Ladies and Subs tell us why he is locked. When did you start etc

thanks for the reply, appreciate it. We're also a FLR, we are moving into level 3 right now. We've written our rules and are trying to follow them. He does all the housework, cooking, yard and garden work. I do crafts, hang out, and go to lunch with w/friends, of both sexes. He also wears a sarong at home, I pick out his toenail polish. I can and do date others. I don't humiliate him but expect 100% cooperation and respect. I will punish him when required or I feel like it. We are ordering a chastity cage for him to wear when I'm out, away or just want it on him so he can't play w/himself.

Here are the rules I drafted and he signed.

Female Lead Relationship Rules

Clear communication about each of our expectations. What will we do and won’t do?

We should focus on us and not worry about what others think. (slowly to start with we decide to go more public. When traveling we go full FLR.)

Make sure Princess's Life is easier and fulfilled.

I will obey Princess at all times.

Princess has no rules to follow.
Princess agrees to be 100% honest with me on everything.
Princess will allow me to continue managing the finances but has complete access to everything.
Princess can do anything she wants without issue from me.
Breaking a rule has a commensurate punishment associated with which the Princess decides.

No back-talk to Princess

No disagreeing with Princess in public

Always use my manners, especially when out in public. Doors, chairs etc

Princess makes all decisions and requests special meals, and spa work such as massage, foot reflexology, hair braiding with w/practice.

Princess orders food/drinks when going out, and decides when, where, and w/whom when going out.

Always ask Princess for permission for any solo activities, such as working out, writing, boating, watching tv, masturbating, gardening, or anything without Princess needs permission. Princess can assign more to the list.

Making sure Princess doesn’t need something, i.e., coffee, breakfast, laundry done.

We commit to learning from our conflict by making changes to this agreement and our communication in an attempt for less conflict in the future.
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thanks for the reply, appreciate it. We're also a FLM, we are moving into level 3 right now. We've written our rules and are trying to follow them. He does all the housework, cooking, yard and garden work. I do crafts, hang out, and go to lunch with w/friends, of both sexes. He also wears a sarong at home, I pick out his toenail polish. I can and do date others. I don't humiliate him but expect 100% cooperation and respect. I will punish him when required or I feel like it. We are ordering a chastity cage for him to wear when I'm out, away or just want it on him so he can't play w/himself.

Here are the rules I drafted and he signed.

Female Lead Relationship Rules

Clear communication about each of our expectations. What will we do and won’t do?

We should focus on us and not worry about what others think. (slowly to start with we decide to go more public. When traveling we go full FLR.)

Make sure Princess's Life is easier and fulfilled.

I will obey Princess at all times.

Princess has no rules to follow.
Princess agrees to be 100% honest with me on everything.
Princess will allow me to continue managing the finances but has complete access to everything.
Princess can do anything she wants without issue from me.
Breaking a rule has a commensurate punishment associated with which the Princess decides.

No back-talk to Princess

No disagreeing with Princess in public

Always use my manners, especially when out in public. Doors, chairs etc

Princess makes all decisions and requests special meals, and spa work such as massage, foot reflexology, hair braiding with w/practice.

Princess orders food/drinks when going out, and decides when, where, and w/whom when going out.

Always ask Princess for permission for any solo activities, such as working out, writing, boating, watching tv, masturbating, gardening, or anything without Princess needs permission. Princess can assign more to the list.

Making sure Princess doesn’t need something, i.e., coffee, breakfast, laundry done.

We commit to learning from our conflict by making changes to this agreement and our communication in an attempt for less conflict in the future.
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I too have a set of rules for droopy. These rules along with a code of conduct and some but not all of his punishments are posted on a big chart in his room. He is expected to memorize this chart. Once a year on or about our wedding anniversary he is required to kneel before me and recite the rules and his wedding vows flawlessly and without hesitation. It's in his best interest to have a perfect recitation the first time.
I get this question a lot. I married him because I'm a dominant woman and have a strong desire to be in charge. I enjoy humiliating him, it's just my nature. We are in a FLM type marriage of the strictest level and my hubbie totally obeys me, comes straight home from work and puts on his apron and starts in on his housework. I'm treated like a queen by him as he acts as my personal servant. I come and go as I please and have big dicked studs whenever I want so I have no need to be married to one. I wine, dine and vacation with my regular guy while my hubbie stays home doing all the domestic chores and projects I assign to him. It's important to note that my husband gets off on the way I treat him. He is my opposite. He knows he can't preform like a normal man and because of his submissive and masochistic nature he considers himself lucky to have me as his wife.
Sound like a great match, I suspect few people have such a unique and perfect situation needed and wanted by both parties that works out well.
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thanks for the reply, appreciate it. We're also a FLR, we are moving into level 3 right now. We've written our rules and are trying to follow them. He does all the housework, cooking, yard and garden work. I do crafts, hang out, and go to lunch with w/friends, of both sexes. He also wears a sarong at home, I pick out his toenail polish. I can and do date others. I don't humiliate him but expect 100% cooperation and respect. I will punish him when required or I feel like it. We are ordering a chastity cage for him to wear when I'm out, away or just want it on him so he can't play w/himself.

Here are the rules I drafted and he signed.

Female Lead Relationship Rules

Clear communication about each of our expectations. What will we do and won’t do?

We should focus on us and not worry about what others think. (slowly to start with we decide to go more public. When traveling we go full FLR.)

Make sure Princess's Life is easier and fulfilled.

I will obey Princess at all times.

Princess has no rules to follow.
Princess agrees to be 100% honest with me on everything.
Princess will allow me to continue managing the finances but has complete access to everything.
Princess can do anything she wants without issue from me.
Breaking a rule has a commensurate punishment associated with which the Princess decides.

No back-talk to Princess

No disagreeing with Princess in public

Always use my manners, especially when out in public. Doors, chairs etc

Princess makes all decisions and requests special meals, and spa work such as massage, foot reflexology, hair braiding with w/practice.

Princess orders food/drinks when going out, and decides when, where, and w/whom when going out.

Always ask Princess for permission for any solo activities, such as working out, writing, boating, watching tv, masturbating, gardening, or anything without Princess needs permission. Princess can assign more to the list.

Making sure Princess doesn’t need something, i.e., coffee, breakfast, laundry done.

We commit to learning from our conflict by making changes to this agreement and our communication in an attempt for less conflict in the future.
Seems you both put a lot of thought and effort into this, appears to be really paying off for both of you.
I keep my husband in a cage because of it's pathetic size. He is my submissive cuckold bitch and that micro dicklet of his I dont even consider a penis. It's useless and belongs in a prison where I cant see it. I have a real man who takes care of my womanly needs. I love to tease my bitch by fucking in front of him right in our marital bed where he and his worthless dicklet are not allowed. He beggs me to take it off him for a little relief and admits that he isn't man enough to fuck me. He just wants to jerk off like the looser he is, but it amuses me and turns me on to refuse him. That's just the kind girl I am. It's my nature to enjoy watching a weakling who won't stand up for himself suffer.Someties he developes a rash or irritation from chafing and that's when he really starts to beg but I enjoy his pain too much to let him out right away. I know I'm a bitch but this pansey just accepts any treatment I dole out. When I do let him out, on rare occations, and it's time for him to go back into his cage he submissively allowes it. So I don't feel sorry for him. I can tell by the way he reacts to my insults and other punishments that he likes it. He is just not worthy of a womans respect and he knows it and shows it by his responses and behavior. Why else would he deliberately do things that he knows I will punish him for. Those are the reasons I keep him in a chastity cage.
Your policies are startlingly similar to my Wife’s- in fact, She would have written the same essay!
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They must have gone to the same Dom school.
LOL - could be! When we began- many years ago - my Wife had a mentor. Also, since the inception of the internet there are several information sharing sites for Women in Female Led marriages and Matriarchy.
LOL - could be! When we began- many years ago - my Wife had a mentor. Also, since the inception of the internet there are several information sharing sites for Women in Female Led marriages and Matriarchy.
My wife tormented me all thru childhood and teen years before we were married. A lot of people told me, don't marry her you'll be sorry. But they didn't understand. She gets off on humiliating me and I do also. As a teen, I learned to respond to her treatment of me. She is a very good looking girl and way out of my league so I was taken by how she even gave me any attention at all. Most top tier girls wouldn't even know I existed but she kept me close even though it was for her sadistic amusement. That's why she was interested in me, she had some sort of sadistic need to humiliate a guy and that guy turned out to be me. But because of her hot looks and my lack of confidence I was happy to take whatever she doled out, even if it mortified me. Eventually I became masochistic and submissive and as such I developed a sexual enjoyment from her treatment of me. I was naturally a little effeminate and secretly cross dressed anyway and she used this to her advantage and forced me to dress more and more like a girl in public. When rumors started that I was gay I tried to dispel the rumors by claiming she was my girlfriend which she played along with. Of course she had boyfriends and always cheated on me. The deal was that she would fuck other guys but not me and I was more like her sycophant and gimp. We came to need each other in this way. She had all the men she wanted and I was her toy who she could lash out at when she needed to exercise her sadism, no other guy would ever tolerate treatment like that. I was, and still am willing to serve and obey her at the expense of my pride and dignity.
My wife tormented me all thru childhood and teen years before we were married. A lot of people told me, don't marry her you'll be sorry. But they didn't understand. She gets off on humiliating me and I do also. As a teen, I learned to respond to her treatment of me. She is a very good looking girl and way out of my league so I was taken by how she even gave me any attention at all. Most top tier girls wouldn't even know I existed but she kept me close even though it was for her sadistic amusement. That's why she was interested in me, she had some sort of sadistic need to humiliate a guy and that guy turned out to be me. But because of her hot looks and my lack of confidence I was happy to take whatever she doled out, even if it mortified me. Eventually I became masochistic and submissive and as such I developed a sexual enjoyment from her treatment of me. I was naturally a little effeminate and secretly cross dressed anyway and she used this to her advantage and forced me to dress more and more like a girl in public. When rumors started that I was gay I tried to dispel the rumors by claiming she was my girlfriend which she played along with. Of course she had boyfriends and always cheated on me. The deal was that she would fuck other guys but not me and I was more like her sycophant and gimp. We came to need each other in this way. She had all the men she wanted and I was her toy who she could lash out at when she needed to exercise her sadism, no other guy would ever tolerate treatment like that. I was, and still am willing to serve and obey her at the expense of my pride and dignity.
I fully understand. Initially, she gave me a chance at a normal marital relationship but that didn’t satisfy both her Dominant, controlling needs and her somewhat sadistic goals. It started with “homemade”, instinctive acts of BDSM and then progressed to BDSM clubs and a mentor. I was given the choice of a separation or of becoming her eunuch houseboy. I obviously choose the latter. Consequently, I am in a 24/7 chastity cage and all my attentions are directed for her convenience and pleasure.
No regrets.
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I fully understand. Initially, she gave me a chance at a normal marital relationship but that didn’t satisfy both her Dominant, controlling needs and her somewhat sadistic goals. It started with “homemade”, instinctive acts of BDSM and then progressed to BDSM clubs and a mentor. I was given the choice of a separation or of becoming her eunuch houseboy. I obviously choose the latter. Consequently, I am in a 24/7 chastity cage and all my attentions are directed for her convenience and pleasure.
No regrets.
By eunuch do you mean a real case of having your testicles removed or are you saying a virtual eunuch by being caged ? Tell me more about your lifestyle if you wish. Perhaps we can share notes.
Eunuch by virtue of the chastity cages I’ve worn over the years. Not much to tell other than it’s a complete Female Led and matriarchal marriage. I run the household because She runs me! There are no rewards for fealty and obedience but there are punishments for infractions. We have separate bedrooms and the only time She allows me into her room is to bathe and massage her and occasionally give her a pedicure when She feels the need for such.
I could go on but time is short right now.
Eunuch by virtue of the chastity cages I’ve worn over the years. Not much to tell other than it’s a complete Female Led and matriarchal marriage. I run the household because She runs me! There are no rewards for fealty and obedience but there are punishments for infractions. We have separate bedrooms and the only time She allows me into her room is to bathe and massage her and occasionally give her a pedicure when She feels the need for such.
I could go on but time is short right now.
I know how that is. I have to squeeze in my time here between the busy schedule she has me on too. I need to make sure I'm current with my housework or my internet privileges go buy buy. She also has a luxurious bedroom ( the original marital bedroom) where I'm banned from and had to move into a small walk in closet across the hall I converted to my bedroom. Her and her lover take the master bedroom. Like you, my rewards are not getting punished. She knows that I enjoy caning and other so called 'punishments' but she does those for her own pleasure. But she has others ways to punish me that are not enjoyable to me. Some are pretty dark. So I avoid those to the best of my ability.
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I know how that is. I have to squeeze in my time here between the busy schedule she has me on too. I need to make sure I'm current with my housework or my internet privileges go buy buy. She also has a luxurious bedroom ( the original marital bedroom) where I'm banned from and had to move into a small walk in closet across the hall I converted to my bedroom. Her and her lover take the master bedroom. Like you, my rewards are not getting punished. She knows that I enjoy caning and other so called 'punishments' but she does those for her own pleasure. But she has others ways to punish me that are not enjoyable to me. Some are pretty dark. So I avoid those to the best of my ability.
On for just a moment but I suggest if we chat any deeper- especially “darker” discipline - we switch to private conversation.


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