I have no interest in anyone else mentally. I'm only interested in using then as you would a toy. Husband knows that and is happy. I will never find a better man
if toys do it for you and her why change, with toys there is no emotions, no no risk diseases if cleaned properly. In a lot of cases a decent size, good quality dildo will give her better orgasms than most real cock willToys have basically cuck me I lick and she uses a lot of different dildos
I don't agree with you, we all do this for different reasons I know but none of us know what's around the cornerI have no interest in anyone else mentally. I'm only interested in using then as you would a toy. Husband knows that and is happy. I will never find a better man
your 100% right no one sets out to fall in love with a fuckbuddy but it happensit can be risky.... I left a couple because she fell in love with me. Her hubby had ED and she absolutely loved to cum on my cock.
it depends on many factors, my wife was afraid of becoming attached to some of her "friends" and dropped themI have no interest in anyone else mentally. I'm only interested in using then as you would a toy. Husband knows that and is happy. I will never find a better man
That's what I always say.[QUOTE =“ Kev627,帖子:149669,成员:24983”]
(y) 👙🐂🐃
WELL SAID !!!!!!!!!!!!It's all about pleasure and excitement and the thrill of giving yourself freely in front of hubby and enjoying the experience of another man throbbing away deep inside you with hubby sitting right there having a wank and cleaning up afterwards
If any dishonesty or gaps creep in between the wife and husband, for whatever reason, it can destroy even what was a wonderful marriage. Hold true to each other. These are dangerous games.
很高兴看到您的消息。的确,要戴绿帽子,您必须有坚强的婚姻。我确实喜欢成为一只愿意放纵妻子和通奸的绿帽龟。这是一种在生理层面上享受的刺激性快感,并且会因性欲的扩大而兴奋。告诉我我的处境:我和妻子于1996年结婚,当时我26岁,她24岁,大学毕业仅两三年。她是一个非常漂亮的女孩,具有非常双重的个性。弥补,她看起来端庄,时尚而温柔,取代,她对性的强烈渴望和贪婪。她是一个没有安全带的女孩。因此,在夜总会做兼职卖淫,也被一伙那时候,我与几个朋友同时who。我沉迷于她的美丽,不懈的性欲以及特别舒适的性爱技巧,最后逐渐提出了婚姻。结婚前,她一再强调自己是医院诊断出的性欲亢进者。她每天都有对性欲的无限渴望。她有很多性伴侣。如果我不反对,我们可以结婚。我是一个个性很开放的人。我希望妻子能与男人分享,所以我非常赞成建立一个开放和多元化的家庭。因此,我的妻子被朋友分享,而我也分享了朋友的妻子。在里面和我的圈子里,交换妻子和通奸是中产阶级的一个非常时尚的想法。最后逐步提出结婚。结婚前,她一再强调自己是医院诊断出的性欲亢进者。她每天都有对性欲的无限渴望。她有很多性伴侣。如果我不反对,我们可以结婚。我是一个个性很开放的人。我希望妻子能与男人分享,所以我非常赞成建立一个开放和多元化的家庭。因此,我的妻子被朋友分享,而我也分享了朋友的妻子。在以及和我的圈子里,交换妻子和通奸是中产阶级的一个非常时尚的想法。最后逐渐提出结婚。结婚前,她一再强调自己是医院诊断出的性欲亢进者。她每天都有对性欲的无限渴望。她有很多性伴侣。如果我不反对,我们可以结婚。我是一个个性很开放的人。我希望妻子能与男人分享,所以我非常赞成建立一个开放和多元化的家庭。因此,我的妻子被朋友分享,而我也分享了朋友的妻子。在先前和我的圈子里,交换妻子和通奸是中产阶级的一个非常时尚的想法。我是一个个性很开放的人。我希望妻子能与男人分享,所以我非常赞成建立一个开放和多元化的家庭。因此,我的妻子被朋友分享,而我也分享了朋友的妻子。在我国和我的圈子里,交换妻子和通奸是中产阶级的一个非常时尚的想法。我是一个个性很开放的人。我希望妻子能与男人分享,所以我非常赞成建立一个开放和多元化的家庭。因此,我的妻子被朋友分享,而我也分享了朋友的妻子。在必然和我的圈子里,交换妻子和通奸是中产阶级的一个非常时尚的想法。作为女人,这是值得骄傲的!尤其要接受厚实的黑公鸡。您可能需要阅读此内容。 如何成功戴绿帽子的婚姻
How dangerous? I've seen divorce, ......, and suicide. There is a risk of disease. Depending on who you are there is the risk of loss of family, friends, reputation, and job. So not very, dangerous. Have fun!
hello.. i was a cuck for a few years, then wife got to fond of boyfriend and left me,, one of the hidden dangersI've been thinking for a while about suggesting to my wife that she has a lover and for us to become a cuckold couple but how risky is this? How many marriages have failed because the couple quite genuinely entered the cuckold lifestyle but split as a direct result?
I can understand why 😍We were fine with the sharing thing for years. Then we met a guy with a big cock. They had an affair and she left me. A lot of years ago but I still get off on the thought of them together. Still got the pics from back then. I