
If she is talking like she maybe interested then just be patien, and dont push to far and insure her you are 100% ok with it. Also make sure she knows you are not wanting this so you can be with other woman, that was my wife’s issue at first until she realized I wasn’t wanting another woman
If she is talking like she maybe interested then just be patien, and dont push to far and insure her you are 100% ok with it. Also make sure she knows you are not wanting this so you can be with other woman, that was my wife’s issue at first until she realized I wasn’t wanting another woman
Yeah that always comes up
If she is talking like she maybe interested then just be patien, and dont push to far and insure her you are 100% ok with it. Also make sure she knows you are not wanting this so you can be with other woman, that was my wife’s issue at first until she realized I wasn’t wanting another woman
So true, that is what my wife thought at first too. Make sure she knows it is about her enjoying herself, and not you wanting to go out and ...... with other women. Communication is the key.
I don’t know abut this she has kinda agreed as long as the bull fucks me in the ass first she said if it’s going to happen the that she wants to see me get fucked bye a dude idk abut this one
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