way as religious as she is nor her fathers side of the family. My wife is reluctant as she just feels that it is immoral for her to have sex with anyone other than me as she is my wife, and feels it is immoral for me to desire sharing her with another man. I just don't know how to say what I feel which is we are both adults, married, and therefore we should be able to discuss and do whatever we both agree to, not matter what others may think. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure what the whole "morals" are. I feel each person has their own set of morals. Is this wrong? Are morals based more in religious beliefs or teachings? Is there a Christian moral code? I feel our personal married life is only our business, not others, unless we choose to invite them into it. I guess what we are looking for is advice or insight on what others have done, if they had to overcome a morality issue on either partners part. My wife is in no way a prude, however she has only been sexual with 4 men, 2 high school boyfriends, her first husband, and now me. We want to thank you in advance for any input or advice.
What other people think is not the issue. it does not matter what others may think. They likely wont even know. It is just an issue within your faith. Neither of you are cheating, if you are together and not doing any axctivity behind the other's back. So the question does this square with your faith. Well, you need to work that out in discussion.
Hi, we are a married couple who have been talking about a fantasy we both share of which my wife either has sex with another man and I watch or join making it a 3some. I really want to see her with a BBC, a whole other fantasy of mine!!! We are not sure if this will transpire or not, as the last hurdle is one of morality. We both have Christian beliefs, however I'm in no way as religious as she is nor her fathers side of the family. My wife is reluctant as she just feels that it is immoral for her to have sex with anyone other than me as she is my wife, and feels it is immoral for me to desire sharing her with another man. I just don't know how to say what I feel which is we are both adults, married, and therefore we should be able to discuss and do whatever we both agree to, not matter what others may think. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure what the whole "morals" are. I feel each person has their own set of morals. Is this wrong? Are morals based more in religious beliefs or teachings? Is there a Christian moral code? I feel our personal married life is only our business, not others, unless we choose to invite them into it. I guess what we are looking for is advice or insight on what others have done, if they had to overcome a morality issue on either partners part. My wife is in no way a prude, however she has only been sexual with 4 men, 2 high school boyfriends, her first husband, and now me. We want to thank you in advance for any input or advice.
I would point out that in the bible many men had multiple wives. Also some wives had lovers. All with the approval of their husbands.

wont get into It.
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I’d just say most of us were brought up in some church. As others have said. The church now days and even back when I was a kid tends to judge people rather than just embrace and love them. We’ve all seen a ton of priest who turned out to be sexual predators. We’ve all seen people who were cheated on or who cheated. What we are advocating is consensual non monogamy. Both party’s in a marriage know what the other is doing and approve. You talk about it. You agree on the rules and change the rules as you both grow and become more comfortable. That’s really what this is about. Don’t let society or someone else control your lives. Obviously we all have to be discreet becuse the reality is people will always judge others. But don’t let other hold you back.
I’d just say most of us were brought up in some church. As others have said. The church now days and even back when I was a kid tends to judge people rather than just embrace and love them. We’ve all seen a ton of priest who turned out to be sexual predators. We’ve all seen people who were cheated on or who cheated. What we are advocating is consensual non monogamy. Both party’s in a marriage know what the other is doing and approve. You talk about it. You agree on the rules and change the rules as you both grow and become more comfortable. That’s really what this is about. Don’t let society or someone else control your lives. Obviously we all have to be discreet becuse the reality is people will always judge others. But don’t let other hold you back.
Morals are what YOU make of them.
Everyone has a different set.
Do makes you happy. Don’t worry about others
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Indeed. Morals at a hotwife/cuckold site?

Hardly morality as usually defined.
In fact, the church and this website?
Ur kidding, right?
Indeed. Morals at a hotwife/cuckold site?

Hardly morality as usually defined.
In fact, the church and this website?
Ur kidding, right?
I'm very religious activists and here also.
Its nothing wrong with it as long as we accept the consequences of the sex like create more life
This was one of the main reasons why I was hesitant at first. Being not only in tune with my faith but also employed by a Catholic Church I had a hard time swallowing this idea that my husband brought up to me.
It took me a lot of thinking and prayer to really look at what is considered a marriage in religious terms. Part of the vows we took were to be faithful and honor each other. The faithful part comes to mind for most people when they are talking about the idea of hotwifing. What is faithful to one person is not necessarily faithful to another. Again, it is in different interpretations where we find what we “believe”.
I’m doing this still having the belief that I am faithful to my husband in doing this together and he is faithful to me in the same way. When it becomes unfaithful is when sneaking and lying is involved. That is when you can damage a marriage.
One person I talked to that helped explained to me that God loves people having sex! How else is the future of the church going to grow?! Why else would he have made it such an amazing experience.
That’s just my two cents. Hopefully it actually helps a bit. I understand the frustration. My husband went for 3 years before I even thought seriously about it at all.
Good luck!
Wow. I wish my wife would understand this. She has same hesitations
Thank you
Does your wife ever lie? Does she sin in other ways? Of course the answer is yes. The Bible says all sin is the same, so lying is the same as ...... with another person. It's not cheating though. Cheating is when you go behind your spouses back.
We are Christians and we both totally know we'll have to repent, when we finally call the lifestyle quits.
You are really opening up a huge topic here of the forgive and forgets or live and let lives. Kinda like Baptist vs Methodist views. I am confused on this issue. I like thinking that once Christ is accepted and and confessed, that all sins,past Preston and future are forgiven. Of course that opens up the whole repentance issue. If one can keep on doing what they had been doing. Erghhh. This is really a deep question !

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