Prior to our marriage, 2 that she had ontercourse with. Her husband and her then Boss/Lover. And oral only when young (can't say who) and then one other guy she sucked off whenever he came around in her teens.
Since we got married, WOW!! Had her first affair with a co-worker after being married 2 years and that released her "inner slut" and can't even be sure how many. She was BBC exclusive for 3 years, and no way to ever know how many then. By the end of that she was going out 5-6 nights a week, had sex with as many as 5-6 guys a night, maybe more, and then a one weekend blowout gangbang and she has NO idea how many guys other than a LOT!!
Co-workers since then, 6 guys but DOZENS of times each. Very regular business travel plus dating when at home too. ANd her BOss/Lover (2nd one) their affair lasted 11 years.
I could never catch up with her Lovers!! CW