As you know HWR hates photos, but I was able to get a shot of her wonderful legs while she was napping. The bruises are a result of a fall a short time back.

Monday 2/23. Things took a sour turn. I had a skin tag removed that got infected, bad, real bad. It was on my penis. That area of a man's body that remains warm, moist and dark, a breeding ground, a real bacteria incubator. In 1 1/2 days it became so bad the emergency room at first thought it was flesh eating bacteria, necrotizing fasciitis. But after further investigation it and skin cell lab results it was reclassified as necrotizing cellulitis, a close kin. So I was immediately admitted and put on IV antibiotics. At first it was 2 different antibiotics alternating but it didn't do the job so they increased my dosage to the maximum amount of the 2 strongest antibiotics both administered intravenously simultaneously.
Almost 2 weeks hospital stay and the bacteria was finally on the run. My nether regions look grotesque, every nurse that had a peek, and there were plenty as they needed to make a value assessment numerous times a day, cringed. One nurse even commented that it hurts just looking at it. HWR was a real trooper staying in the hospital, ...... on a recliner almost every night even before her full recovery from her RSD flare-up.
I was discharged on Thursday 2/20, on the way home she said we needed to talk. Never a good thing when she says that.
Saturday 2/22 she got up early and said let's talk.
HWR: "I need a change."
ME: "OK, what kind of change?"
HWR: "Remember I told you I had lot to think about after the cruise?"
ME: "Yeah I remember."
HWR: "well that combined with a text from Gayle got me thinking."
ME: "OK".
HWR: "Gayle wrote me something that got to me, I thought I had gotten over it but it slapped me in the face."
She showed me the text, only part of it, she wouldn't let me read the entire text. I knew about it as I had surreptitiously already read it and posted it here.
ME: "OK, what's the problem?"
HWR: "Gayle calling me a slut felt like my ...... doing it. It got me thinking that maybe at 67 it's time for me to change, again."
ME: "From what to what?"
HWR: "On the cruise I went to play Mah Jong with a few of the women."
ME: "I remember."
HWR: "Well some of the women had a little too much to drink. And alcohol makes the tongue looser."
ME: "Does that, did that include you?"
HWR: "Nope, I barely nursed a single glass of wine."
ME: "As I remember it was you, Eileen, Ralph's wife, Arlene, Phil's wife, Hedda, Gary's wife and Carol, my brothers girlfriend."
HWR: "Yup, all seniors, me being the youngest."
ME: "How does any of this fit together, I'm confused? Is your desire to change have anything to do with you leaving."
HWR: "HELL NO! I'm not going anywhere you're saddled with me."
ME: "OK, I'm still listening."
HWR: "So while we're trying to play, I was kind of the outsider as I just couldn't get my brain in the right place to comprehend the tiles. After several glasses of wine Eileen blurted out 'Ralph wants to share me'."
ME: "Holy ......, Ralph is 83 or 84, so I guess Eileen is somewhere between 78-82. Sorry to be so cruel but who wants to fuck a great grandma."
HWR: "Or a grandma."
Before I realized it I had out my foot in my mouth.
ME: "Or a grandma"
HWR: "Like me, huh?".
ME: "That's not what I meant, I......"
HWR: "Don't try to get out of it, it's out there , you said it and you can't go back."
ME: "Yeah I did, it was a case of my brain not engaged before putting my mouth into gear. I'm very sorry, it's not what I meant, you're still super-hot and all the guys that want to fuck you prove that."
HWR: "Let's move on shall we, cause this isn't gonna end well if we continue down this path."
ME: "OK."
HWR: "So Arlene & Hedda asked what 'shared' meant. Carol jumped in.
(For the record Carol is an attractive woman in her mid-70s still works part-time as a teacher, is my brother's girlfriend and she's black.)
My ex-husband, got me into sharing. It started as a threesome, then became him hooking me up with his friends, then strangers, then had me doing parties before it progressed into him getting paid for it. He became my pimp rather than my husband."
ME: "I had no idea."
HWR: "Neither did I, wonder if your brother knows."
ME: "I'm not gonna tell him."
HWR: "Neither am I."
ME: "Then what."
HWR: "Basically, we were in a little bit of shock. Arlene isn't the brightest bulb in the box as she said she don't get it."
ME: "Really."
HWR: "Yeah really, Eileen, just shouted it out, Ralph wants me to fuck other men. So loud that it got the attention of people at other tables, not sure if they heard the words or the volume. Arlene turned beet red and said, over and over 'oh my'."
ME: "This is all very interesting but why are you telling me this?"
HWR: "I told you I had something to think about. After Gayle's comments and this discussion I'm not sure I want to continue being a hotwife."
ME: "Again!"
HWR: "What do you mean again?"
ME: "Last year you also said you wanted to stop."
HWR: "How is that possible, we've only been doing this for a few months."
ME: "Here we go again. How can you remember a conversation from December, almost 3 months ago but can't remember that you've been a hotwife since October 2018?"
HWR: "I don't think since 2018, it's just been a few months."
ME: "No it hasn't, it's been almost a year and a half. And you've had sex with almost a hundred different guys."
HWR: "No I haven't, you're making it up."
ME: "Do I need to refresh your memory?"
HWR: "Yeah how?"
ME: "I keep a list, a mini-diary."
HWR: "Can I see it?"
ME: "Sure as I opened the file and told her it's kind of rough."
HWR: "She looked at like a deer in the headlights. I remember some of it but not much, What are those numbers in parenthesis?"
ME: "That represents new partners."
HWR: "It stopped at 101. I had that many different partners in a little over a year?"
ME: "Yup. And you loved every seconds of it."
HWR: "I need a nap."
ME: "OK."
She laid down and was out in seconds.
When she woke she had a different attitude.
HWR: "I remember most everything now, I can't believe I didn't remember it earlier."
ME: "Now what."
HWR: "Maybe I stop, but keep Mr. commuter."
ME: "OK if that's what you want."
HWR: "And occasionally the bartender."
ME: "OK by me."
HWR: "On special occasions a gangbang and a Gayle party."
ME: "That's how it went last time you wanted to stop. You cut out everyone then added them back in."
HWR: "Let's face it I'm a slut thru and thru. I just can't stop it."
ME: "I think you like being a promiscuous but hate the S word. And Gayle using it brought back images of your ....... BUT, you've used it describe yourself, like just now."
HWR: "Please don't try to analyze me. And no I don't like being promiscuous but I love sex."
ME: "I'm not, and they kinda go hand in hand, but you know it's like whiplash for me."
HWR: "I guess I'm just thinking out loud. Let's forget we had they discussion, OK?"
ME: "That's a deal."
Friday 3/13. So here it is mid-March. I'm not fully recovered neither is HWR. But we're close. Next Friday I get to see a wound care specialist.
She's had no visitors, no partners, new or old. She's been horny and masturbates several times a day. She said she also did so in the hospital while 'staying' with me.
She told me that she'd been in contact will her 'regulars' and they understand things are temporarily on hold. She said Mr. commuter hasn't stopped apologizing. She said she told him to forget it that we'll be more specific next time. She said he was elated that she said next time.
I'm so confused, bewildered and asea with her right now: she talks about stopping, but is in communication with her 'regulars'. AND is entertaining another GB even after the disastrous last one. WTF.
So in an effort to see where this is going I asked her when she thought she'd be ready to start playing again. She said maybe next week.
Tuesday 3/17, that plan went to hell in a handbasket. Novel Coronavirus jumped into all our lives. Our community is in 'lock down', all amenities have been closed including the restaurants, all meetings and events have been canceled until at least March 31. Beside now is the time to be extra vigilant, extra careful, extra cautious. So we, like so many others here and everywhere are self-sequestered.

Monday 2/23. Things took a sour turn. I had a skin tag removed that got infected, bad, real bad. It was on my penis. That area of a man's body that remains warm, moist and dark, a breeding ground, a real bacteria incubator. In 1 1/2 days it became so bad the emergency room at first thought it was flesh eating bacteria, necrotizing fasciitis. But after further investigation it and skin cell lab results it was reclassified as necrotizing cellulitis, a close kin. So I was immediately admitted and put on IV antibiotics. At first it was 2 different antibiotics alternating but it didn't do the job so they increased my dosage to the maximum amount of the 2 strongest antibiotics both administered intravenously simultaneously.
Almost 2 weeks hospital stay and the bacteria was finally on the run. My nether regions look grotesque, every nurse that had a peek, and there were plenty as they needed to make a value assessment numerous times a day, cringed. One nurse even commented that it hurts just looking at it. HWR was a real trooper staying in the hospital, ...... on a recliner almost every night even before her full recovery from her RSD flare-up.
I was discharged on Thursday 2/20, on the way home she said we needed to talk. Never a good thing when she says that.
Saturday 2/22 she got up early and said let's talk.
HWR: "I need a change."
ME: "OK, what kind of change?"
HWR: "Remember I told you I had lot to think about after the cruise?"
ME: "Yeah I remember."
HWR: "well that combined with a text from Gayle got me thinking."
ME: "OK".
HWR: "Gayle wrote me something that got to me, I thought I had gotten over it but it slapped me in the face."
She showed me the text, only part of it, she wouldn't let me read the entire text. I knew about it as I had surreptitiously already read it and posted it here.
ME: "OK, what's the problem?"
HWR: "Gayle calling me a slut felt like my ...... doing it. It got me thinking that maybe at 67 it's time for me to change, again."
ME: "From what to what?"
HWR: "On the cruise I went to play Mah Jong with a few of the women."
ME: "I remember."
HWR: "Well some of the women had a little too much to drink. And alcohol makes the tongue looser."
ME: "Does that, did that include you?"
HWR: "Nope, I barely nursed a single glass of wine."
ME: "As I remember it was you, Eileen, Ralph's wife, Arlene, Phil's wife, Hedda, Gary's wife and Carol, my brothers girlfriend."
HWR: "Yup, all seniors, me being the youngest."
ME: "How does any of this fit together, I'm confused? Is your desire to change have anything to do with you leaving."
HWR: "HELL NO! I'm not going anywhere you're saddled with me."
ME: "OK, I'm still listening."
HWR: "So while we're trying to play, I was kind of the outsider as I just couldn't get my brain in the right place to comprehend the tiles. After several glasses of wine Eileen blurted out 'Ralph wants to share me'."
ME: "Holy ......, Ralph is 83 or 84, so I guess Eileen is somewhere between 78-82. Sorry to be so cruel but who wants to fuck a great grandma."
HWR: "Or a grandma."
Before I realized it I had out my foot in my mouth.
ME: "Or a grandma"
HWR: "Like me, huh?".
ME: "That's not what I meant, I......"
HWR: "Don't try to get out of it, it's out there , you said it and you can't go back."
ME: "Yeah I did, it was a case of my brain not engaged before putting my mouth into gear. I'm very sorry, it's not what I meant, you're still super-hot and all the guys that want to fuck you prove that."
HWR: "Let's move on shall we, cause this isn't gonna end well if we continue down this path."
ME: "OK."
HWR: "So Arlene & Hedda asked what 'shared' meant. Carol jumped in.
(For the record Carol is an attractive woman in her mid-70s still works part-time as a teacher, is my brother's girlfriend and she's black.)
My ex-husband, got me into sharing. It started as a threesome, then became him hooking me up with his friends, then strangers, then had me doing parties before it progressed into him getting paid for it. He became my pimp rather than my husband."
ME: "I had no idea."
HWR: "Neither did I, wonder if your brother knows."
ME: "I'm not gonna tell him."
HWR: "Neither am I."
ME: "Then what."
HWR: "Basically, we were in a little bit of shock. Arlene isn't the brightest bulb in the box as she said she don't get it."
ME: "Really."
HWR: "Yeah really, Eileen, just shouted it out, Ralph wants me to fuck other men. So loud that it got the attention of people at other tables, not sure if they heard the words or the volume. Arlene turned beet red and said, over and over 'oh my'."
ME: "This is all very interesting but why are you telling me this?"
HWR: "I told you I had something to think about. After Gayle's comments and this discussion I'm not sure I want to continue being a hotwife."
ME: "Again!"
HWR: "What do you mean again?"
ME: "Last year you also said you wanted to stop."
HWR: "How is that possible, we've only been doing this for a few months."
ME: "Here we go again. How can you remember a conversation from December, almost 3 months ago but can't remember that you've been a hotwife since October 2018?"
HWR: "I don't think since 2018, it's just been a few months."
ME: "No it hasn't, it's been almost a year and a half. And you've had sex with almost a hundred different guys."
HWR: "No I haven't, you're making it up."
ME: "Do I need to refresh your memory?"
HWR: "Yeah how?"
ME: "I keep a list, a mini-diary."
HWR: "Can I see it?"
ME: "Sure as I opened the file and told her it's kind of rough."
HWR: "She looked at like a deer in the headlights. I remember some of it but not much, What are those numbers in parenthesis?"
ME: "That represents new partners."
HWR: "It stopped at 101. I had that many different partners in a little over a year?"
ME: "Yup. And you loved every seconds of it."
HWR: "I need a nap."
ME: "OK."
She laid down and was out in seconds.
When she woke she had a different attitude.
HWR: "I remember most everything now, I can't believe I didn't remember it earlier."
ME: "Now what."
HWR: "Maybe I stop, but keep Mr. commuter."
ME: "OK if that's what you want."
HWR: "And occasionally the bartender."
ME: "OK by me."
HWR: "On special occasions a gangbang and a Gayle party."
ME: "That's how it went last time you wanted to stop. You cut out everyone then added them back in."
HWR: "Let's face it I'm a slut thru and thru. I just can't stop it."
ME: "I think you like being a promiscuous but hate the S word. And Gayle using it brought back images of your ....... BUT, you've used it describe yourself, like just now."
HWR: "Please don't try to analyze me. And no I don't like being promiscuous but I love sex."
ME: "I'm not, and they kinda go hand in hand, but you know it's like whiplash for me."
HWR: "I guess I'm just thinking out loud. Let's forget we had they discussion, OK?"
ME: "That's a deal."
Friday 3/13. So here it is mid-March. I'm not fully recovered neither is HWR. But we're close. Next Friday I get to see a wound care specialist.
She's had no visitors, no partners, new or old. She's been horny and masturbates several times a day. She said she also did so in the hospital while 'staying' with me.
She told me that she'd been in contact will her 'regulars' and they understand things are temporarily on hold. She said Mr. commuter hasn't stopped apologizing. She said she told him to forget it that we'll be more specific next time. She said he was elated that she said next time.
I'm so confused, bewildered and asea with her right now: she talks about stopping, but is in communication with her 'regulars'. AND is entertaining another GB even after the disastrous last one. WTF.
So in an effort to see where this is going I asked her when she thought she'd be ready to start playing again. She said maybe next week.
Tuesday 3/17, that plan went to hell in a handbasket. Novel Coronavirus jumped into all our lives. Our community is in 'lock down', all amenities have been closed including the restaurants, all meetings and events have been canceled until at least March 31. Beside now is the time to be extra vigilant, extra careful, extra cautious. So we, like so many others here and everywhere are self-sequestered.