How long have you been sharing your wife and have you ever regret it?

I always wanted to be part of it... KK cheated during our college years (at least that's the first confirmed instance I know about). She broke off our engagement at a point to expand her sexual horizons. Later our engagement resumed. During that time, although I couldn't identify the whole dynamic, I became obsessed with KK fucking other men.

She cheated on me throughout the remainder of our engagement, even on our wedding day. Although I caught her, dead to rights, several times after we were married, I never confronted her - in part because I was encouraging her to have sex with other mean. She was, clandestinely, without my direct involvement. I've written about this extensively, publishing these accounts on Literotica and similar forums.

The evidence of her trysts is voluminous - i've collected various things from soiled, cum-stained panties, to photos and videos. After the big transition in our life to the hot wife/cuckold lifestyle, KK confessed to many, many of her infidelities. I doubt that I will ever know everything however.
Wow that is amazing. I know my wife cheated on me before we were married and also since we have been married. I have never been able to directly catch her but a few slips of the tongue and gut feeling makes me know I am right. I was hurt, jealous and mad. The problem is I felt something else I never dreamed of I felt sexually excited. The thought of her sneaking off to a hotel or in the back seat of a car with her legs in the air totally naked with him sucking on her huge tits and fucking her got me excited beyond words. I couldn't understand my feelings. I am an alfa male and a strong one. So when I thought for sure she was with another man I would get mad for a few hours and then fantasize about him fucked her and wanted to reclaim her when she got home. I would love to read your stories please send me a link. I may have more questions or comments if you don't mind me texting you.
We met as she turned 16, she was an untouched virgin. She was a live wire who enjoyed the company of men having been brought up in a male dominanted family, most of those she knew were boys or as she prefered, men.

I soon found i enjoyed men looking at her, at 6ft tall she was unusual for a girl, 33 inch legs and a fine wearer of skintight jeans.

Freed from her virginity she attempted to cheat on me with a man who was in his mid 30s, she confessed this mistake to me that very evening, i was not happy.

By the time she was 17 she was wearing suspenders under her tight jeans for "me" i liked the feel of them and knew others could see the straps too, i liked this especially when worn with high heal boots making her 6ft 3, standing in a busy pub for others to admire her legs and small cute bum, then another confession came:, she had got ...... on holiday and been fucked she cried as she told me, i liked her confession as i made love to my upset girlfriend.

We married when she was 18, she has since said she knew i was strangely getting off hearing her confession when she was 17. realised she loved me for being so kind and understanding of this mistake and wanted me as her husband.

She was in her mid 20s when i watched my then best friend seduce her, i didnt realise at the time this was a test for me, to see if i enjoyed and accepted her taking another mans dick, by this time he had conditioned me into liking the thought and now i sat and watched it. I was not aware that she wanted me to know, she had a lover confident i would accept this, she was right i did.

A later confession from her was that even though my girlfriend she had always had little plays with men in nightclubs, ...... she would snog and get fondled by a few "regular blokes she knew" and she liked this, it was exciting she said. She also stated that in reality i was probably always destined to be her cuck husband.

We are both dominant characters but both sexually submissive too, having enjoyed men looking at her from the day we met i suppose it was a natural progession that one day i would accept another man fucking her then her returning to me and our normal life, it was also what she wanted too, to explore and expand her sexuality from within the marriage.

So in reality we have been in this LS all the time we have been together, she has had about 20 lovers normally seeing them long term but not at the same time! she is now 54,


I had the snip when she was 24, i was 29-30 by which time we had two children, i would have liked her to have had a third to her lover, shes never denied she took his cum regularly and would have carried his baby, that would have been difficult within the family as they knew id been snipped, so i suppose i would have been exposed as a cuck husband.

All her lovers have cum inside her unprotected body.

2nd, she went on to semi feminised me as she knew i would like this, ie: permanently allocated female underwear, painted toe nails, permanently collared and a CB, etc, its remained a secret from all friends and family, it would have been nice for her to have done this when i was in my 20s but wasnt to be.
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The only thing that ever caused any problem between us was when she decided to start trying to fuck the primary guy we played with, behind my back. I actually caught them fucking on two occasions and I’m certain there were several more times that I never knew about for certain. She would openly tell me about specific situations that were perfect opportunities for them to fuck, but always denied that anything happened. I never could quite understand exactly why she would not only not let me know of her intentions beforehand, but especially afterwards knowing full well that I would get so turned on and excited just hearing about it!?? Any thoughts on why she would have chosen this direction would be appreciated.
She sure does. It comes up, almost every time we fuck. I think it's why she figured she'd pull the trigger. She has been with many before me, and being spit roasted is something that turns her on a lot. She only did that once, when she was much younger. I love when she tells me stories about it and other things she's done.
I see....cream pies & sloppy seconds in your future!
Wait until she figures out she can "have her cake and eat it too!"
Fortunately, and somewhat uniquely, this is how our relationship began 30+ years ago and we've never regretted it. Our relationship has only gotten stronger over the years. The main point is make sure the underlying relationship is rock solid before venturing out on this journey. This is vital, in my experience, for enjoyment of this lifestyle.
Have shared my GF for 5 or 6 years now.
It started when she wanted to make $$$
fast & easy & wouldn't take it from me.
She was terrific at it. EVERY "date" she entertained saw he again & again. And some
still do.
We discovered that it turned us both on!
Not a bit of regret. Just fabulous orgasms..
wow that is awesome. Does she let you watch or listen?
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