Impossible to put anything like an accurate figure on the number of men who have fucked Lynn. She’s been fucking around for over 50years, only the last 25 of those with me. I do know that at the time we got together and for some time after (until we moved in together), she’d be out two or three nights a week, picking up men in pubs and bars or meeting with men she’d fucked before and she’d been doing that for years.
From what she’s told me, she fucked around before and during her time at university and throughout her first marriage (serial cheater). In the time we’ve been together there have been periods when she’s been more or less active but even in the less active times, she’s still had sex with other men, the only exception was during the covid lockdowns.
We have tried a couple of times to work out what number she must be at and we’ve always come up with a number in 4 figures but anything more accurate than that is a pure guess. All I know with any certainty is that whatever the number is, it’s still going up and I hope it will continue to do so while health and circumstances allow.