My wife is cheating on me

After years of talking about cuckold (nothing ever happend), my wife told me she has an affair with her ex boyfriend. She wants an open marriage now and she will continue to see him. He has a wife too. I'm not very happy with that, I feel really bad. But it does turn me on, and it makes me crazy at the same time. Anybody with same problem?
Nope, you’re the only one.
After years of talking about cuckold (nothing ever happend), my wife told me she has an affair with her ex boyfriend. She wants an open marriage now and she will continue to see him. He has a wife too. I'm not very happy with that, I feel really bad. But it does turn me on, and it makes me crazy at the same time. Anybody with same problem?
You wanted to be cucked and now you are. Just because you didn’t get to lay it out yhe way you wanted doesn’t mean that you didn’t get what you asked for. Now stop whining. I need to get back to your wife.
Yes, she told me because she couldn't keep it to her self anymore, and shocked as I was, I told her about my sins wich are few years old.
That’s so very awesome of her!! You should be very grateful that her conscious made her do the right, honest and respectful thing to you!!
You cheated and you wanted the cuckold life. You my friend are screwed. If you truly do love her accept it like you want to and carry on or end it. Good luck.
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I am a lesbian. We were in a relationship for six years and got married a year ago. We had a great relationship, but after a few months of being together, I started noticing that something was wrong. She would constantly lock herself in the bathroom and sit there for hours at a time when I could clearly hear strange moans and it seemed like she was talking to someone. As it turned out, she was hanging out in chat rooms and having sex by video link with other women and even men. To me, it was cheating because she was hiding it from me. We talked about it, and as it turned out, it wasn't that terrible, and now we're sitting together in roulette sex chat , and damn, it's so exciting.
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Setup a hidden camera in your bedroom, film her ...... with her ex, then tell her then are welcome to each other and leave, from what you said she had zero interest in your pleasure and 100% interest in hers. You can watch the video all you want then to make you horny, but don't have to work your ass off to make money she's spending on keeping her ex happy with sexy clothes toys and likely dates too outside of sex.
Cuckolding should be pleasure for everyone, she said no to that so what's she's doing is cheating and at any point could just leave you for him at a whim.
Being submissive in the bedroom is one thing, but that doesn't mean you have to let her walk all over your life too.
Best thing to do is get them on film so you can enjoy the thrill of seeing it, then have a good hard wank and when that's done, make a sensible decision to leave her without all the emotion and confusion being horny brings into your head.
Men always make better decisions when they are not horny, in my opinion anyway.
Hope that helps
Two wrongs don’t make a right. If your wife is cheating on you walk away. Leave karma to her boyfriend and his wife
I was curious if her ex-boyfriend's wife knew what was going on. Maybe there is the possibility of swapping?
You are looking for revenge. Not swapping. Don’t kid yourself
That's really true, but this guy doesn't sound like he's gonna walk away because his sexual cuckolding desires are so strong, so without something to take for himself he's likely going to stick around hoping at some point she will include him, which to be harsh, isn't going to happen.
You are right tho, two wrongs don't make a right, I just hope this guy has enough respect for himself to move on and not waste years sitting on the outside of his own life x
Cuckolding is one thing, cheating is another.
If he chooses to allow himself to be cucked, nothing wrong with that. His choice. If he chooses to let his wife cheat, that is also HIS choice.
Bringing the other wife into the situation is just wrong and does nothing but hurt her if she doesn’t know.
Setup a hidden camera in your bedroom, film her ...... with her ex, then tell her then are welcome to each other and leave, from what you said she had zero interest in your pleasure and 100% interest in hers. You can watch the video all you want then to make you horny, but don't have to work your ass off to make money she's spending on keeping her ex happy with sexy clothes toys and likely dates too outside of sex.
Cuckolding should be pleasure for everyone, she said no to that so what's she's doing is cheating and at any point could just leave you for him at a whim.
Being submissive in the bedroom is one thing, but that doesn't mean you have to let her walk all over your life too.
Best thing to do is get them on film so you can enjoy the thrill of seeing it, then have a good hard wank and when that's done, make a sensible decision to leave her without all the emotion and confusion being horny brings into your head.
Men always make better decisions when they are not horny, in my opinion anyway.
Hope that helps
I think you have a really good point
He should tell his wife about what's going on... Cheating is never tolerated.
Agreed. Just like OP has had no say in any of this, neither has the exbf’s wife. For all any of us know, he has been with more than just the two and is increasing the risk of something transmissible. Opening a marriage without protecting the primary relationship with the highest priority is just cheating.

OP, as much as I want my wife to experience another man, should she ever do this to me, I would opt for my self respect and tell her she can have him. Then, I would lawyer up and move on.
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After years of talking about cuckold (nothing ever happend), my wife told me she has an affair with her ex boyfriend. She wants an open marriage now and she will continue to see him. He has a wife too. I'm not very happy with that, I feel really bad. But it does turn me on, and it makes me crazy at the same time. Anybody with same problem?
Consider yourself lucky! A lot of us will never get cucked, even behind our backs. Now some food for thought, what did he have that you don't? A bigger penis perhaps?
Don't know if I'm ready yet
As a husband who's wife has cheated as well, years ago, you need to really work on you first before jumping into anything like cuckolding or an open marriage. Sounds to me like she wants a free pass to cheat, that's not what this lifestyle is all about. It's built on trust and not going behind your spouses back. If she insists that he is going to see the other man regardless on how you feel, well might be time to cut bait and opinion of course. My situation was different and she admitted to it, never saw the guy again.
After years of talking about cuckold (nothing ever happend), my wife told me she has an affair with her ex boyfriend. She wants an open marriage now and she will continue to see him. He has a wife too. I'm not very happy with that, I feel really bad. But it does turn me on, and it makes me crazy at the same time. Anybody with same problem?
Your talking with her about cuckolding is probably what made her decide to cheat, thinking you would be ok with it, and that sex with her ex was her best sex ever. My guess is she decided to have a one off fling with the ex again as trial for becoming a hot wife, she knew she would be comfortable and could trust him to be desecrate and pleasure her pleasure her like only he ever has. Now that she has sampled the sexual talents that he obviously has again she not prepared to deprive herself of the pleasure he gives her any longer. You will need to work with her now to keep her sexually satisfied or she will only become more and more sexually independent, the important thing to remember here is you pusher her into his arms again I think. good luck to all three of you