Introducing My Wife to BBC Porn


My wife Susan and I have been married about two years. She is a redhead 5' 2" tall and about 112 lbs. She is very shy and it`s hard to really know what she is thinking sometimes. I had been watching different kinds of porn for years before we met. I started to really get into interracial porn and started to sometimes picture her taking a big black cock. One good thing is that she enjoyed watching porn movies with me then would have sex it was great but it was always a white couple. So I wanted to see her reaction to white girls taking big black cocks. So One night I said lets watch something different. She said like what? I said you pick one between a black girl with a white guy. An all black couple having sex. Or a black man with a white girl. She thought about it for a second and said a black man with a white girl. I was a little surprised but exited. I clicked on a movie and she started watching it. Her eyes were kind of glued to the screen as a black guy with a huge cock started fucking this girl. I asked her what she thought, was it hot? She didn`t answer. So I asked her again. She just kind of laughed and said I don`t know. So I just let it go for a few months. Then we were about to have sex and I picked an all interracial movie. First scene was a black couple with a white girl. I asked her who do you want to see him fuck first? She said the white girl. I thought it was interesting, but we both enjoyed it. A few weeks later we were talking about our favorite scenes from movies that we had watched. I had asked her what her favorite threesome was and she said you remember then two black guys were fucking that white girl. I asked if she thought it was hot and she just king of went mmmmm. I said how would you like to be that girl with two black cocks in you. She said I`m sure I wouldn't be disappointed . So I think she is kind of into it but not sure how much. I did buy her a dildo about a year ago but it was not black. Not sure what my next steps are. The more I think about it the more I want to see her taking a black cock. Any of your input would be appreciated.
If you can find a porn actress with a similar body type/physique, engaged in interracial sex, then coax her, use her imagination to place her in the role of the actress, to pillow-talk the scene with her, it can sometimes encourage her to want to place herself in a similar role.

Another technique is to use still images - same idea, actress with a similar body type, even better if you can create a strong facial resemblance or face-swapped image/series of images. Captioning can add a dimension - a short narrative of the fantasy to go with the image(s). I know of a few guy's that used my captioned work in the BBC seduction process...

The trick, video or otherwise is to get her imagination engaged, such that she grows increasingly thoughtful about such a situation. A BBC dido as companion is also useful.

If you can find a porn actress with a similar body type/physique, engaged in interracial sex, then coax her, use her imagination to place her in the role of the actress, to pillow-talk the scene with her, it can sometimes encourage her to want to place herself in a similar role.

Another technique is to use still images - same idea, actress with a similar body type, even better if you can create a strong facial resemblance or face-swapped image/series of images. Captioning can add a dimension - a short narrative of the fantasy to go with the image(s). I know of a few guy's that used my captioned work in the BBC seduction process...

The trick, video or otherwise is to get her imagination engaged, such that she grows increasingly thoughtful about such a situation. A BBC dido as companion is also useful.

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Finding a girl with a similar physique is something my husband did- there’s a girl called Scarlet Red who is similar and looks a little like I did when we first met. She’s in quite a few films. It is, I admit, very hot!
My wife Susan and I have been married about two years. She is a redhead 5' 2" tall and about 112 lbs. She is very shy and it`s hard to really know what she is thinking sometimes. I had been watching different kinds of porn for years before we met. I started to really get into interracial porn and started to sometimes picture her taking a big black cock. One good thing is that she enjoyed watching porn movies with me then would have sex it was great but it was always a white couple. So I wanted to see her reaction to white girls taking big black cocks. So One night I said lets watch something different. She said like what? I said you pick one between a black girl with a white guy. An all black couple having sex. Or a black man with a white girl. She thought about it for a second and said a black man with a white girl. I was a little surprised but exited. I clicked on a movie and she started watching it. Her eyes were kind of glued to the screen as a black guy with a huge cock started fucking this girl. I asked her what she thought, was it hot? She didn`t answer. So I asked her again. She just kind of laughed and said I don`t know. So I just let it go for a few months. Then we were about to have sex and I picked an all interracial movie. First scene was a black couple with a white girl. I asked her who do you want to see him fuck first? She said the white girl. I thought it was interesting, but we both enjoyed it. A few weeks later we were talking about our favorite scenes from movies that we had watched. I had asked her what her favorite threesome was and she said you remember then two black guys were fucking that white girl. I asked if she thought it was hot and she just king of went mmmmm. I said how would you like to be that girl with two black cocks in you. She said I`m sure I wouldn't be disappointed . So I think she is kind of into it but not sure how much. I did buy her a dildo about a year ago but it was not black. Not sure what my next steps are. The more I think about it the more I want to see her taking a black cock. Any of your input would be appreciated.
I did the same thing. I introduced my wife to the IR Porn. A few weeks later I bought her a vibrating black dildo. I kept it hid from her at first. We started watching the IR Porn I pretty much did those things to her that got her wet My wife has very sensitive nipples After a lot of foreplay i then went down on her for several minutes I then put some lube on the dildo, turned it on and started to rub her clit She continued to watch the movie. I’m still licking her clit as I begin to insert the dildo in her. The dildo was a replica of Shane Diesell Very large and thick. Do i had to work it slowly But the more I did the more she was enjoying it. She did realize that this toy was bigger I told her it was a replica of a black porn star Zi told her to relax and continue to watch the movie and pretend that was a real black dick fycking her. Zi then gegan to talk dirty to her and the more I fucked her the more she was enjoying it. I asked her how that black dick felt and she said she loved it. This went on for several weeks. Then one night while watching the porn she made a comment how she would chuck that guy in the movie. I realizes she was serious. ZShe eventually fucked a black coworker That was 3 years ago. she has now been fucked by 14 different bbc and we have so much fun
My wife Susan and I have been married about two years. She is a redhead 5' 2" tall and about 112 lbs. She is very shy and it`s hard to really know what she is thinking sometimes. I had been watching different kinds of porn for years before we met. I started to really get into interracial porn and started to sometimes picture her taking a big black cock. One good thing is that she enjoyed watching porn movies with me then would have sex it was great but it was always a white couple. So I wanted to see her reaction to white girls taking big black cocks. So One night I said lets watch something different. She said like what? I said you pick one between a black girl with a white guy. An all black couple having sex. Or a black man with a white girl. She thought about it for a second and said a black man with a white girl. I was a little surprised but exited. I clicked on a movie and she started watching it. Her eyes were kind of glued to the screen as a black guy with a huge cock started fucking this girl. I asked her what she thought, was it hot? She didn`t answer. So I asked her again. She just kind of laughed and said I don`t know. So I just let it go for a few months. Then we were about to have sex and I picked an all interracial movie. First scene was a black couple with a white girl. I asked her who do you want to see him fuck first? She said the white girl. I thought it was interesting, but we both enjoyed it. A few weeks later we were talking about our favorite scenes from movies that we had watched. I had asked her what her favorite threesome was and she said you remember then two black guys were fucking that white girl. I asked if she thought it was hot and she just king of went mmmmm. I said how would you like to be that girl with two black cocks in you. She said I`m sure I wouldn't be disappointed . So I think she is kind of into it but not sure how much. I did buy her a dildo about a year ago but it was not black. Not sure what my next steps are. The more I think about it the more I want to see her taking a black cock. Any of your input would be appreciated.
We need a pic of her so we can help you look for a look-a-like getting a good fucking from a BBC.


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One thing about my wife Susan. She loves sucking cock and is very good at it. About a year before we were married we were at my Mothers house. My mom was in the kitchen washing dishes. We were in the living room under a blanket watching tv.. She just went under the covers and started sucking my cock with my mom near by and could have been seen easily. Susan didn`t care and how could I stop her lol. I can only imagine my Susan Sucking a big black cock and doing her magic on it like she does me!
I had asked her what her favorite threesome was and she said you remember then two black guys were fucking that white girl. I asked if she thought it was hot and she just king of went mmmmm. She said I`m sure I wouldn't be disappointed . Any of your input would be appreciated.

To get me to add a few guys into the mix, I know that all my husband would have to do is one or two things. But I gather I am different. I stay horny almost all day long now, crazy the ups and down we go through. As for doing more than that my husband would have to also go the extra mile for me. 😉
To get me to add a few guys into the mix, I know that all my husband would have to do is one or two things. But I gather I am different. I stay horny almost all day long now, crazy the ups and down we go through. As for doing more than that my husband would have to also go the extra mile for me. 😉
Go the eXtra mile? do u mean help you fuck them, pre fuck help, or prove his love to you is unconditional by licking you swollen messy married treasure??
:UPDATE: Susan and I were having sex and I picked a Blackambush movie for us to watch. As we were watching it , she couldn't take her eyes of the screen. She grabbed my dick and kind of just held it and looked at the movie. I could tell she was comparing my dick with the Big black one from the movie. It was kind of funny and was obvious what she was doing. But she didn`t say anything and I knew what she was thinking. I think I might be getting somewhere with her. What do you think?
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:UPDATE: Susan and I were having sex and I picked a Blackambush movie for us to watch. As we were watching it , she couldn't take her eyes of the screen. She grabbed my dick and kind of just held it and looked at the movie. I could tell she was comparing my dick with the Big black one from the movie. It was kind of funny and was obvious what she was doing. But she didn`t say anything and I knew what she was thinking. I think I might be getting somewhere with her. What do you think?

Cute! Keep playing. I am working on my husband sort of in the reverse of what you are doing. YUUMMM!
If you can find a porn actress with a similar body type/physique, engaged in interracial sex, then coax her, use her imagination to place her in the role of the actress, to pillow-talk the scene with her, it can sometimes encourage her to want to place herself in a similar role.

Another technique is to use still images - same idea, actress with a similar body type, even better if you can create a strong facial resemblance or face-swapped image/series of images. Captioning can add a dimension - a short narrative of the fantasy to go with the image(s). I know of a few guy's that used my captioned work in the BBC seduction process...

The trick, video or otherwise is to get her imagination engaged, such that she grows increasingly thoughtful about such a situation. A BBC dido as companion is also useful.

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That’s freaking amazing
I totally agree, I want to see regular wives and moms getting blacked - not porn actresses
Yes, so natural when they are used by black men -- no artificial acting as with porn actresses. And I love the variations in ages, body shapes, etc. Just like in real life. Some of us are skinny, some are plump. Some are busty, some are flat, etc. Black men enjoy using all of us!