How long have you been sharing your wife and have you ever regret it?

A little over 3 years and not one regret. We always play together, whether in a MFM or I am just watching. She has three "regulars" she is super comfortable with and the sex goes to higher levels, but w bring in new people to maintain the excitement of that "new fuck" as often as possible.....
So do you cuck or stag or just like to watch?
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Fortunately, and somewhat uniquely, this is how our relationship began 30+ years ago and we've never regretted it. Our relationship has only gotten stronger over the years. The main point is make sure the underlying relationship is rock solid before venturing out on this journey. This is vital, in my experience, for enjoyment of this lifestyle.
Amazing you have been doing this for so long. Are you full swingers or mostly her playing with you watching or joining in?
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What part to you regret
Just the reality of the change that has taken place, and my role in her sex life. How all that has changed. I'm happy for her that she is getting satisfied in other ways. I feel bad that I can't be the one to satisfy her that way. But, as she says, I'm the perfect husband because I do everything else right and those things are just as important, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
Just the reality of the change that has taken place, and my role in her sex life. How all that has changed. I'm happy for her that she is getting satisfied in other ways. I feel bad that I can't be the one to satisfy her that way. But, as she says, I'm the perfect husband because I do everything else right and those things are just as important, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
can I ask you what the problem is in the bedroom
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