Is it just us or this website completely lost allure?

Few years ago when we discovered this website we were so thrilled. It was active and full of fun. Now nothing happens for days sometimes. We are thinking of leaving. Not to some better place. Just leave it behind like broken toy that brings no joy.
It seems like this way of sharing has had its day maybe, there's very little intereaction anymore. It bores my wife so she stopped bothering most of the time, which also contributes to making it less entertaining for me.
I understand the original poster’s sentiment. I’ve been very grateful for the perspectives I’ve gotten from many of the threads and conversations I’ve had on here.

While I do agree that it can be tedious to wade through some of the over-the-top fictional and spam posts, I think there is still a good amount of value that I get from this site.

Perhaps, I am part of the problem in that I’ve never taken the time to do a long form post explaining the intricacies of my situation, but it can be intimidating to try to keep things succinct and provide enough detail.
Few years ago when we discovered this website we were so thrilled. It was active and full of fun. Now nothing happens for days sometimes. We are thinking of leaving. Not to some better place. Just leave it behind like broken toy that brings no joy.
We are relatively new...just the last few weeks. Like you, we were excited to find the site thinking we found a place to share experiences, talk with and possibly have some online fun with like-minded people but so far it seems like a lot of men making up stories and sharing pictures of their wives/gf's that the wives/gf's probably thought were private. Certainly mixed feelings so far.
We are relatively new...just the last few weeks. Like you, we were excited to find the site thinking we found a place to share experiences, talk with and possibly have some online fun with like-minded people but so far it seems like a lot of men making up stories and sharing pictures of their wives/gf's that the wives/gf's probably thought were private. Certainly mixed feelings so far.
We've found some very courteous and respectful on here. And my wife always chooses the pictures we post. But yes, definitely a lot of
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I'll have admit that in the few short days on here, it has been an awakening with my wife. I guess a new kink was unleashed with posting her body for others to see. She's very into it. And so am I. Just wish I could figure out how to change my a avatar from male to couple. It makes awkward when she replies to erect cock picks.
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It’s not the site, it’s the lifestyle I think. Two years ago when we started, it seems like it was easier to find great guys willing to meet, now it’s become harder and fewer great prospects. My opinion is, there are just too many apps and websites dedicated to easy sex plus money making apps like ... that makes doing this on the downlow much harder.
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Few years ago when we discovered this website we were so thrilled. It was active and full of fun. Now nothing happens for days sometimes. We are thinking of leaving. Not to some better place. Just leave it behind like broken toy that brings no joy.
True. There's some weeks that I'll post pics of my wife, and they go days without a comment or even a like. I'm like what's the point...