How risky is cuckolding?

Toys have basically cuck me I lick and she uses a lot of different dildos
if toys do it for you and her why change, with toys there is no emotions, no no risk diseases if cleaned properly. In a lot of cases a decent size, good quality dildo will give her better orgasms than most real cock will
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I have no interest in anyone else mentally. I'm only interested in using then as you would a toy. Husband knows that and is happy. I will never find a better man
it depends on many factors, my wife was afraid of becoming attached to some of her "friends" and dropped them
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If any dishonesty or gaps creep in between the wife and husband, for whatever reason, it can destroy even what was a wonderful marriage. Hold true to each other. These are dangerous games.

Wonderful marriages are not prone to serious dishonesty, by definition.

As always, good communication and agreeing ground rules is key to success. Things that are in any case part of a successful marriage.
Is it risky? Yes & no!

For us it's about the sex, nothing more. I was concerned about a connection with a 'partner' early on, we agreed that will not happen EVER. She cuts a guy loose when she feels a connection from either her or him, and certainly repeats can cause a bond to form, like it or not.


She has had a few 'regulars', one I labeled 'Mr commuter' was good for 2-5 times a week, sometimes twice a day. Another 'the bartender' was good for once a week but would cum in/on her 3-4 times in a row.

She kept her emotional distance by compartmentalizing them. She didn't like the bartender but liked the sex and his perks. Mr commuter she says was OK and considered him a 'fill-in'.

So IMHO it's up to her whether there's a risk or not, but the more contact the more chance of something, sometimes the highway to hell is paved with the best intentions.

Disclaimer: During my 1st marriage I had a sex partner on the side, it was for sex only, for us both, nothing more ............................. we are now married!
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You might want to read this. How to have a successful cuckold marriage

You have to have a strong marriage for cuckolding to work. And lots of discussion and rule setting before you embark on it. And you bulls have to know what the rules are too. Because there are a lot of emotions at work among the wife, bull and husband and you all have to be on the same page.

Some husbands are afraid the wife will fall in love with the bull and hence only allow sex with him a few times and then move on to someone else

Other husbands let their wives fall in love and there can be a long term relationship....but there is always the fear she will leave you one day

Some wives lose respect for their husband or wonder why he would want her to have sex with others. Doesn't he love me?

So before you embark on a cuckolding lifestyle you have to be absolutely sure this is what you both want. The difficult time is not when she is getting pounded in the is when you are outside of the bedroom living your everyday life and whether these bedroom experiences with another man or men affect your marriage.

This from a happy cuckold who has watched his wife have sex with men over many decades and who is now in an 8 year relationship with a younger man.
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How dangerous? I've seen divorce, ......, and suicide. There is a risk of disease. Depending on who you are there is the risk of loss of family, friends, reputation, and job. So not very, dangerous. Have fun!
How dangerous? I've seen divorce, ......, and suicide. There is a risk of disease. Depending on who you are there is the risk of loss of family, friends, reputation, and job. So not very, dangerous. Have fun!
horrified GIF
I've been thinking for a while about suggesting to my wife that she has a lover and for us to become a cuckold couple but how risky is this? How many marriages have failed because the couple quite genuinely entered the cuckold lifestyle but split as a direct result?
hello.. i was a cuck for a few years, then wife got to fond of boyfriend and left me,, one of the hidden dangers
We were fine with the sharing thing for years. Then we met a guy with a big cock. They had an affair and she left me. A lot of years ago but I still get off on the thought of them together. Still got the pics from back then. I


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