I want to know stories from cheating wife’s

I agree with the first 2 paragraphs.

In plain English a cuckold is "a husband whose wife has been unfaithful". It's no more complicated than that. Whether he is aware or unaware, whether he accepts it or not, nor does it apply to unmarried couples. Nor does the definition include 'replacement', a wife can continue to have sex with her husband as well as other men, in which case he isn't being replaced but augmented.
A few years ago, I posted this in another forum stream, but it fits this topic well.

Since I doubt that your goal is the restoration of the original meaning of words or that your motivation is a fanatical devotion to lexicographical purity, I am sure something else moved you to write this missive. What could it be?

You seem troubled by those who seek to establish distinctions in the absence of differences—differences you refuse to either see or acknowledge. I am reminded of the feminist arguments of the 1980's feminists that all sexual intercourse was ......, no matter how much whitewash you slop on it in the form of romance or the sanctity of marriage or mutual consent—the physical act is intrinsically violent and oppressive. What also comes to mind is Karl Marx's delight in bursting the smug Christian factory owner's view that he morally earned his riches, unlike the Jew's money lending, as the labor theory of value proved that those riches were all stolen goods, appropriated from the workers. More recently, the CRT activist informs us that if we are white, we are, ipso facto, racists; if you claim not to be a racist, you prove that you are. Claiming not to be a racist is racist!

As you see it, a husband who claims to be a stag deceives himself, as he is no more than a cuckold. The dictionary says so, so there. What if the latest edition of the OED or Webster's were to include an entry for "stag" that explicated the distinction by listing the differences? Would that settle the matter? I doubt it. Why? You seek to level, to bring down, to flatten mountains into valleys. How dare some men believe that they are not a lowly cuckold, a husband only worthy of contempt or, indeed, of a charivari, a public demonstration shaming aimed at a cuckold? How dare a stag, in your own words,

"think you are better then [sic] cucks who also have kinks, that's a pretty good way to save your ego ... But one has to ask the question why do you need to draw a distinction?"

Because differences abound. The soldier, the hangman, the murderer, the homeowner who shoots an intruder—all ....... Distinctions arise due to the differences. The differences between a stag and cuck can be physical. The stag might be tall, strong, hung, and totally alpha. The French pornographic actor, Manuel Ferrara, extrudes burly manliness, and he is married to a female porn-star, Kayden Kross. Since she is regularly fucked by other men, this makes Manuel a cuckold, but not wimpy cuck. He is easily twice the man than his competitors, as he is dreamily handsome and jacked and an accomplished martial artist. He is a skyscraper to their second-story houses. He is the apotheosis of a stag. He confidentially lets his wife be fucked by other men; he does not seek a replacements to atone for his inadequacies.

The most important differences are not physical, but nonphysical. The psychological, ethical, societal, and aesthetic overlay, i.e. the Background is radically different. The virgin newlyweds on their wedding night do not partake in a ......, as the Background is the eager consummation of their marriage. The mountain remains a mountain and cannot be leveled. The secret sauce in many stag relationships is that the wife is the sexually lackluster spouse, not the husband. This is an inversion of the typical cuck relationship, wherein the husband is the pathetic one. The secure and robust stag husband hopes to see his wife's sexual standing increase by the extramarital sex.

Somethings are semantically more potent than others, weightier, more significant. We desire the best symbols, a Ferrari, a Steinway piano, a vacation on the Riviera, dinner with someone famous, so that some of his symbolic luster can rub off on us. Poor us, we, too, are symbols. Being a doctor or cop or soldier or husband or wife or hero or criminal—all are well-defined symbols. Everyone we know has precisely evaluated our place in the symbolic hierarchy. Worse than being at the bottom is being nowhere, not being well-defined as a symbol, as this the stuff of suicide and despair. Better to be a known mass murderer or a wimpy cuck than be a nothing, a nobody, a non-symbol.

Being black or trans solidifies you into an acknowledged symbol category, as does being diabetic or jacked (extremely muscled). Symbols, however, deflate and inflate. In the 1950s the lament was that being a Muslim was on the fast track to extinction, as women in Iran and Turkey wore bikinis and the faith was observed faintly; thus, being a Muslim was symbolically weak. Today, it has inflated or, rather re-inflated. Being gay was once spectacularly symbolic-rich. No longer. Today, being gay cannot even muster a yawn.

I once dated a young, supremely sexy women, whose lament was that her ex-husband refused to give her an MMF threesome. Thus, I had the opportunity, but choose not to exploit it. So, why didn't I share my fox of a girlfriend? She came fully sexually-symbolically charged. There was no need to pull her up. Some wives need pulling up, which the stag arrangement allows.
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Hi all,

I am Isabelle's husband. I have been married for 10 years before being with Isabelle. In my previous mariage, I was into hotwifing already. I stimulated my ex-wife as much as I could to become a hotwife. We bought the dildos, dressed sexy while going out, ... she was fully aware of my desire to see her with other guys. She even took pictures of her saying that she was a hotwife and that she was looking for big cock. We did post these pictures online... but that was all she wanted to do. She never wanted me to invite a guy home, she was ok going alone in bar in a tight dress and heels but never accepted anything from a stranger. We have been playing these games for almost 8 years. For her, it had to remain a fantasy. I was masturbating a lot thinking of her being fucked by other guys. One day, we were on vacation with my family and my brother left with his family (back to home). He was supposed to send a message when they would be arrived and nothing on my phone. I took my ex-wife phone to check if maybe she received a message from them (that was her phone and I never looked into it during the 10 years we spent together). I didn't see a message from my brother but found a weird message from a guy named Jean. He was answering a question she asked but there was no history of her question (the conversation was erased). I saw the message when she was in the bathroom getting ready to go to bed (we were a bit ...... and ready for sex). I put her phone back to where it was and when she came to the bedroom, I stopped her (she was horny) and asked her if she was having something to tell me. She was confused so, I don't know why, I told her "I know everything about you and Jean, so it's your last chance, please explain". I saw her becoming all white and you could tell that it was difficult for her to stand still. At this moment, I was thinking, maybe a guy she met and started flirting, bad girl, I am going to give you a hard time but don't worry, no problem. I did not show anything, poker face (certainly thanks to the alcohol). She asked me with a terrified voice "what do you know?". I have no idea why, maybe luck, maybe I was feeling something without realizing it, ... but I told her "it is one year that I have placed an informer in your phone so I know everything". At this moment, I am 300% in comfort and I am expecting her to tell "yes, I am sorry, I have been texting with this guy for the last 2 weeks, we met in the bus, ..." or something like this. Unfortunatly, she is not answering. She is asking "what do you want me to say?". So a long exchange started where I was forced to announce what I knew and made her validate that I was right. It was like a poker game. Each time I was betting, I was increasing the stake thinking that she would say "no, this is not true" and forsing her to say the truth, but instead of this, she always said "yes it's true".
"I know that you are exchanging with him for a long time, isn't it?" - "yes"
"I know that you saw each other many times" - "yes"
"I know that you kissed many times" - "yes"
at this moment I was thinking "holy ......, what the fuck?" but I shown nothing, poker face. I was 100% calm. She told me "why do you do this, if you know already" and I told her a fault confessed is half forgiven. If you want me to forgive what you did, it's your last chance to tell me everything." At this moment, I was thinking "ok, she met a guy, she flirted a bit with him, not nice but no huge drama". I wanted her to tell me all, to be precise... but she did not want to say anything by herself to I was forced to continue my poker game by adding more coins to the truth machine.
"I know that you already had sex with him" - "yes"
This one was a shock as I was 1000% sure that she would answer "no" to this question. I was in shock but did not show a thing. Each time I was betting, I was pushing the limit to something not acceptable thinking that she would say "no"
"I know that you are having sex many times" - "yes"
again, she told me that it was not good, why she had to confess all if I knew all already. I had to say exactly the same "fault confessed is half forgiven ... bla bla bla" and continued my interogatory.
"I know that he is one of your colleague" - "yes"
At this moment, I was not there, my brain was working very efficiently but I was feeling no pain, no rage, ... I was just sherlock holmes trying to confront the guilty and exposing the truth. The truth is all I wanted... and then in my brain, something bad happen, I wanted to know the details, like you know masochist need to ask questions you don't want to know the answer BUT at the same time, it was few years that I wanted her to have sex with a stranger so I was (weirdly) turned on. So I wanted to know the details:
"I know that you had sex while I was not there" - "yes"
"In our appartment" - "yes"
"in our bed" - "yes"
"I know that there has been many times where you did not use condom" - "yes"
"that you had sex at your work" - "yes"
lots of dirty question, basically she confessed that they were often having sex in the parking lot (underground) at her work in our car (or his), that she was swallowing his cum, sometime when she was taking public transportation, he was bringing her home and they sometime had sex in the car in the parking lot of our building, coming home with our pussy full of cum or her stomach. I understood better why she was going to the shower often when she was coming back from work or why she was dressed sexy to go to work (I thought it was to turn me on as I was pushing her to do - stupid).
After a ling discussion, she confessed that, most painful part, she was in love with him. That she was loving the two of us, same level but differently. After lots of negotiation, she confessed that it was 4 years that they were "together" (having sex). She also confessed that once, when I was back from my weeked with my friend (most of the time she did not want to join me, she did not like most of my friends or she was tired, or she was having work to do ...), we had sex. The day after (monday), she went with him to the pharmacy to take the morning-after pill because she forgot to take her pill and she spent the weekend with him (in our appartment having sex - he came many times in her - me only once) and she was too afraid to be pregnant without knowing who would be the father. We never had kids (thanks god). We tried to continue the relation. I even proposed that we could do a ménage à trois, that he could come live with us and one night he sleeps with her, one night she sleeps with me (we were having a guest room). I was ready to do it because, the idea was turning me on and it was a possibility but she did not want it. She told me that he was still married, that it was complicated. She told me that he was loving her. Finally we decided to stop the relation. I pushed her to try with him but it did not work and they stopped to see each other (he changed job during all this blurry period and moved 2 hours driving from where we used to live).

I forgot, important detail, I asked her if he was having a bigger penis than mine and she said yes, I said "much bigger?" and she said yes but insisted on the fact that it was not the reason, that size doesn't matter to her and that it was not for the sex that they were together...

So yes, believe the guys who write "if you want to be a cuckold, you are certainly one already". I am convinced that I opened the brain of my wife to have sex with other men. These years of mental work to prepare her for this destroy her mental barrier of "cheating".
My conclusion : I am now happily married (again), one ...... and I am still willing to transform my new wife into a hotwife. I am just playing differently this time, more lessons learned.

Thank you for reading it. Available in pm if you want to exchange.

PS: I attached a picture of my ex-wife. When she took this picture, it was already 2 years that she was having sex with me and her colleague. We posted this picture online


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Hi all,

I am Isabelle's husband. I have been married for 10 years before being with Isabelle. In my previous mariage, I was into hotwifing already. I stimulated my ex-wife as much as I could to become a hotwife. We bought the dildos, dressed sexy while going out, ... she was fully aware of my desire to see her with other guys. She even took pictures of her saying that she was a hotwife and that she was looking for big cock. We did post these pictures online... but that was all she wanted to do. She never wanted me to invite a guy home, she was ok going alone in bar in a tight dress and heels but never accepted anything from a stranger. We have been playing these games for almost 8 years. For her, it had to remain a fantasy. I was masturbating a lot thinking of her being fucked by other guys. One day, we were on vacation with my family and my brother left with his family (back to home). He was supposed to send a message when they would be arrived and nothing on my phone. I took my ex-wife phone to check if maybe she received a message from them (that was her phone and I never looked into it during the 10 years we spent together). I didn't see a message from my brother but found a weird message from a guy named Jean. He was answering a question she asked but there was no history of her question (the conversation was erased). I saw the message when she was in the bathroom getting ready to go to bed (we were a bit ...... and ready for sex). I put her phone back to where it was and when she came to the bedroom, I stopped her (she was horny) and asked her if she was having something to tell me. She was confused so, I don't know why, I told her "I know everything about you and Jean, so it's your last chance, please explain". I saw her becoming all white and you could tell that it was difficult for her to stand still. At this moment, I was thinking, maybe a guy she met and started flirting, bad girl, I am going to give you a hard time but don't worry, no problem. I did not show anything, poker face (certainly thanks to the alcohol). She asked me with a terrified voice "what do you know?". I have no idea why, maybe luck, maybe I was feeling something without realizing it, ... but I told her "it is one year that I have placed an informer in your phone so I know everything". At this moment, I am 300% in comfort and I am expecting her to tell "yes, I am sorry, I have been texting with this guy for the last 2 weeks, we met in the bus, ..." or something like this. Unfortunatly, she is not answering. She is asking "what do you want me to say?". So a long exchange started where I was forced to announce what I knew and made her validate that I was right. It was like a poker game. Each time I was betting, I was increasing the stake thinking that she would say "no, this is not true" and forsing her to say the truth, but instead of this, she always said "yes it's true".
"I know that you are exchanging with him for a long time, isn't it?" - "yes"
"I know that you saw each other many times" - "yes"
"I know that you kissed many times" - "yes"
at this moment I was thinking "holy ......, what the fuck?" but I shown nothing, poker face. I was 100% calm. She told me "why do you do this, if you know already" and I told her a fault confessed is half forgiven. If you want me to forgive what you did, it's your last chance to tell me everything." At this moment, I was thinking "ok, she met a guy, she flirted a bit with him, not nice but no huge drama". I wanted her to tell me all, to be precise... but she did not want to say anything by herself to I was forced to continue my poker game by adding more coins to the truth machine.
"I know that you already had sex with him" - "yes"
This one was a shock as I was 1000% sure that she would answer "no" to this question. I was in shock but did not show a thing. Each time I was betting, I was pushing the limit to something not acceptable thinking that she would say "no"
"I know that you are having sex many times" - "yes"
again, she told me that it was not good, why she had to confess all if I knew all already. I had to say exactly the same "fault confessed is half forgiven ... bla bla bla" and continued my interogatory.
"I know that he is one of your colleague" - "yes"
At this moment, I was not there, my brain was working very efficiently but I was feeling no pain, no rage, ... I was just sherlock holmes trying to confront the guilty and exposing the truth. The truth is all I wanted... and then in my brain, something bad happen, I wanted to know the details, like you know masochist need to ask questions you don't want to know the answer BUT at the same time, it was few years that I wanted her to have sex with a stranger so I was (weirdly) turned on. So I wanted to know the details:
"I know that you had sex while I was not there" - "yes"
"In our appartment" - "yes"
"in our bed" - "yes"
"I know that there has been many times where you did not use condom" - "yes"
"that you had sex at your work" - "yes"
lots of dirty question, basically she confessed that they were often having sex in the parking lot (underground) at her work in our car (or his), that she was swallowing his cum, sometime when she was taking public transportation, he was bringing her home and they sometime had sex in the car in the parking lot of our building, coming home with our pussy full of cum or her stomach. I understood better why she was going to the shower often when she was coming back from work or why she was dressed sexy to go to work (I thought it was to turn me on as I was pushing her to do - stupid).
After a ling discussion, she confessed that, most painful part, she was in love with him. That she was loving the two of us, same level but differently. After lots of negotiation, she confessed that it was 4 years that they were "together" (having sex). She also confessed that once, when I was back from my weeked with my friend (most of the time she did not want to join me, she did not like most of my friends or she was tired, or she was having work to do ...), we had sex. The day after (monday), she went with him to the pharmacy to take the morning-after pill because she forgot to take her pill and she spent the weekend with him (in our appartment having sex - he came many times in her - me only once) and she was too afraid to be pregnant without knowing who would be the father. We never had kids (thanks god). We tried to continue the relation. I even proposed that we could do a ménage à trois, that he could come live with us and one night he sleeps with her, one night she sleeps with me (we were having a guest room). I was ready to do it because, the idea was turning me on and it was a possibility but she did not want it. She told me that he was still married, that it was complicated. She told me that he was loving her. Finally we decided to stop the relation. I pushed her to try with him but it did not work and they stopped to see each other (he changed job during all this blurry period and moved 2 hours driving from where we used to live).

I forgot, important detail, I asked her if he was having a bigger penis than mine and she said yes, I said "much bigger?" and she said yes but insisted on the fact that it was not the reason, that size doesn't matter to her and that it was not for the sex that they were together...

So yes, believe the guys who write "if you want to be a cuckold, you are certainly one already". I am convinced that I opened the brain of my wife to have sex with other men. These years of mental work to prepare her for this destroy her mental barrier of "cheating".
My conclusion : I am now happily married (again), one ...... and I am still willing to transform my new wife into a hotwife. I am just playing differently this time, more lessons learned.

Thank you for reading it. Available in pm if you want to exchange.

PS: I attached a picture of my ex-wife. When she took this picture, it was already 2 years that she was having sex with me and her colleague. We posted this picture online
Wow, that is some story. Did she ever explain why she decided to have an affair when she already knew you were willing to share her? Even with the "love" connection, it would have been great cover.
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Wow, that is some story. Did she ever explain why she decided to have an affair when she already knew you were willing to share her? Even with the "love" connection, it would have been great cover.
I asked her the same question but she told me that she did not start the relation with him because of sex. They were seeing each other everyday at work. It was first a mental connection, becoming friends, spending time together then going lunch together, … until one day they kissed… then she tried to stop… until one day they kissed again but stronger and started flirting (but without sex for few weeks she told me). I asked her when was the first time they had sex (and where) and she told me it was in a business trip. She was once every 2 month (sometime once per month) traveling abroad for “missions”. Sometimes 2 days, sometimes 5-6 days.
So they where far from home, his wife was not present, I was not present, they were very attracted to each other and it was weeks that they were trying not to cheat on us… so it happened
my wife and I had a party at our house. Our kids were gone,and we could cut loose a little. My wife looks like Debra from everyone loves Raymond but with bigger tits. We had some neighbors and work friends over. We are not swinger, we our in our 30’s . As the night and the booze went on, I notice my wife talking to a guy who came with my neighbor he was older than us probably in his 50’s. As people started to leave and pretty soon it was just my neighbor and his friend. A song came on and my wife who was ...... now started to dance . The guys name was Mike got up and started dancing with my wife. He got behind her and had his hands on her hips. I could tell my wife was grinding her ass on his crotch, he slide his hands up under her shirt and was squeezing her big tits my neighbor then got up and quickly slide his hand down her skirt and was playing with her pussy . They quickly undressed and I watched my wife fuck and suck both of them on the floor in our living room as I jerked off watching!!
my wife and I had a party at our house. Our kids were gone,and we could cut loose a little. My wife looks like Debra from everyone loves Raymond but with bigger tits. We had some neighbors and work friends over. We are not swinger, we our in our 30’s . As the night and the booze went on, I notice my wife talking to a guy who came with my neighbor he was older than us probably in his 50’s. As people started to leave and pretty soon it was just my neighbor and his friend. A song came on and my wife who was ...... now started to dance . The guys name was Mike got up and started dancing with my wife. He got behind her and had his hands on her hips. I could tell my wife was grinding her ass on his crotch, he slide his hands up under her shirt and was squeezing her big tits my neighbor then got up and quickly slide his hand down her skirt and was playing with her pussy . They quickly undressed and I watched my wife fuck and suck both of them on the floor in our living room as I jerked off watching!!
Welcome to the club
I want stories of cheating wife’s and y u cheating or cheated just for better understanding
Hi, I am a mature Asian woman. I have been having affairs with several guys without the knowledge of my husband. I am no nympho but I like it when guys are attracted to my body. One day, my husband confronted me saying that he knew about my affair with an office colleague. I assured him that I loved him and would never leave him for another guy. He did not pursue further but I found a change in his attitude after that as he would casually chat about how exciting it would be for a guy to watch his wife being fucked by other guys. I dismissed that as merely his sexual fantasy. However, one evening my husband told me that a business associate of his from the Caribbean was in town and asked if I would like to fuck the BBC while he watched. I then realized that my husband was a cuckold. I agreed to please him and had a great fuck with his business associate, a BBC, while he watched. Since then I had fucked many guys while my husband watched. On a few occasions, he would join in for a threesome. We are still together and are now in our 50s.
When I was kid probably 8 or 9, my mom take us to our neighborhood swimming pool. My mom was pretty, she had a great body compared to the other moms, this guy was there by myself was next to us, I don’t think my mom knew him before this day, just by there conversations I heard. As I swim, mom didn’t come in the pool with us today ( my brother and sister), which was unusual, I was have a great time, I got out and went to where our stuff was, but my mom was gone and so was the man. I looked all over, so I went out to our mini van to see if she was there for some reason, as I got close to our van, I saw a car and my mom was in the back seat and she was riding the guy, her top was off and he was sucking her tits. The sounds she was making scared me so I went back to the pool, and few minutes later I saw mom coming back in quickly, she called for us and we drive home . When we got home my dad was cutting the lawn and she went up and kissed him like nothing happened. Never told anyone !!! Til now !!
When I was kid probably 8 or 9, my mom take us to our neighborhood swimming pool. My mom was pretty, she had a great body compared to the other moms, this guy was there by myself was next to us, I don’t think my mom knew him before this day, just by there conversations I heard. As I swim, mom didn’t come in the pool with us today ( my brother and sister), which was unusual, I was have a great time, I got out and went to where our stuff was, but my mom was gone and so was the man. I looked all over, so I went out to our mini van to see if she was there for some reason, as I got close to our van, I saw a car and my mom was in the back seat and she was riding the guy, her top was off and he was sucking her tits. The sounds she was making scared me so I went back to the pool, and few minutes later I saw mom coming back in quickly, she called for us and we drive home . When we got home my dad was cutting the lawn and she went up and kissed him like nothing happened. Never told anyone !!! Til now !!
Wow! Your mom was hot! This brings to my memory an experience of mine at a swimming pool some years back. My hubby and I brought our ......, then 10 years old, and ......, then 7 years old, to a waterpark during school vacations. I went for a water ride while my husband brought our ...... and ...... to the swimming pool. I went up to the platform where I would slide down a tube to a pool. At the platform was a life guard who was manning the water ride. I found that there was nobody there except the life guard. The guy started to chat with me. He asked:- "Hello ma'am, here for holidays?" He was a well-built young man in his mid-20s and I could see his hard-on underneath his swimming trunk as he was eyeing my body with his lusty eyes. I was in a string bikini with half of my breasts exposed. His glare made me horny and since there was no one else around us, I chatted with him, teasing him for having a hard-on. The guy became bolder and asked if we could meet later for a fuck. I told him to phone my hotel room later so that we could arrange for a time to meet. Soon after I had returned to my room, the guy phoned and we arranged to meet at the hotel lobby later that evening at 7.00pm. That evening, my husband brought our children to the indoor amusement park and I went to the hotel lobby to meet the guy. I had already booked another room for the tryst with the guy. The young man was full of energy and we fucked for more than an hour.
Wow! Your mom was hot! This brings to my memory an experience of mine at a swimming pool some years back. My hubby and I brought our ......, then 10 years old, and ......, then 7 years old, to a waterpark during school vacations. I went for a water ride while my husband brought our ...... and ...... to the swimming pool. I went up to the platform where I would slide down a tube to a pool. At the platform was a life guard who was manning the water ride. I found that there was nobody there except the life guard. The guy started to chat with me. He asked:- "Hello ma'am, here for holidays?" He was a well-built young man in his mid-20s and I could see his hard-on underneath his swimming trunk as he was eyeing my body with his lusty eyes. I was in a string bikini with half of my breasts exposed. His glare made me horny and since there was no one else around us, I chatted with him, teasing him for having a hard-on. The guy became bolder and asked if we could meet later for a fuck. I told him to phone my hotel room later so that we could arrange for a time to meet. Soon after I had returned to my room, the guy phoned and we arranged to meet at the hotel lobby later that evening at 7.00pm. That evening, my husband brought our children to the indoor amusement park and I went to the hotel lobby to meet the guy. I had already booked another room for the tryst with the guy. The young man was full of energy and we fucked for more than an hour.
That is the hottest story !!! I just jerked off to it !! Amazing
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Have posted this story before but the only time im aware of that my wife cheated was back in high school. We had been dating for a couple years and a "buddy" of mine started texting her. She told me about it and I thought nothing of it so I would just laugh when she said she was texting him still. Anyways, texting lead to meeting up at a bonfire and making out. Thats all she told me happened but who knows what really did. And with it being so long ago when they were basically kids I dont even want to bring it up. It definitely still turns me on thinking about it but changing the setting to current times!
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Reactions: toolman2c and Nemo
Wow! Your mom was hot! This brings to my memory an experience of mine at a swimming pool some years back. My hubby and I brought our ......, then 10 years old, and ......, then 7 years old, to a waterpark during school vacations. I went for a water ride while my husband brought our ...... and ...... to the swimming pool. I went up to the platform where I would slide down a tube to a pool. At the platform was a life guard who was manning the water ride. I found that there was nobody there except the life guard. The guy started to chat with me. He asked:- "Hello ma'am, here for holidays?" He was a well-built young man in his mid-20s and I could see his hard-on underneath his swimming trunk as he was eyeing my body with his lusty eyes. I was in a string bikini with half of my breasts exposed. His glare made me horny and since there was no one else around us, I chatted with him, teasing him for having a hard-on. The guy became bolder and asked if we could meet later for a fuck. I told him to phone my hotel room later so that we could arrange for a time to meet. Soon after I had returned to my room, the guy phoned and we arranged to meet at the hotel lobby later that evening at 7.00pm. That evening, my husband brought our children to the indoor amusement park and I went to the hotel lobby to meet the guy. I had already booked another room for the tryst with the guy. The young man was full of energy and we fucked for more than an hour.

Wow! Your mom was hot! This brings to my memory an experience of mine at a swimming pool some years back. My hubby and I brought our ......, then 10 years old, and ......, then 7 years old, to a waterpark during school vacations. I went for a water ride while my husband brought our ...... and ...... to the swimming pool. I went up to the platform where I would slide down a tube to a pool. At the platform was a life guard who was manning the water ride. I found that there was nobody there except the life guard. The guy started to chat with me. He asked:- "Hello ma'am, here for holidays?" He was a well-built young man in his mid-20s and I could see his hard-on underneath his swimming trunk as he was eyeing my body with his lusty eyes. I was in a string bikini with half of my breasts exposed. His glare made me horny and since there was no one else around us, I chatted with him, teasing him for having a hard-on. The guy became bolder and asked if we could meet later for a fuck. I told him to phone my hotel room later so that we could arrange for a time to meet. Soon after I had returned to my room, the guy phoned and we arranged to meet at the hotel lobby later that evening at 7.00pm. That evening, my husband brought our children to the indoor amusement park and I went to the hotel lobby to meet the guy. I had already booked another room for the tryst with the guy. The young man was full of energy and we fucked for more than an hour.