Is swinging just the start?


Hey! We are a couple who has been enjoying the fantasy and talking on this site and a few others with couples and singles.
We are both very sexual and loyal to each other, however, we know sex life can be fun!

We are open to trying swinging when it comes organically.. I have a few questions

Is swinging the gate way to all the other stuff on here?
How do you see the signs in person with other couples without making it awkward?
How do you and your partner communicate that you’d be open to a particular person or couple?

It’s all very new and we are interested in more but unsure of the steps forward. We don’t want to just fuck some stranger we set up online. We want to meet people and make friends
Hey! We are a couple who has been enjoying the fantasy and talking on this site and a few others with couples and singles.
We are both very sexual and loyal to each other, however, we know sex life can be fun!

We are open to trying swinging when it comes organically.. I have a few questions

Is swinging the gate way to all the other stuff on here?
How do you see the signs in person with other couples without making it awkward?
How do you and your partner communicate that you’d be open to a particular person or couple?

It’s all very new and we are interested in more but unsure of the steps forward. We don’t want to just fuck some stranger we set up online. We want to meet people and make friends
Boost 🙂
We were lucky and happened to have a on premise swingers clubhouse just a few miles away and attended parties usually one or twice a month for years. We just met a lot of like minded people there which opened up a whole new world. We even met people we knew from our normal lives that had no idea that we were into the lifestyle….or us them. At one Saturday night party I ran into a guy (and his wife) I was carpooling to work with every day. I ran into a nurse (and her husband) from my doctors office. She leaned over and in a whisper asking me when my wife and I were going to the next party while taking my blood pressure during a physical!
Find a good swing club and the rest is a cinch
¡Ey! Somos una pareja que ha estado disfrutando de la fantasía y hablando en este sitio y algunos otros con parejas y solteros.
Ambos somos muy sexuales y leales el uno al otro, sin embargo, ¡sabemos que la vida sexual puede ser divertida!

Estamos abiertos a intentar hacer swing cuando sea orgánico. Tengo algunas preguntas.

¿Abrir la puerta es abrir paso a todas las demás cosas que hay aquí?
¿Cómo ves las señales en persona con otras parejas sin que resulte incómodo?
¿Cómo comunican usted y su pareja que estarían abiertos a una persona o pareja en particular?

Todo es muy nuevo y estamos interesados en más, pero no estamos seguros de los pasos a seguir. No queremos simplemente follarnos a un extraño que configuramos en línea. Queremos conocer gente y hacer amigos.
UN saludo desde.cuba primero desearles un feliz nuevo año
Ahora.nuestra respuesta lo primero te aseguro tienen ganado como pareja es cuando dijiste ...... leales el uno al otro
de ahi wn adelante empezando con las dinamica swinguer.todo lo que valla llegando solo seria que ustedes como pareja decidan es lo que placer esto lo decimos desde nuestra experiemcia de pareja swinger bisexuales los dos en estos grupos de mayoria tematica cornuda
Hey! We are a couple who has been enjoying the fantasy and talking on this site and a few others with couples and singles.
We are both very sexual and loyal to each other, however, we know sex life can be fun!

We are open to trying swinging when it comes organically.. I have a few questions

Is swinging the gate way to all the other stuff on here?
How do you see the signs in person with other couples without making it awkward?
How do you and your partner communicate that you’d be open to a particular person or couple?

It’s all very new and we are interested in more but unsure of the steps forward. We don’t want to just fuck some stranger we set up online. We want to meet people and make friends
My hubby and I have been swingers for about 25 years. It’s good to start slow. Find swinger groups in your area. For us it never went to him just being a cuck and watching me fuck. We are both with other people and that makes us better together. The only time we are in the room when one of us is with another is when we are participating. MFM or FMF.

It is better if you know and can trust the other you both fuck. Especially if your swinger life is secret like ours. Last thing you want is to be blackmailed.
My ex and I were in the lifestyle for years.
Started with us going to a pool party, women all had tops off. As the day waned into evening the crowd began to thin down to just us and rwo other couples. We were all in the hot tub and the other two women and their mates took everything off.
My ex stared at this one guy's very nice cock, he saw her looking and ask if she wanted to touch it. She looked at me and I said if you want do it. At that point she stood and removed the bottoms to her bikini and moved over next to him. His wife moved next to me and said I would be more comfortable with my swimsuit off so I stood and she pulledmy suit off. I sat next to her and she put her hand on my growing cock. We were watching my wife jacking her husband and she told me that the other couple that was there were playmates with them and she began sucking on me. My ex looked over and was watch us and then she put him in her mouth and began sucking on his nice cock.
Soon the lady sucking on me reach over and began stroking the other man, his wife moved over to me and we began playing.
Soon the hostage was riding the man she was sucking, I had multiple fingers in his wife while she sucked on me.
Turned to see what my ex was up to and she was riding that big cock balls deep and had a far away look on her face
When we left there later that evening it was very quiet in the car. I ask her if she enjoyed him and she said it was the best fuck she he'd ever had.
From that point on we began going to parties, LS clubs, and getting together with other couples at out place or there's.
That is just the start if this 25 plus year adventure. More to come.
Now when CCC and I got together I told her about all this and she said she wanted to play also.
This is Bob and Kat playing with CCC, we played with them until COVID hit. They stopped playing completely since then.
This is Bob balls deep in CCC.20160827_232602.jpg
Hey! We are a couple who has been enjoying the fantasy and talking on this site and a few others with couples and singles.
We are both very sexual and loyal to each other, however, we know sex life can be fun!

We are open to trying swinging when it comes organically.. I have a few questions

Is swinging the gate way to all the other stuff on here?
How do you see the signs in person with other couples without making it awkward?
How do you and your partner communicate that you’d be open to a particular person or couple?

It’s all very new and we are interested in more but unsure of the steps forward. We don’t want to just fuck some stranger we set up online. We want to meet people and make friends
you can go as slow or as fast as you feel comfortable with, no always means No in the swinging world, and normally 'Ask first" as another good rule. It may work for you and it may not, how far you go will depend on both of you. Most long-term swingers will tell you they evolved to where they are today, but I'm sure there some who jumped in and went full throttle from the start. Ours was a slow start that evolved over many years. The most important thing for both of you is to communicate with each other, and respect each other's, boundaries and values. After all if you are in love with each other, you should be willing to do what is best for both of you not just yourself. We wish you the best of luck, and it will be a lot of trial and error in the beginning until you find where you belong.
My wife constantly tries to figure out if a couple we meet are swingers. When I ask her if she's interested in swinging she always says no, but why would she be so curious who is swinging?
Funny concept, being long time swingers my wife can pick out a swinging couple in a heart beat, I’d give her about 95% accuracy. If you two are not swingers why are you here on the site? Are you a cuckold couple or perhaps you’re trying to learn how to get your lady involved? Just a question no disrespect!
Funny concept, being long time swingers my wife can pick out a swinging couple in a heart beat, I’d give her about 95% accuracy. If you two are not swingers why are you here on the site? Are you a cuckold couple or perhaps you’re trying to learn how to get your lady involved? Just a question no disrespect!
We are exploring our sex life! We have talked about swinging and cuckold. Our goal is to try new things together and experience different types of pleasure. We love each other very much and our trust is strong. We are open minded and find this to be something we are interested in
We are exploring our sex life! We have talked about swinging and cuckold. Our goal is to try new things together and experience different types of pleasure. We love each other very much and our trust is strong. We are open minded and find this to be something we are interested in
That is a good start, we began very slow to start and although today we are not a cuckold couple, we have kind of evolved to having sex with in a 3 some or 4 some two other men, as women can preform with multiple men easier than men can preform with multiple women. It seems to work for us, we do play with couples some times or in a small group type orgy but her preference is to have multiple men and I enjoy that as well. Good luck try different things until you find your groove, and most of all be honest with each other and respectful of each other! Good Luck in your new adventure!
That is a good start, we began very slow to start and although today we are not a cuckold couple, we have kind of evolved to having sex with in a 3 some or 4 some two other men, as women can preform with multiple men easier than men can preform with multiple women. It seems to work for us, we do play with couples some times or in a small group type orgy but her preference is to have multiple men and I enjoy that as well. Good luck try different things until you find your groove, and most of all be honest with each other and respectful of each other! Good Luck in your new adventure!
Thank you very much for the very mature and respectful answer 🙏🏻 it’s refreshing
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Hey! We are a couple who has been enjoying the fantasy and talking on this site and a few others with couples and singles.
We are both very sexual and loyal to each other, however, we know sex life can be fun!

We are open to trying swinging when it comes organically.. I have a few questions

Is swinging the gate way to all the other stuff on here?
How do you see the signs in person with other couples without making it awkward?
How do you and your partner communicate that you’d be open to a particular person or couple?

It’s all very new and we are interested in more but unsure of the steps forward. We don’t want to just fuck some stranger we set up online. We want to meet people and make friends
Yes it does lead to other things. I suppose it's the first introduction into living out your fantasies. Both my ex's had secret fantasies of naked hiking, after going to the swing clubs and talking to other couples in the clubs they tend to advice and suggestions on how and where to live out your sexual frustrations and fantasies.
Hey! We are a couple who has been enjoying the fantasy and talking on this site and a few others with couples and singles.
We are both very sexual and loyal to each other, however, we know sex life can be fun!

We are open to trying swinging when it comes organically.. I have a few questions

Is swinging the gate way to all the other stuff on here?
How do you see the signs in person with other couples without making it awkward?
How do you and your partner communicate that you’d be open to a particular person or couple?

It’s all very new and we are interested in more but unsure of the steps forward. We don’t want to just fuck some stranger we set up online. We want to meet people and make friends
Yes it does lead to other things. I suppose it's the first introduction into living out your fantasies. Both my ex's had secret fantasies of naked hiking, after going to the swing clubs and talking to other couples in the clubs they tend to advice and suggestions on how and where to live out your sexual frustrations and fantasies.
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Hey! We are a couple who has been enjoying the fantasy and talking on this site and a few others with couples and singles.
We are both very sexual and loyal to each other, however, we know sex life can be fun!

We are open to trying swinging when it comes organically.. I have a few questions

Is swinging the gate way to all the other stuff on here?
How do you see the signs in person with other couples without making it awkward?
How do you and your partner communicate that you’d be open to a particular person or couple?

It’s all very new and we are interested in more but unsure of the steps forward. We don’t want to just fuck some stranger we set up online. We want to meet people and make friends
Great attitude. People here and elsewhere gave us the tipp to try a swinger-resort. In the professional ones You also can only watch others and enjoy the view and all are ok with it . You don´t have to participate
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Funny concept, being long time swingers my wife can pick out a swinging couple in a heart beat, I’d give her about 95% accuracy. If you two are not swingers why are you here on the site? Are you a cuckold couple or perhaps you’re trying to learn how to get your lady involved? Just a question no disrespect!
I want to share my wife in the worst way. I have been slowly talking to her about it. We actually had a long conversation over a date night out about it. Where my desires started, whe , and why. All which I answered honestly. It was hard to admit. Our love making is not the problem, it's actually quite good, but I feel more beta then alpha. After that conversation she attacked me in the back seat of our Yukon and proceeded to tell .e about all the sexy guys at bars she flirts and dances with on girls night. So now we role play in bed every so often and she has very intense orgasms. If we are at a bar she basically now does her own thing while I watch and get turned on. I just don't think she is ready to take the leap to full on taking another lover yet.