Very sexy lady很高兴看到您的消息。的确,要戴绿帽子,您必须有坚强的婚姻。我确实喜欢成为一只愿意放纵妻子和通奸的绿帽龟。这是一种在生理层面上享受的刺激性快感,并且会因性欲的扩大而兴奋。告诉我我的处境:我和妻子于1996年结婚,当时我26岁,她24岁,大学毕业仅两三年。她是一个非常漂亮的女孩,具有非常双重的个性。弥补,她看起来端庄,时尚而温柔,取代,她对性的强烈渴望和贪婪。她是一个没有安全带的女孩。因此,在夜总会做兼职卖淫,也被一伙那时候,我与几个朋友同时who。我沉迷于她的美丽,不懈的性欲以及特别舒适的性爱技巧,最后逐渐提出了婚姻。结婚前,她一再强调自己是医院诊断出的性欲亢进者。她每天都有对性欲的无限渴望。她有很多性伴侣。如果我不反对,我们可以结婚。我是一个个性很开放的人。我希望妻子能与男人分享,所以我非常赞成建立一个开放和多元化的家庭。因此,我的妻子被朋友分享,而我也分享了朋友的妻子。在里面和我的圈子里,交换妻子和通奸是中产阶级的一个非常时尚的想法。最后逐步提出结婚。结婚前,她一再强调自己是医院诊断出的性欲亢进者。她每天都有对性欲的无限渴望。她有很多性伴侣。如果我不反对,我们可以结婚。我是一个个性很开放的人。我希望妻子能与男人分享,所以我非常赞成建立一个开放和多元化的家庭。因此,我的妻子被朋友分享,而我也分享了朋友的妻子。在以及和我的圈子里,交换妻子和通奸是中产阶级的一个非常时尚的想法。最后逐渐提出结婚。结婚前,她一再强调自己是医院诊断出的性欲亢进者。她每天都有对性欲的无限渴望。她有很多性伴侣。如果我不反对,我们可以结婚。我是一个个性很开放的人。我希望妻子能与男人分享,所以我非常赞成建立一个开放和多元化的家庭。因此,我的妻子被朋友分享,而我也分享了朋友的妻子。在先前和我的圈子里,交换妻子和通奸是中产阶级的一个非常时尚的想法。我是一个个性很开放的人。我希望妻子能与男人分享,所以我非常赞成建立一个开放和多元化的家庭。因此,我的妻子被朋友分享,而我也分享了朋友的妻子。在我国和我的圈子里,交换妻子和通奸是中产阶级的一个非常时尚的想法。我是一个个性很开放的人。我希望妻子能与男人分享,所以我非常赞成建立一个开放和多元化的家庭。因此,我的妻子被朋友分享,而我也分享了朋友的妻子。在必然和我的圈子里,交换妻子和通奸是中产阶级的一个非常时尚的想法。作为女人,这是值得骄傲的!尤其要接受厚实的黑公鸡。
She certainly was back then. Got lots of old pics of her. Loved her cock. Now she’s married to a short guy that looks like a gerbil but has money. Seems as she got old money won out over looks lol.Very sexy lady
He may be a nice guy, I don’t know. I feel sorry for him. Bet she’s soon looking around for something extra lola lot of women will trade their selves for money even will marry them M.
I use the term cuckold to describe my lifestyle but truthfully it's generally the same way you described it.In my case it’s not really cuckolding.
I enjoy seeing my wife having fun.
I enjoy sharing her.
she come home to me every night, or the next morning if I approve.
she has a “boyfriend”
It makes our sex life better.
Its caused some arguments.
but so has going to work.
trust is key.
I trust she will always come back, or she will tell me she’s not and why.
i play too.
The most important thing to remember is...
sex is not love.
Wish my wife was still so open minded.I use the term cuckold to describe my lifestyle but truthfully it's generally the same way you described it.
you must have seen some good timesWe were fine with the sharing thing for years. Then we met a guy with a big cock. They had an affair and she left me. A lot of years ago but I still get off on the thought of them together. Still got the pics from back then. I
Her ass made me cumWe were fine with the sharing thing for years. Then we met a guy with a big cock. They had an affair and she left me. A lot of years ago but I still get off on the thought of them together. Still got the pics from back then. I
notoriousbbc describes it very well for my wife and I.It's all about pleasure and excitement and the thrill of giving yourself freely in front of hubby and enjoying the experience of another man throbbing away deep inside you with hubby sitting right there having a wank and cleaning up afterwards
Not surprised. I used to cum over her ass all the time. Even let me fuck it a few timesHer ass made me cum
We certainly did. Had friend staying overnight with us. All in same bed fucking her all must have seen some good times
my story as well - though for 40+ years. It works if you work it.notoriousbbc describes it very well for my wife and I.
My wife and I have survived this lifestyle for many years. A big part of the success is that we both get something out of it.
For her, she loves sex. She is a nympho, she thinks about sex almost constantly and even has erotic dreams that will wake her with an orgasm. When she sees an attractive man, and starts talking to him, she gets incredibly wet and horny.
For me, nothing turns me on more than watching my wife take another man's cock and knowing she is carrying his seed inside of her. We do have sex, occasionally, but I get much more arousal watching her have sex with another man and doing clean-up, instead of having sex with her myself.
My kink and her craving for sex with other men, make us a really good match. We've been married for over 30 years. Since we've been together, she has had way more sex with other men, than she has had with me.
Although she and I don't have a lot of sex, she and I share a deep intimacy that we don't share with anyone else. I am her best friend and she is mine. The way she describes me is: I am the shoulder she cries on, her security blanket and the steady forse in her life.
I've been asked, many times if I was afraid of losing my wife to another man. My typical response is: "you don't have to have an open marriage to lose your wife to another man."
My wife knows she is free to have sex with any man, whenever she wants and as much as she wants. She just happens to be the type of woman that can do that, yet keep her heart committed to me.
Some of her bf's, over the years, have tried to pull her away from me. She quickly ended it with them.
It does take work, patience, communication, give and take, etc. But, if you think about it, all relationships require work, story as well - though for 40+ years. It works if you work it.
i'm still vanilla but i'm looking for a lot about it and talking to my wife who already knows about my costume but is still gaining confidence.The risk of her falling in love with the other guy is slim, but possible. The risk of her loving the attention and some guys big thick cock pounding her sweet pussy is extremely high. Once she crossed that line and finds that dream cock or cocks she will forever want more and more of it. From my experiences, she will not leave you for someone who is simply a better fuck, but she will fuck the other guy every chance she gets.
Cathy kinda hits the nail on the head with this. At least for me and my wife. My wife has said some of these same, exact words.The risk of her falling in love with the other guy is slim, but possible. The risk of her loving the attention and some guys big thick cock pounding her sweet pussy is extremely high. Once she crossed that line and finds that dream cock or cocks she will forever want more and more of it. From my experiences, she will not leave you for someone who is simply a better fuck, but she will fuck the other guy every chance she gets.
I think this "line" in which the wife crosses is extremely exciting, because for me, it is losing control of the situation, going from a relationship that you have with your wife to just a passenger on the trip while she is driving!Cathy kinda hits the nail on the head with this. At least for me and my wife. My wife has said some of these same, exact words.
Once we started, she told me we probably opened a door we cannot close. She has had many bf's, over the years, that were way better in bed than me, but she has never left me for any of them. She has also told me she would never leave me for a guy, simply because he was an amazing fuck.
Some women enjoy sex differently than others. My wife has told me she probably would have enjoyed being a porn star. She is one of those women that loves sex, and knows how to separate the emotions. I chuckled and told her I'm the type of guy that could be married to a porn star.
However, we have known other couples where it failed. It's possible opening the marriage could have killed the relationship, but it's hard to tell if it wouldn't have failed regardless.