Hi im 43 year old Vietnam husband. Me and my wife just do cuckold for few months and my wife love it much. The bull is a young white guy work at my restaurant as waiter. He is young and strong and have bigger penis than me. My wife like to do sex with him a lot. I am ok with that since I love my wife and I do whatever everything she like. However, my wife recently want to bring the white guy to move in our house to live. Should I agree that ? I feel like anyway I am still his boss. At day I am still his boss. He move in to live he will have sex with my wife everyday and night. I feel a little but humiliated
Kaden Nguyen:
As I see it, your inquiry concerns lifestyle strategy.
I think you’re experiencing strong, contradictory impulses which seek expression in various ways and avenues. Hence — life strategy.
The choice before you is the difference between:
—Logical direction or powerful instinct.
—Maintaining boundaries or initiating exploration.
—Safe, uneventful life or an exciting, turbulent one.
—Retaining control or relinquishing it.
—A defensive or vulnerable lifestyle posture.
—Self direction or accepting external motivation.
—Feeling more secure or feeling more alive.
It isn’t my place to judge or tell you what to do. I offer observations about potentialities. A world of possibilities await a mere choice to be made. But this decision is YOURS alone to make.
I will support you whatever decision you make.
If you are leaning toward a stable existence, know that in making this request— which likely came from him — she opts for the excitement journey you are still pondering.
If this moves forward, will your sexual relationship with her stagnant? Or will her relationship with him become as routine with unrestricted access? His strategy doubtlessly bends the opposite direction.
He intends to be a conduit of endless, phallic energy. He means to overheat her amorous and sexual passions and raise them to spiritual levels.
No matter how much he receives, he will give back that energy to nurture her arousal and feed her passion. He means to be the leader, the guru and to have her as his devoted disciple. He means to initiate changes very quickly, and to pursue bedroom mastery with rigor and determination. He means to give her so much pleasure so endlessly that her addiction is beyond help. He means to turn this situation/opportunity into a life path where she can find salvation solely when in his arms and sheathing his phallus.
I describe the ideal that some would do in such a position. Will he be able to sustain that level of relational and sexual intensity? He is only a man — even if every inch a man — and not a god.
But know this — even if it is only temporary, your wife will experience him very powerfully. Will she hero her mooring to you, or will the story become less and less about the two of you, and more and more about the two of them?
Mind, deny her desire in this and she may resent you. In a sense, you already compromised your ability to take a solid stand. You’ve consented in principle. It’s whether you’re in for an ounce or in for a pound. If you say ‘no,’ she may want good reasons ‘why not.’
In reality, you all face life strategy decisions. The ‘journey’ rendition of it will be erotically powerful beyond your imagination. But don’t expect it to be all a smooth ride.
I offer two questions to help focus in manageable proportions the many things I’ve said. Weigh these carefully.
1] What boundaries MUST you defend?
2] Do your circumstances support this journey?
Two final points:
I encourage you to stay in touch if you move forward. You may want to use the site as a sounding board.
Remember again that you have my support in whatever direction you decide to take this.
Either way, enjoy the journey!